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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More... and more...

In the process of rediscovery, we sometimes have to step backwards in order to move forward.  This falls perfectly in line with the principle of the "great reversal" that is mentioned in a previous day's song, "All At War."  But do you know what happens in that process?  Each time we discover more... about Him!

"And the more You show me, the more You grow me, the more Your glory becomes all there is."
"The More" by downhere

His glory is what we are here to seek, just as He is who we are here to seek (Matthew 6:33).  And the greatest thing about Him is that, as we rediscovered yesterday, He is faithful when we fall.  His character is nothing less than perfect, and He cannot ever fail us... EVER!  And each time we see that, each time our faith is enhanced through an experience like that, we begin to know and retain a little more... about Him!

"And the more I know You, the more I need You, the more I love You, the more You become to me."
"The More" by downhere

And in this growth process, He literally becomes more, just as He should (John 3:30).  To be honest, He cannot become more, really, because He is already everything... but He becomes more to us as we allow ourselves to become less!  We step out of the way and allow just one more fold of His garment to fill the void that exists, and He grows in our perception.  And each time we allow this to happen, we show glory and honor to Him, and we recognize the truth that in order to lead, we must serve and follow (Luke 14:11).  And I know, I know... this is contrary to what celebrities and "worldly" people will tell you.  But keep in mind that God is God, and there is no other, and if I had to lay odds on who was going to be right in any situation, I'm going with God every time.

"I wanna give You every moment, every minute.  It takes a lifetime to know You."
"The More" by downhere

Please know, also, that this is a process of learning for us all.  Yes, I said for us all, excluding no person on the entire planet, in the past, present, or future.  No one has attained the full knowledge of all things about God.  No one on earth ever will.  We were made to seek, made to worship, made to serve the Creator and His purpose, for His pleasure... and know what He shows us (Ephesians 1:9).  And this process is a lifelong one, for each one of us.  We are always learning, every day in every way.

Remember: I wanna give You every moment, every minute.

God bless you all!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011


In giving thanks, we must also have a moment of realization about our study of the Word, and that comes through clearly in today's song.  We must understand that we are always learning, and always rediscovering truths about the Father that we did not know before.  We must also accept that we don't know Him as well as we would like... and we probably never will until we reach Heaven.

"The whole universe is witness to only a part of what You've done."
"Let Me Rediscover You" by downhere

Have you ever given thought to that?  The entire universe was created with a Word (Genesis 1)... but no part of the universe has seen all of the universe.  Therefore, if we personify the galaxies and the stars and the black holes that are out there, we see that no one part has seen it all, and that we are all only witness to a portion of His amazing works.  Therefore, we cannot possibly know all there is to know, and rediscovery of Him is paramount!  And in learning to see Him in all things, we rediscover new truths about how things work.

"Let me rediscover You, and breathe in me Your life anew.  Tell me of the God I never knew.  Oh, let me rediscover You."
"Let Me Rediscover You" by downhere

The first time I heard that chorus, I thought that the phrase "tell me of the God I never knew" sounded like something that would be said by someone who did not believe in God.  But after thinking on it, I realize that this phrase is powerful for the Christian, beyond anything I could have originally imagined.  We all have "stuff" in our lives, and all of that tends to shape our image of God... but it is not God's true self.  We cannot know that here on earth, in this life.  And as we see more of His true self in the small glimpses He allows for us, we do rediscover Him a little more each day.  In that vein, we get to "meet" Him all over again.  

Further, because His mercies are new each day (Lamentations 3:22-23), we rediscover how much He loves us with each and every missed step.  And we see it more and more and more clearly, each and every time we fail and fall and forget and show how fickle we are in our flesh.

"Of all the mysteries, still the greatest to me is that You're faithful when I fall.  How can I say I know You, when what I know is still so small?"
"Let Me Rediscover You" by downhere

His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9), and He does not fall to fleshly nonsense and frailty.  He is God!  To be clear, for emphasis...  HE.  IS.  GOD.  No one else is, and no one else will be.  The mystery of His faithfulness to us eludes us at every turn, and we cannot ever truly understand it in this life.  But as we progress and learn and grow and pray... and pray... and pray... and pray some more, we will grow closer to seeing more tiny slivers of truth of who He truly is, and how good He truly is.  So don't be discouraged by not knowing Him as well as you might have thought to did, but rather be encouraged by the opportunity to learn more about Him each moment!

Remember: Let me rediscover You.

God bless you all!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank You...

So we talked about how to be thankful for the tough stuff, and that is certainly not the easiest thing to do.  But now I want to do something a little easier... or perhaps, something harder.  You see, we spend so much time making sure that we carry the right attitude of thanks in the tough times (as we should) that we can sometimes run the risk of forgetting to maintain that attitude when there is nothing wrong.  It is important, folks, don't doubt it.

