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Monday, September 26, 2011

Waiting in silence... again...

"Now listen! You will become silent and unable to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time."
Luke 1:20

So Zechariah had doubts... and that made him mute... but can you imagine what happened afterward?  Can you imagine the thought process during the silence?  All I would be able to ponder on is how I was unable to speak, and that this was an awesome display of God's power! 

And then he wrote the name of his son, John, and he was able to speak.  I can imagine it would be something like this...

AMEN!  I can speak again, and my son's name is John, now I tell you I know that we don't have anyone by the name of John, but I'm gonna call him that, because the Archangel Gabriel told me that would be my son's name, and then I doubted, and then I got to sit here all quiet and think about how powerful God was and how I should have had faith, and then all I did was agree to and thereby confirm the prophecy that my son would be John and now here I am just a-talkin' up a storm once again, and I tell you my blessed friends, I will never again doubt the power of the Lord our God ever again after going through all this time being unable to speak or make sounds or anything, because I know that it was He who silenced me out of His own power because I failed to believe completely that He was and is able to do any and all things and even beyond that, so yeah, the baby is John and we will all be blessed from the period of silence and the faithfulness to wait through it and the name of the boy and the fact that the Lord is already with him, and amen and amen and amen again, for the Lord taught me a lesson that I wish to be known to all of you as a living testimony of the need to believe Him.  Were you trying to say something?

Can you hear him?  I can... I have always been talkative, though, so to not be able to speak for 9-10 months would be (while a blessing for some) absolute torture for me.  And I would be pondering on what to say when I was relieved of the silence.  And I think I would only be able to speak of how amazingly powerful God is!

Know today that He is more than capable to do any and all things.  And He loves you, and His grace is something that we probably should take a period of silence to ponder and just think upon.  I mean, after all, what would it hurt to think of just how much God loves us for a little while each day, right?  So do this tonight, and repeat it tomorrow and every day after, encourage someone to join you in the practice and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!  

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