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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Put it on!!!

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
Ephesians 6:10-11

I guess I just couldn't wait to get into this one, because it is so powerful and so important a message that I must share it as it comes to me.  I have titled it appropriately, as I'm certain you'll see, because it is necessary for us to make the CHOICE to put on this armor.  And these first two verses of this passage are so very, very clear on that point.

To be "strong in the Lord" is a big deal.  God gives us everything, including and especially our strength.  Being strong in Him means that we have, to use a common phrase, "let go and let God" in our present situation.  Countless times throughout Scripture, whether it was a prophet or a child or even Jesus Christ in person, it is often mentioned that God gives that person the strength to continue.  Major athletes have said, at one time or another, that when they feel like they have nothing left, "something" kicks in after they pray.  My oldest and closest friend, when in the Marines, told me that in a swimming exercise, he thought he would drown... until "something" enabled him to continue after a prayer.  This "something" is an added measure of strength from the Lord to finish the task you are given.  And it comes to those who seek it, as many will attest. 

You'll say, "but then why doesn't everyone seek it?"  True enough; I wish they all would.  But there are some who actually believe they don't need it.  And, therefore, they stop when THEY stop, and fail to allow Him to continue in them.  I had this problem for years, in that I would start a study or a project, grow bored, and just give up.  But now, even when my flesh tells me that I could wait or stop or slow down, a powerful thought overcomes me, and I must put it on paper (or LCD, as it were) before I lose it.  That is what it means in my life to be "strong in the Lord."

And God's armor is probably heavy... which means we could not possibly lift it ourselves, without His assistance... just sayin...

It is in that moment that we must choose to put on the "full armor of God."  Please notice, beloved ones, it does not say to pick and choose the fashionable pieces.  Nor does it ask that we pick up only that which we feel we need.  It also does not invite us to seek sizes that fit "better" or differing colors of the armor to better reflect our personality or eye color or mood.  (I'm not digging at fashion, just expanding an example.)  It says to put on "the full armor," without reservation.  We'll get to the individual components later, don't worry.

And with this full armor, we are able to "stand against the Devil's schemes," as they assail us.  I've said it before, and I'll say it many times more: Spiritual warfare is a REAL thing.  The attacks against us are present and they are many, and some are so small and seemingly insignificant that we fail to give them proper credence.  But just imagine for me what the verse would say if you were able to pick and choose your armor.  Something like, "Put on the pieces of armor that you feel are necessary, because you only need to be guarded against this one specific type of attack, and the rest you can leave, because you're too smart to fall for trickery in those other areas."  Yeah.  Right.  We are all susceptible in every way, to every possible failing, at any given time, in any place.  We are human: flesh, flawed, failing, fickle, forgetful creatures who have no capacity for sustaining goodness in ourselves, apart from the Father.

Take time today to think about where you believe the proverbial chink in your armor exists.  Focus then on how important having all the armor on will be if there is definitely a weaker section (and there is, by the way, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not).  Say a prayer today, right now, for the armor of God to envelop you fully, so that you will be able to stand against the enemy, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!   

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