"Thank You God for the open sky; mysterious depths of her ocean eyes; thank You for my dreams; my dreams; a poetry both tragic and beautiful; thank You for life."
"For Life" by downhere

There are so very many things that we so very often take for granted, and we fail to remember just how powerful those moments are.  Can you remember the last time you heard a bird sing outside?  Or can you remember the last time you felt a refreshing breeze blow across your face?  What about that morning that you awoke to find the warm sun bathing down over you?  Such simple things... but they are the things that make memories, and they are blessings from God.  Think about the last time someone told you a story that was a great memory.  There are always details to add to the color of the experience, and each and every one should be a reason to give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

"For everything revealed to see; for what's kept in mystery"
"For Life" by downhere

And then there are things that are revealed to us for which we should be thankful, just as there are things that are not revealed to us for which we should be thankful.  Have you ever thought about the possibility (really a fact, but we'll just work with "possibility" for now) that certain things have not yet been revealed to us as a human race, to you, to me, simply because we are not yet ready to understand them?  Or how about because we are not capable of understanding them?  You see, there was this Guy, and He had a way of teaching in parables...

"For this reason I speak to them in parables, because looking they do not see, and hearing they do not listen or understand."
Matthew 13:13

Hold on for this one, because it's gonna smart a little... we are not ready to understand it all, and that's why some things are not yet revealed.  That's it.

"Behind every wonder I find a clue; beginning to believe that it's coming true.  I look unto a new rose dawn debut, because with every breath You make me new.  Before I turn it in tonight; thank You, God"
"For Life" by downhere

Friends, don't make the mistake of not being thankful for all the things in your life right now, both good and not so good.  And never forget that God blesses us with all things (James 1:17), and He is always present with us.  Don't become so used to the small beauties of perfect harmony and breezy afternoons in the park and refreshing rain that you fail to thank the Father for His provision.

Remember: Thank You, God, for life.

God bless you all!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The heartbreak...

I'm glad we covered that He is present with us at all times.  But when we feel like we're alone for a moment, isn't it just the most gut-wrenching thing you've ever felt?  And doesn't you heart just break in two?  And in all the other hard times in life, don't you sometimes feel like giving thanks would be impossible?  For a few days now, we've been discussing this theme, and it must come to this today, because we must remember to give thanks (1Thessalonians 5:18).  In all things we must remember where to place our trust (Proverbs 3:5-6).

"I will not be shaken by the troubles up ahead.  I'd rather trust Your goodness instead.  Thank You for the heartbreak."
"For the Heartbreak" by downhere

Tough times come, folks.  There is no way to avoid that truth, and no amount of positive thinking that will erase the fact that we, as Christians, are called to suffer and serve.  (Besides, our reward is not in this earthly life, anyway, right [2 Timothy 4:7-8]?)  But, just as we must go from protesting to praising God, and we must acknowledge that He is with us, we must also give thanks in ALL THINGS!  I challenged my high school small group to look into their course of life and see where God had caused a turn at times, and if in retrospect it seemed clearer than it did at the moment.  Each one said that they were mad when "whatever it was" happened that changed the current circumstance of "whatever was happening," but in looking back on it, they are glad it happened the way it did. 

Hang on, because this one is a toughie... God knows what He is doing... always (Romans 8:28).

"I won't trust my senses over anything You say.  It's harder, but it's better this way.  Thank You for the heartbreak."
"For the Heartbreak" by downhere

We all tend to think, from time to time, that we know better.  Here's another tough point... ready?  We don't.  I don't.  You don't.  We don't know better than God, and trusting in ourselves brings only ruin and pain (Proverbs 16:18).  And that discipline of correction is a blessing, which is why we should give thanks for it (Hebrews 12:6). 

And here's the real meat and potatoes of this, so pay close attention.  God has to save a remnant, but you and I don't have to be a part of that remnant.  That means that He didn't "have to" have the Spirit urge you to accept salvation and eternal forgiveness at all.  And if He didn't "have to" one time, He certainly does not "have to" many times over until we finally get it.  So if He shows us this love through correction and bringing us always closer and back on a path to Him each time, why would have any other response than to give thanks each time we experience a heartbreak?  Because, if you think about it, I would bet that a vast majority of those hurts helped you to rely less on the world and yourself, and more on Him.

"What if the road to the goal were the easiest road... and I never learned what I know?"
"For the Heartbreak" by downhere

Imagine if it were just handed to us... would that be the same?  We have to learn and grow and change and adjust and re-adjust and re-adjust again and again!  And again!  Otherwise, what would be the point?  If we never learned through our experiences, both good and bad, how to rely more and more and more on the Father, what good could we ever accomplish in His service for the Kingdom?  The question is, what are you relying on now?

Remember: Thank You for the heartbreak.

God bless you all!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Not alone...

I have been edging toward this particular truth for a few days now, and it is time we see the reality that we can joyously hold to.  It is time that we collectively open our minds to an amazing fact that somehow manages to escape us from time to time.  It is time to recognize and admit that we are never, ever alone... never (Hebrews 13:5).

"There's no easy answer, but one thing you should know; you're not alone."
"You're Not Alone" by downhere

One thing that we must learn to avoid is the statement that "God wasn't there," or "God left us."  As pointed out yesterday, He doesn't leave us.  We leave Him.  God's character is holy and perfect and pure, and if He says that He will never leave (Hebrews 13:5), then He cannot ever leave, because that would contradict His character.  He is there, each and every time we fail, providing our way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).  He is there, each and every time we feel alone and lost in the dark (Psalm 23:4).  And He is here, with me as I type and with you as you read, right now.  You cannot change His place any more than you can change His placement as Creator over the creature.  He is always there.

