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Friday, July 29, 2011

The belt... part 2...

"He who loves knowledge loves discipline, but he who hates correction is stupid."
Proverbs 12:1

The second part of the discussion revolving around the belt may also bring up some laughter, even if it's not intentional.  But the memories we all have of certain belts can definitely make us giggle about days of yor.

I vividly remember hearing my parents tell me to go get a belt at times.  I also remember the spanking that followed, and I recall that is was not a pleasant experience.  At the time, I had a blind spot for why I was getting punishment, but I look back now and see through eyes of honest accountability that I most likely deserved every single moment of it.  In truth, I probably deserved a little more than I got. 

I can also admit, now as an adult, that I needed the correction.  And whether you agree with the method of delivery or not, whether you have ever been in that specific situation or not, the truth is that we all need a little correcting, now and again.  It isn't always fun, because (and hang on for this new-making statement) it's not supposed to be!  Correction is supposed to sting.  And even if it isn't punitive, the sting can be against our pride, internal and invisible... but still just as painful.

As we discuss the belt and it's ability to keep us guarded in truth (real Truth), we must know that the Truth sometimes comes flying back to kick us in the rear.  When we stray, the truth stays on a straight and narrow, perfect path.  People talk all the time about being honest and having accountability partners, but have you ever considered what it means to be accountable to the Truth?  Have you given thought to what it means to be accountable to an intangible, unswayable, perfect thing like the truth?  The truth either is or is not, and no amount of justification or explanation can change it... ever.

Take time today to ponder on whether or not your belt is currently holding you honest or pulling you back into line.  The Word says to keep it "buckled at your waist," and to do that you would have to remain honest... even when it hurts.  Otherwise, the Truth will unbuckle and come remind you of where you should be.  Be certain of your path and placement today, encourage others to do the same, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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