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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Self Control... in closing...

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things, there is no law."
Galatians 5:22-23

To close out this section, I have chosen to end where it all began.  Ironically, in using these many, many verses I have found to describe the Fruit of the Spirit, I have not once used the very verse where they are all listed together.  I would say that takes some measure of self control, wouldn't you?  Sorry, I just can't help myself with certain types of humor...

In seriousness, though, the more important part of this verse, I believe, is after the fruit is all listed.  "Against such things, there is no law."  This is one of those statements where we all think, "Well, of course there's no law against that.  That would just be silly!"  But if we have so vast an understanding of the truth that there is no law against being (basically) a good and kind person, showing the best of yourself to all you encounter, why don't we do it?

That one probably stings for you a little, just as it does for me, but it is a valid and necessary question to ask.  Why do we not just do what we know we should, and what we know we could?  The answer is frighteningly simple: we are involved in the decision, which flaws the reasoning and the response with reckless abandon.

In all of history, there are accounts of people who have "discovered" something new about life and about history and about faith, and they have decided that they no longer need God or Jesus, because their own wisdom has now been enhanced beyond that "socially acceptable norm."  They decide that they, out of all the trillions upon trillions of people who have come and gone, all of a sudden "know better."  Statistically, from a mathematical standpoint, it doesn't make a lot of sense.  Scientifically, from a point of pure logic, it doesn't make a lot of sense.  And if you can't become of the world with proof from the world, then what are you really trying to prove?  Who is it that you intend to impress?  Something to think about...

There is no law against being a good person, because we're supposed to be good people.  However, as we are awful and wretched things that occassionally stumble into a good deed, we are not capable of sustaining the goodness we are supposed to show.  This is where self control becomes as paramount as it possibly can be, in the governance of one's own temper.  We have to keep from being reactive when we are wronged.  And I know, there are some who will say that they have been wronged and must repay the injustice.  Perhaps so, but if we are to have goodness and the showing of it as a way of life, it has to start somewhere... why not with you?  Why not with me?  I'll admit, I have a tough time governing my temper.  But I'm getting better, and you should be, too!

This first portion of our study is closing, and I have yet to mention how any of it impacts our marriages.  Over 70 different posts, and I haven't mentioned it once.  But I waited, purposefully, because there is no one single component of this verse that screams "marriage talk" by itself: it is, like marriage, an all-or-nothing deal!  All of these components must (MUST) be shown to your spouse in countless abundnace, before they are shown to anyone else on the planet, ever.  This will build the foundation for showing them to others.  Never forget or doubt, being called to be a husband or a wife is the single greatest responsibility any person will ever have, above all professions and other callings and ministries and vocations... all of them come second to marriage, always.  Now, I know we're not all perfect in this, and there will be moments when we fall backwards, but that's okay.  The self control part is what keeps us from falling too far... it allows us to see the mistakes and overcome them and get back to the basics and show the fruit directly to the one we chose to spend our life with.

Take time today to read this verse as a couple.  Find a quiet moment and describe for your spouse how you show them the fruit of the Spirit, specifically, and tell them how grateful you are for what they show you in return.  Lift your spouse in prayer immediately following this, and then have a blessed day!  Go forth, showing the love you should show to all who encounter you, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

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