"A promise you can always hold: you're not alone."
"You're Not Alone" by downhere

A promise.  Have you ever broken a promise?  I have.  In truth, I have broken many more than I would dare admit in this setting, and I have broken some of them many more times that I would care to admit in any setting.  The truth is, all of us have.  God, on the other hand, has not.  Think on that for a moment... He has never broken a promise He made.  Never.  He flooded the earth, and the promised He would never do it again (Genesis 9:11).  He promised that there would always be a faithful remnant alive to carry on His Word (Ezekiel 6:8-9).  To date, there has only been one flood, and there are still God-fearing people alive... promises kept.  So why would anyone doubt His presence?

"Reach out, don't reach within.  I'm at the door if you'll just let Me in.  Reach out for what you need.  What you won't find in yourself, you will find in Me."
"You're Not Alone" by downhere

See, the issue we often face is one of self-decision.  We learn something, and all of a sudden think that we can do {insert task} all on our own with no assistance from any being in the universe, and that we no longer need to pray over it either, because we're just that good.  That.  Is.  Wrong.  Prayer is more powerful than anything, yet it is almost always the first thing sacrificed as we begin to reach into our own being, into our own strength for success.  And what happens?  Failure.  And the failure comes because the missing piece to the puzzle is not in ourselves or in other people... it is in God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.

"You're not alone, hear the voice whisper to your soul: 'I'll never leave or let you go.'"
"You're Not Alone" by downhere

He will never leave us.  Never, ever, ever.  And when we are in the middle of going from protest to praise, He is right there.  He brings us through it, bettering and refining us every step of the way.  The question is, are you aware of Him near you now?

Remember: You're not alone.

God bless you all!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

From this to that...

Before starting this, I want to be clear on the point that God never leaves us.  He is always there... it is us who walk away, turn our backs, ignore, avoid, etc.  It is not He that creates the divide.  Know that first.

"I knew the times would come, and now the times have landed with stinging abrasion."
"From Protest to Praise" by downhere

There are times when we suddenly feel very alone.  These times are moments that usually arrive due to consequence from something, and we are left to really think about whatever it was we did to deserve this feeling, and really be introspective about it.  If you have a conscience, these times hurt a little when they arrive, and it seems as though you are really alone.  But wait...

"As ready as I seem to be, it's never like I planned it."
"From Protest to Praise" by downhere

We plan and prepare and study and try to do right and righteous things, and we are aware that less-than-positive circumstances will occur in life (because every day certainly is NOT a Friday), but the ones we are ready for seem to be the ones that don't happen.  Then, when we prepare for different ones entirely, the first set that we are now not prepared for finally arrives.  And then this happens to each and every person on this planet...

"I'm wrestling my thoughts; I'm overcome.  'Would You give me up,' I'm asking, Lord?  There's nowhere I sense Your presence here... so I will cry out until I go from protest to praise."
"From Protest to Praise" by downhere

We begin to wrestle with whether or not we are following the right path, because our minds start to wander.  Human justifications and explanations begin to seep in, and doubt arises.  Then, in a wondrous moment, our faith comes alive and reminds us of a powerful and unavoidable truth: we were not made to understand, but to worship!  Therefore, we cry to the Lord in protest of ourselves (introspectively and collectively), and we keep screaming until that protest becomes praise (Habakkuk... all of it).  We place our confidence in God, for both our trials and our triumphs.

"It seems like eternity has made a home between us."
"From Protest to Praise" by downhere

And then it comes again, because life happens.  And all of a sudden, that chasm is great and vast and scary and dark, and we have focused so heavily on other things that through the haze we barely see the Lord across the great division that WE CREATED.  But, Christian sibling, I want you to picture what happens when we realize this and cry to the Lord with honest hearts.  Into that chasm descends a Man, placing one hand on one cliff and the other hand on the opposite cliff, creating a bridge between us and the Father.  This Man, arms outstretched, allowing us to approach the Father through Himself (John 14:6), is fixed in this moment in the position and shape of a cross that bridges the gap between the awful and sinful and wretched beings we are (each and every one of us, without exception [Romans 3:10]) and the perfect and holy and pure God and Creator of us and everything we see.  Sound familiar?

"You're changing me slow but surely, and You're gonna see me to the end."
"From Protest to Praise" by downhere

We are on a path, friends... and it is the right path, whether you see that in this moment or not.  I would encourage you, though, to seek Him first (Matthew 6:33), so that He can bring you from protest to praise in whatever circumstance you may be facing.  And He will see it through (Philippians 1:6), you can count on it.  The question is, will you cry out to Him?

Remember: You're always amazing me!

God bless you all!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Don't miss...

There are many things in life that we must face each day, and one of them is the difficulty to remain the same Christian person 100% of the time.  Anyone I know will tell you that this is a struggle, and I can admit that it is difficult for me, as well.  We have, sometimes, only one opportunity to share Christ with people that we meet...

"Just don't miss now."
"Don't Miss Now" by downhere

I wrestle with the right responses that I know I should have, because the flesh usually wants to respond exactly opposite to the Spirit (Romans 7:15-24).  It is certainly not the easy topic to tackle... especially when we think about how easily we allow our guard to slip while we are at home.  We become relaxed and allow the mind to drift, and before we can catch ourselves, we've said something we shouldn't have to the most important people in our lives.  Or, if not words, we have used a tone that should not have been present.  Sometimes, this battle to maintain control is not an easy one to win, because the world will tell you that you don't need to have your guard up when you're at home with your family... but God will tell you that your family is where you should be on guard against the enemy at your fullest potential, because THAT is where the enemy will strike.

