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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Faith... in closing...

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

Given my profession, I am blessed to see many countless occasions where this verse is recited appropriately over a loved one.  I see the family they left behind, and I recognize that the picture of it all from this view is humbling beyond anything imaginable.  Let me explain...

All of the people that I am blessed to serve have lost someone.  Regardless of the reason or individual circumstance, someone has taken their place in Heaven, and is no longer present here with us.  And this particular verse comes up frequently in these thousands of services.  This person fought the good fight, finished their personal course, and never lost faith.  They embodied a faith-filled approach to all things, and showed an example for all who came to follow.

And I am forced to ask myself, in true accountable form, whether I have continued fighting my fight with such fervor?  Do I run my course, even though panting?  Do I keep my faith, even in the face of terrifying opposition and dread?  I am ashamed to say that this is not always the case, and sometimes I do fall backwards, as we all do.  But people who have this verse read over them have a characteristic that we all must place into our lives and never let go of: stick-to-it-ive-ness!!!  That is what wins the battle after you slide back... you get up and keep moving!  You never let it stop you completely! 

However, it should be noted that you cannot finish a race that never begins, so it is important to know whether or not you have begun yours.  Mine began a long time ago, and I hope there are many, many more laps to go.  Sometime in the middle of the race, I decided to just watch from the bleachers for a while, but I'm back on my feet now and loving the exhaustion that comes from it all!  If you haven't started yet, or aren't certain if you have, please reach out to me in whatever capacity you are able, and I will endeavor to help you to either begin, or begin to see, your course.  It would be my greatest honor to do so.

And for those that are certain of your course and its beginning, please know that even though you see slight discomforts and you falter from time to time, the ending is already set.  Salvation is salvation, and it is complete and total and nothing can ever, ever, E-V-E-R undo it.  It is a gift granted by the One who created all things, and if He gives it, it is done.  Done.  Done.  Done!

Recognize your course today, and know that it is your faith that drives you to continue.  It is your faith that pushes you to want to take that next step forward, even though you may be weary and drained of all physical energy.  It is that faith that allows for your spirit to keep you excited about the goal, the prize upon which our eyes are forever fixed: Jesus!  Look up and thank Him for your faith today, and honor the Lord in how you show it to others.

God bless you all!!!

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