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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Self Control... in response...

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
1 Peter 3:15

People of all kinds will ask constantly why we are "different," with respect to our faith and walk and witness.  Peter admonishes us, as I would admonish all I know, that we must be ready for those moments when they come.  However, please notice that it does not say that we are to press it onto people without regard to their level of readiness... it says they will ask, and we will answer.

There are those who witness in a pushy fashion, placing their beliefs into and onto others without asking first.  These people are rarely successful, and they lack the truth that we all have the CHOICE to make of whether or not to follow the One Way to the Father.  We can freely choose not to... the Bible tells us that to choose against God and Jesus is an error, so I will say that I did not make that error.  I choose Jesus.

Self control keeps me from pushing it onto others.  I am, however, ready to answer when asked.  So if you have questions, by all means ask them.  You will find that I have no issues answering and speaking from a place of honesty and experience (my own experiences), and that I will not lie to you about things I have done and said, or how I overcame the person I was... but I won't push that on you, either, until you ask.

Focus today on how you witness to others.  Do you meet them where they are?  Or do you expect them to make a leap of faith equivalent to jumping TO the top of the Sears Tower?  Most folks won't make that leap... not if they doubt or have questions.  So offer them the elevator, and meet them on the ground floor and ride up together.  I promise, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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