"You know the reward is rich if you persist through the darkest battles."
"Don't Miss Now" by downhere

We have seen that He calms our storms, and that He is burdening us with the things that we know we should do, and that He is fashioning us into what we were meant to be... and we have seen that He bled and died for us, was tempted for us, stands on the precipice of difficulty with us, and empowers us to move forward by His grace.  We know that He is the only thing worthy of the descriptor "awesome."  And yet for all these things we know, we still fall short at times... well, at least, I do. 

But more than that, what happens when we are successful in other areas?  Do we still view those moments as trials?  Can it be said of you that you consider how well you win to be just as important a test as how well you lose?  For instance, if you are working toward a goal and you achieve it, is it you that won?  Do you place glory upon yourself for being good enough?  Or do you give glory to the Father?  Granted, there are things at which we are all blessed to be successful, and we do well in them because God has given us those talents.  There are also times when it is perfectly fine to celebrate victory and/or accomplishment.  But in your heart of hearts, do you thank God for being with you? 

"All that you're working for can blind you to the treasures all around you.  Don't miss these moments, please."
"Don't Miss Now" by downhere

Again, Christian, do not doubt that you are not alone.  God is with you, and the difficulties you face are the same ones that all of us face (1 Corinthians 10:13).  Our goal is to live a life that honors Christ (Colossians 3:5) in all things, whether good or bad, in joy and in sorrow.  The question is, are you actively aiming at the bull's-eye?

Remember: Just don't miss now.

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Making us...

Today, I would like to ask for you to indulge me for just a moment, and think back to a question from yesterday.  When was the last time you tried to make yourself into something better?  I have tried, Lord knows, and failed every single time.  I fail because the storm that approaches in dispute of my efforts is too powerful for my arms and oars, and I am unable to steady my vessel.  Or, because I am in my own strength and not God's in that moment, perhaps it is just that I don't persevere enough to see the task through, because the shore of my destination seems just out of reach of my ability.  Either way, the truth remains that I am trying to do it on my own... and that won't work.

"Lord help me be the one You're making me."
"Making Me" by downhere

Those trials, as we discussed, are all a part of the fashioning of each one of us into what we were meant to be.  Each and every difficulty, from the stubbed toe to the financial crisis to the life-threatening illness, is there to refine us and help us to share our testimony.  Further, each trial we face and overcome gives credence to the grace that flows through us, because of Christ.  Each one aids our testimony... no, it BUILDS our testimony, so that we can be a better witness to others.  He meets us where we are, even and especially in times of great distress, and sometimes we just need a small glimpse of the potential we have through Him to overcome.

"Lord help me see the one You're making me."
"Making Me" by downhere

And then we catch that glimpse, but for some reason we manage to still turn our backs and grow haughty in our own "wisdom."  Why?  Put simply, it's because we are involved in the process.  Flesh fails fantastically, friends!  And then what happens?  We remember that He is there, and we focus on the truth that He is building us into something (Philippians 2:12-13).  We remember that He has a plan (Romans 8:28).  We remember that He is faithful, and will see us through to the finish (Philippians 1:6). 

It must be made clear, though, that this is not done by magic.  God is not a street corner trickster.  He is the Creator, Almighty God, Lord of all. 

"By His eye a tendril fell; He cast a Word, but not a spell."
"Making Me" by downhere

He spoke and we were.  He spoke.  That's not magic, friends.  The same is true for the Word that has been cast for us and for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we will have an easy and pleasing and happy life on earth... those are man's inventions for how the "good life" looks.  And that slight-of-hand explaining is what draws our attention from the Lord.  Put your focus back where it should be (Hebrews 12:2), and know that He is making you and me both.

"It's all tied up, it's all done; I was a cancer, but You have made me a son!"
"Making Me" by downhere

You, Christian, are a child of the Living God.  You are facing whatever you are facing, and you have the power of Heaven backing you.  Your Father is with you.  I guarantee you, you are not alone in this trial or any other.  I know this, because you and I are not just going to Heaven, but we are going in as co-heirs with the Son (Romans 8:17).  The question is, will you acknowledge Him and let Him help?

Remember: Lord help me be the one You're making me.

God bless you all!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The calmer...

Do you know what is truly amazing about that moment when you realize you've been towed out beyond your own limits?  Have you thought about what it means to be out in that open ocean, under God's power, with the burden of His truth on you?  Isn't that awesome!  And then, inevitably, something happens... a storm comes.

"Teach me Lord to have faith in what You're bringing me will change my life, and bring You glory."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere

The odd thing about these storms is the way they look.  One the one hand, we sail out into the ocean and are tossed and turned and fear being capsized by the sea itself.  It is literal, external, powerful and frightening.  This would be the storm of the world that rages against us (Matthew 10:22) as we stand for God's Word and His church (something my 8 year-old son will tell you is "a people, not a steeple").  This storm is viscious and violent and vibrant with motion.  But it is not the worst one.

