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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Self Control... in awareness...

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
1 Corinthians 10:13

I said I'd get to this topic in a later post, and I'm certain even I didn't think that meant I'd be typing it already this morning, but I feel in my heart that I must complete this thought.  It is a powerful realization that all Christians come to, when and where they arrive at it, and it always begins the same way.  It always starts with a statement that is similar to, but not exactly, "You know, I knew that... I just never relied on it."

Let me be crystal clear on this point, dear friends.  God is faithful.  We have been through several portions of this Scripture, specifically, which demonstrate the amazing character that God displays, and we have discussed how it cannot change.  His is a love of perfecting and patient holiness, one that will never leave us and never forsake us and never get smaller or thinner or shallower... never, ever.  He does provide a way out of all things, and I'll explain in a second.

The second point we must focus on is that all temptations are ABSOLUTELY common to mankind.  Every one of us goes through the same mud, spilling the same blood, regardless of where we live, how much money we have, what career we choose, what lifestyle we lead, etc.  We are all human, and we all wrestle with sin.  All of us.  Every single one.  It includes you, and it includes me.  And the way of escape mentioned briefly above is there every single time, but sometimes we choose not to look to it for relief and reprieve.  Let me repeat that: we CHOOSE not to look to it for relief and reprieve.

The way of escape is something we must also focus on.  Some people will think that this means that the impending execution for crimes committed over a life of lawlessness has a way of escape.  No.  The way of escape was present many, many times before that one, each time the sin was committed.  The execution is deemed punishment by a lawful system that was ordained by God, as God ordains all authority, and it has been rendered as punishment for a multitude of reasons.  (Knowing how difficult it is to reach that point in this day and age, there had to be many opportunities to turn away from that life available... but none were taken.)  We all fail to realize that the ripple effect is a powerful force, and one small sin can have massive repercussions in the lives of many people.  It is in that first sin, the one "small" thing, that the way of escape is present.  And God is faithful to place it there each time, but it gets harder and harder to see as we grow blind by the pleasures of the world.  We lose control.

The greatest principle here is that we are to maintain control by releasing control.  It is a part of the great reversal that exists onlt in Christianity: we die to live, the last becomes the first, the servant is the leader, and so on.  If we release ourselves to God and give it all over to Him, He will further enable us, through the Spirit, to maintain better self control.  We give it up to get it better.  

Take a moment today and think back to the chain reactions that have happened in your life.  I am thinking on mine, and I can tell you I need about three straight years of prostrate prayer just to go through a few of them.  Recognize where the hand of God caused you to turn and where He caused you to stop altogether, and say a prayer of thanks for each time you realized your way of escape.  Look more closely into each situation from now on, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

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