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Monday, July 18, 2011

Put it on... part 2...

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
Proverbs 16:18

Yesterday we began into the Armor of God, and I explained the need to choose to put it on.  I will expand on that slightly today, because I believe that the act of dressing in it is more important than we are aware.

This verse from Proverbs is one of my favorites, and as I apply it to this context in this study, I picture a man walking onto a field, ready to play a game (we'll use football, for simplicity sake).  But he refuses, even though he is the quarterback and has a mild pain in his wrist, to put on a brace.  He makes statements about how he has never done that before, and he doesn't want the team to think he is weak, and so he walks onto the field, head held high, no protection for his wrist. 

And then comes the snap.  The ball comes into hand, and the throw is made.  And as the ball leaves his hand, there is a small crack that no one hears... no one but the man whose wrist just broke.  The quarterback is unable to complete the proper posture to have the perfect pass, and the throw fishtails.  The receiver obviously does not catch it, and the game is lost.  All because of pride.  Now the team finds out about the wrist, and they ridicule the quarterback for his failure to think of the team first and his own pride second.

The armor must be worn.  It must be worn completely.  It is not something you can pick and choose, but rather an all-encompassing thing.  There is no discussion about it, and our thoughts on it are irrelevant.  I know that hurts to read, because it hurts to type, but it is the truth.

Take time today, again, to focus on where your armor might be weakest, and whether or not you are willing to put on more to compensate for that weakness.  Make certain that you are not the one your team looks down upon for prideful thoughts and plans.  Be the leader by being willing to accept your own limitations, and then lead through them, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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