"When I'm rolling in my bed, there's a storm in my head; I'm afraid of sinking in despair."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere

The other storm is the one that rages within us... the one that exists when the sinner inside begins to stir up trouble, or when we take our eyes off the Lord (Hebrews 12:2).  This storm is more dangerous, because it is the nature inside us fighting the nurture blessed into us, and that old sin nature tells us we can't and we're not good enough.  The sad part is, our nature is correct... but it is our nurture from Christ that makes us good enough and proves that we, indeed, CAN (Philippians 4:13)!  We can overcome the storm inside us, but only... ONLY... through Christ's blessing and strength.

"There on the storm, I am learning to let go of the will that I so long to control.  There may I be in Your arms eternally... I thank You, Lord, You are the calmer of the storm."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere

Think of the last storm you faced for a moment.  Perhaps it was some time back, and perhaps it is recent and fresh in your memory.  When you tried (and I know you tried) to overcome it on your own, were you successful?  Were you able to navigate the choppy waters with your oars alone, working under your own power and strength?  And when did you finally pray and ask the Father to stand for you, with you, around you, and move the vessel where it needed to be?  When His power came over you, and the storm began to subside, did you recognize how unspeakably awesome He is (Matthew 8:23-27)?

"'Cause I'm a child of little faith.  I feel the wind and forget Your grace.  And You say, 'Peace, be still.'"
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere  

It should be noted, to be fair, that all storms will not immediately be calmed.  Some things in life we bring upon ourselves, and we must endure them.  Some things are brought to us as a test of our character.  But when a storm needs calming, it is God who does it.  And I will say this as plainly as I possibly can: there is no substance, no person, no book, no movie, no philosophy, no science, no song, no NOTHING that can even hold a candle to the immense power of God, to the expansive love that He shows us.  He is the answer... the ONLY answer.

"There on the storm, teach me, God, to understand of Your will that I just cannot control.  There may I see all Your love protecting me... I thank You, Lord, You are the calmer of the storm." 
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere 

Say a prayer of thanks today, as God is helping through all circumstances to make you and me into what we are supposed to be.  Storms will come, and we know this... but instead of focusing on how big the storm is, how about we change our focus to how big God is?  

Remember: You are the calmer of the storm.

God bless you all!!! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

The burden...

Blessed friends, as we are pulled out into the greater ocean of service, there is one thing that must be real: we must have a burden upon us to know what we can do, and how we can do it.  And we must recognize that while we are now operating under God's power within us, we need His wisdom to show us what is right and wrong.

"I need Your true conviction; take my life in Your hands.  Would You break my heart for the things that break Your heart?"
"Break My Heart" by downhere

We sail out into the depths, and sometimes we can see things in our own light.  Something that we may view as "acceptable" or "just the way it is" might be on a totally different plane for the Lord God of Hosts.  We need His conviction about these things, friends.  Clearly, there are things in the Bible that are written down for all of us to see that God hates.  Let me say that again: there are things He hates.  As followers, should we not hate the same things?

"I seek no signs or wonders; I need on miracles.  They are just a swirling dust trail behind everywhere You go."
"Break My Heart" by downhere

So often, when in the midst of a crisis of conscience, we find ourselves seeking a miracle or a sign or some answer beyond the Bible.  If we're honest, this is probably due to our dislike of the answer in the Bible.  But what did Jesus say to those seeking a sign?  He wasn't happy about it, and promised that they would not see one at all (Mark 8:12).  We are to operate on faith, knowing that God knows what is going on. 

"Is there a better reason to do what I know is right?"
"Break My Heart" by downhere

Is there?  Honestly, if you really think about it, is there any better reason to do what we know we should?  Is there a better reason to stand for God and His purpose?  I mean, really... is there any reason that you can think of?  And regardless of any "better" reason, is there even any OTHER reason?  We have been saved from eternal hell and damnation, granted grace and peace and freedom beyond anything we can imagine, and our right response should be to follow His Word.  Because in accepting Him, we accept...

"To carry Your cross, to wear Your Name"
"Break My Heart" by downhere

This is what we've accepted.  This is the burden we've asked for.  Thankfully, we are able to carry it, because of the strength we are blessed to use (Philippians 4:13).  But the question remains, are you ready to do what is right?

Remember: Break my heart with the things that break Your heart.

God bless you all!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not our power...

So we've been given a pretty specific call, right?  It's fairly clear that we are charged with the spreading of the Gospel of Christ, the Truth of eternal salvation through Christ, right?  And we know that we are both sinner and saint together, incapable fo carrying out such a task on our own, in our flesh, right?  So what now?  What do we do to get from the pit we're in to the path we should be on?
"Anchor up, tow me out of this pit I'm dreading.  Turn this vessel's path around."
"Headed" by downhere

We need to understand that we accept the pulling of the Spirit, and we seek the gift of salvation from Christ, and we decide to accept that gift into our lives.  And when we do that, we gain a more powerful engine than just the sad little trolling motor that we are born with.  All of a sudden, we have a massive engine on the back that allows us to move away from the trap of sitting still and doing nothing.  It is an engine filled with God's power... not our own.

"I look above, I'm in love with the pace You're setting!  From this stream we're ocean bound."
"Headed" by downhere

You see, we got into the stream, but were unable to even navigate that on our own.  Imagine if we had made it to the ocean without the power of God within us!  Or, better still, do you suppose we were in that ocean, and the waves forced us into this stream because we couldn't possibly keep up?  Think about it...

"And I know for sure I'm headed straight for the edge, 'cause that's just where You are!"
"Headed" by downhere

We are charged with heading straight for the edge of the line, standing firm for Christ and the Gospel, regardless of what is brought to us in the world.  And as things come to us that will undoubtedly seem negative at times, never doubt that God can use anything for His will and purpose.  He can use ANYTHING for good!  But if we never give Him the chance... if we cower in the corner and refuse to step forward and allow Him to tow us into the deeper waters... then what kind of spirit are you operating under (2 Timothy 1:7)?  Are you showing the trust you should in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6)?  The question is, have you raised your anchor yet?

Remember: 'Cause that's just where You are!

God bless you all!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

What it means...

What does it mean to answer the call to discipleship?  What does it mean to follow the way of the Christ?  What does it mean to openly and completely follow the One that made all things?
"I'm moved by this grace again, and again; Your love so complete; how can I explain?  I want to live for You... oh, I want to live for You."
"Live For You" by downhere

The grace we have been given is immense, Christian.  And it frees us from the necessity of performing works, which could never have saved us anyway (Ephesians 2:8-9).  It frees us from the trappings of our flesh, as there was no possibility of humanity maintaining the law.  It would never have happened, I promise.  And that grace is what causes us to cry out, "Here I am, Lord, send me!"  But what does it mean?  What is it to live inside the will of the Father, in the missionary call placed onto and into us?

In Greek, the word "euangelizo" (εὐαγγέλιον in Greek proper) literally translates to "evangelism."  And the definition of evangelism is "the spreading of the Christian Gospel" or "zealous advocacy of a cause."  When you and I became Christians, we accepted this Gospel, and everything in it.  We accepted the Father and the Son and the Spirit, and we were made anew, saved for all eternity.  And we became washed in the Blood of Christ, covered in grace, and freed from any works-based system for salvation.  But a part of the Gospel is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), which tells us to go and share the Gospel.

"Prepare now the mission, plant in me a dream; I'll give You back the life You've given me.  All You've given me."
"Live For You" by downhere

Our mission has been prepared, and it is the same for all of us... yet different for all of us.  We all are charged with the sharing and representation of the Gospel, but we will not all do it the same way.  Some will write, some will speak, some will preach, some will teach, some will sing and some will make music... but we all have a call, and we all have a responsibility to share the Gospel.  These acts, what some will call "works," we call service.  And this service shows the whole world that our faith is NOT dead (James 2:17).  We are alive.  Very, very much alive.  The question I put to you today, is whether or not you will answer this call that has been placed upon you?

Remember: I want to live for You!

God bless you all!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A realization...

Today is another one that will have no link to a lyric video, but this song is a necessary one to download, for anyone.  You simply must have it.  And the reason it's so important is because this song speaks to a truth unmentioned from yesterday, one which I'm sure you have already realized: we are called to missionary service, but we are incapable of fulfilling that call completely without Christ (John 15:5).

"Surrender... surrender... surrender, all these things to You; all my life to You; all my dreams to You; I keep falling in surrender to You."
"Surrender" by downhere

There is a calling laid upon each of us, as mentioned yesterday, and sometimes it comes really quietly.  Other times, it comes in a thunderous roar.  The point of our walk and our mission, as individuals, is to be faithful to that calling.  We must persevere.  But then something happens, and all of a sudden we feel like we cannot go on any further.  Our flesh kicks in, and we realize that we have not yet surrendered ourselves fully to His will. 

Know this, blessed ones, and never forget it: the moment you resign yourself fully to the will of God for your life, what He is capable of doing with your service is so far beyond anything you can ever dream!  As my senior pastor says often, "When our faith intersects with His faithfulness, miracles happen!" 

"In this fall without a bottom, the deeper my surrender, the higher we will rise!"
"Surrender" by downhere

Have the faith necessary to surrender your life, your dreams, your very being into His hands.  He is, as we said yesterday, able and beyond able to do anything (Ephesians 3:20).  Anything is a tough word to break down, but that is what God can do... ANYTHING!  The question is, will you be faithful to be a part of that?

Remember: Surrender... surrender... surrender.

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here I am...

Today, blessed ones, we are going to look to a song that drove directly into the hearts of Christians everywhere, and did not let go.  It is a fundamentally truth-filled piece of music, one which shows both who we are and Whose we are, and speaks directly to the desire for true discipleship.  And it is appropriate to use this one today, I think, because we just covered the desire to become more heavenly (or even something heavenly at all), and we covered the war that rages within us between our sin nature and Christ's nurture.  And so we proclaim...

"Here I am; Lord, send me!"
"Here I Am" by downhere

We come to His altar, and we are ready to serve.  It is only in discipleship that we take on the calling to "take up your cross," after all (Luke 9:23).  And in standing ready to go, proclaiming "Here I am!  Send me(Isaiah 6:8)," we show the Lord that we are willing to accept His will for our lives, and surrender ourselves to Him completely.  We openly accept whatever may come, knowing that He will deliver us to and through it all, for the glory of His Name.

"Somehow my story (all my story) is part of Your plan."
"Here I Am" by downhere

And accepting the path He lays before us does not mean that it will be all wine and roses.  Some of us, myself most definitely included, have to go through things to recognize and realize just how awesome God is.  Without my failures in life, without my mistakes and wrong choices, without all the tears I have shed over my own self-deprecating behavior in my past, I would not have come to the place I am in now.  And I would venture to guess that the same can be said of you, my Christian sibling.  If you look hard enough, you just might start to see His hand blessing you to turn in some places, and not to turn in others (Proverbs 16:9).   

"In this mess, I'm just one of the pieces.  I can't put this together, but You can."
"Here I Am" by downhere

He is able, friends.  He is able, beyond anything we can think or imagine or dream.  He is able to right the puzzle of your life and mine, and put all pieces (including you and me) right where they belong.  The question that remains is whether or not we will allow Him to direct that placement... will you?

Remember: Here I am, Lord, send me!

God bless you all!!! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My own worst enemy...

I'll apologize up front, because this one does not have a link to watch/listen to a song... but you should download it, for sure, and make it a part of your normal playlist.  That way, when it pops up at "random" times, you'll be able to remember the truths contained within it.  Believe me, it's one of the more important ones we'll cover.

"If I had not such a blind spot, would I have a less difficult time surrendering my ways?  I would hang on every word You say!"
"Something Heavenly" by downhere

Our blind spots are pretty magnificent, you know?  I mean, people know all about blind spots in a car, and they are fixed and immovable, and we do our very best to add mirrors and drive safely, so that we can eliminate them and ensure safety.  But this blind spot is different.  You see, it moves... a lot... to wherever we want it to block out what we don't want to see or admit to. 

You ready for the worst part?  It's us that moves it.  I do it, you do it, the guy or gal in the cubicle or office next to you does it, and we all CHOOSE to make it acceptable, because it is for us.  Interesting, right?

While that may (and should) sting a little, the song goes on to point out that Jesus still chooses us (Romans 5:8), His church, the Body of Christ, Christian believers, and makes each of us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The vocalist makes it very personal, showing a TON of accountability and honesty, and draws the listener right into the emotion of the moment.

"Why so big a place for me in Your heart; to leave Your glory home just to make a broken man Your own?"
"Something Heavenly" by downhere

And, reaching back to a truth from "The Problem," the song points out vividly that it is I who am my own worst enemy.  I am the flesh that makes the decision to become a Christian, and then makes choices following that to sin.  I, myself, am the one who decides to follow wrong things, listen to wrong things, watch wrong things, indulge in wrong things... Christian brother or sister, don't ever dare to say "the devil made me do it," because if Christ is in you, then the enemy is not.  And that means that the sinner inside you is you.  Yet take heart, because with Christ in you, you are a different being altogether (Romans 8:10). 

"I'm so far; stay close to me."
"Something Heavenly" by downhere

His grace is what we need, blessed friends... nothing else (2 Corinthians 12:9).  And it is His grace that lifts us up on wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31), and allows us to continue.  And He will bring us to that place where we are, finally, something Heavenly (Philippians 1:6).

Remember: Please don't let me get the better of me; take this earthly thing and make it finally something heavenly.

God bless you all!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The war...

Today I would ask that you focus closely on the lyrics of the song we're going to examine.  This is one of those songs that is written in poetic triumph, but backed with pure blessing, and it must be heard by all Christians everywhere.

"The sinner and the saint, the old arch-enemies, all at war in me."
"All At War" by downhere

The song describes our lives as being within the "law of inversion; and it's all turned around."  I cannot think of a more accurate description, honestly, other than another line later in the tune, which I'll get to in a moment.  We all walk that line, though, between thinking of justice and thinking of mercy.  We fight this battle against ourselves, within ourselves, every moment of every day.  We are, even as Christians, at war between our nature of sin and our nurture from Christ.

And as we face these trials, we become more and more aware of the need to triumph over the sinner within us.  As mentioned yesterday, it is the flesh that causes the problem... but this song accurately points out that within us, also, is a saint!  Christ in us IS the solution, and He rectifies the problem of our flesh in an eternal sense.  However, He does not turn us into a robot that only makes good and great choices, which is why we still fail as Christians... you see, we fail because we are involved.  But be encouraged by this...

"Into Your great reversal, I am born again."
"All At War" by downhere

He has made it to where we give in order to receive (Luke 6:38); we follow in order to lead (Matthew 20:16); we die in order to live (Galatians 2:20)!  That is the principle of "great reversal" the song speaks of, and it is as real as the air we breathe.  It is something for which we should be forever thankful.  And we must also remember, always and everywhere, to continue fight on the side of the saint within us, and not give in to the sinner.  They are both very much there, and very real... anyone who says otherwise is simply a fool.

Remember: I was born depraved, but created for the Divine!

God bless you all!!! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The problem...

I gotta be frank with you, folks... today is going to be a little bit uncomfortable for all of us.  And I say this, because as we approach the altar of God, we inevitably forget that it is only ourselves we can bring.  We want to bring forth other problems, blaming the world's follies on other things, looking through what we perceive to be the "big picture viewer" and assuming we are wise for doing so.  But the problem stems from one thing, and one thing only... me.

"I'm not a prodigy!"
"The Problem" by downhere

I say "me," not literally referencing myself as the root cause of all problems with the world.  I'll explain how that ties to it in a second... but think of what I am, and what you are, that is similar.  We are flesh.  And it is the flesh, the sin nature, the nature which we carry from conception (Psalm 51:5) which causes the problems.  The sin within us produces desires to go and do and say things that we shouldn't... and sometimes we are successful in fighting that urge.  Other times, we are not.

I called a friend of mine, and I told him that this was a perfect song, because I know who causes all the problems, and I can point them out with little to no effort.  Of course, I was employing severe sarcasm in this, and he responded in the same sarcasm, and then I shared with him the final choral ending of the song, one which I believe should be on your lips and mine every day.

"The sooner you can sing along; the sooner you can sing this song, the happier we'll be.  'The problem with the world is me.'"
"The Problem" by downhere

We can name and list and identify all kinds of things wrong in the world, and we can seek apology from all kinds of entities and organizations that don't line up with our particular ideology or theology, but the one thing we often fail to do is look to a passage like Philippians 2:12b as it tells us that we should...

"... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling..."
Philippians 2:12b

Seek Him first (Luke 12:31-34), and don't try, as stated yesterday, to bring the whole world to the altar.  That has been done already, friends, by our Savior and Redeemer... Jesus Christ!  Instead, as I often tell my small group of high school boys I teach, you need to own who and what you are: a sinner, born of flesh and redeemed of the Spirit.

Remember: The problem with the world is me.

God bless you all!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

His altar...

As we come to the altar before Him, presenting ourselves a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), we need to be grateful that His is an altar of love.  His perfect and holy love is present there when we arrive, wherever that may be, with our broken spirit (Psalm 51:17).  This is where we come to die to our flesh (Galatians 2:20).

"Yes, you come here to die, but you know that it's good, because you come out alive... you come out ALIVE!"
"The Altar of Love" by downhere

That is the major difference between what the world offers and what the Lord offers: we know that it's good.  We KNOW.  So lay all your trappings aside as you approach, because carrying the world to the altar is not our purpose.  Carrying ourselves to the altar IS our purpose, and we must lay ourselves completely down to Him in surrender.  And why must we do this, some may ask?  Because He did it first (1 John 4:19).  He loved us enough to do it... shouldn't we love Him enough to do the same (Mark 12:30).  So...

"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God."
Romans 12:2

Remember: You come out ALIVE!

God bless you all!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

He will...

We're going to look at another truth of His amazing love for us today, in that He died for us when we most definitely did not deserve it (Romans 5:8).

"Yes, I'm gonna bleed for this love."
"Bleed For This Love" by downhere

To put a blunt point on it, fellow Christian, we deserve nothing short of hell and death and damnation.  We are awful, fickle, wretched things, in and of ourselves.  It is Christ in us who blesses us with the grace that we NEED, and because of that grace, we are able to commune with the Father.  Without that grace, we are nothing... less than nothing.  And He loved us so much that He came and bore the punishment for us all (Isaiah 53:5) and died carrying our sins (1 Peter 2:24), even though He was BLAMELESS!  Just like yesterday's song, I will ask if there is any being or creature you can name that has done anything even remotely similar to that for you...

This is why we serve... this is why we bow... it is not out of terror or cowering or kowtowing to someone wielding power.  It is out of awe-inspired respect for a love that passes all understanding, and is literally unbelievable!  We don't think often about just how difficult it is to believe that He could love us that much, and yet He does, and more so than we can possibly fathom!  He bled and died, once for all, and rose again to conquer sin and death and hell itself.  Among all the miracles shown to humanity, none compare to this miraculous love that shines to and through us still today.

Put simply, He served in my place and yours for my sins and yours, past, present and future, and He took upon the weight of all our iniquities to redeem us and reconcile us back to the Father from whence we came.  For that reason, I will forever take a knee and serve in whatever capacity He asks of me.

Remember: I'm gonna bleed for this love.

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How many...

We have to take a look today at how God loves us, as a matter of His character.  Know this, friends, that God and His character are immutable, meaning that neither can change... ever.  And with all power, all knowledge and being everywhere in time and space at once, God never changes.  His love IS that amazing!  So I pose to you a question: how many love you that much?

"Only one did that for me!"
"How Many Kings" by downhere

Only one... more properly, THE only One... Jesus Christ, the Son of God, yet one with God and the Spirit in the Holy Trinity, the Creator, the Righteous Judge, the Alpha and Omega... loves us that much and that perfectly.  And it is shown every day in the salvation we are blessed to have.  Never forget that. 

I would ask you to examine, also, if there are any people (like celebrities) or things (like sports, hobbies or TV) that receive more worship-like attention than the Savior does in your life.  Then, if you find anything, ask yourself if that person/thing is worthy of such attention.  It is humbling and hurts a little to really be honest about it, but so helpful for remembering Who it is we serve... and Who served in our place!

We are to present ourselves a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and sacrifice is made upon an altar... let's be grateful that His is an altar of perfect love. 

Remember: Only one did that for me!

God bless you all!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Further orientation...

I mentioned yesterday that we should guard our steps (Ecclesiastes 5:1) and not approach boastfully.  But I want to be clear on the reason for that...

“Who was and is and is to come, the Father, Spirit and the Son; holy, holy, holy One; holy, holy God!”  “Holy” by downhere 

This is Who we approach.  This is Who we pray to.  This is Who we worship... and He is the only Being worthy of such attention.  I'll say that again for anyone who missed: He is the only being worthy of such attention. 

As you listen today, please focus on His character of holiness and purity and perfection... and think about how you approach and with what attitude.  Again, be aware that He is the Creator, and we are what He created. 

Remember: You are holy God!

God bless you all!!!