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Thursday, September 8, 2011

No laziness...

"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised."
Hebrews 6:12

I will hit this topic again today, because it is always a danger for any believer to fall into the trap of just waiting.  And, again, I will reference John Waller's song from the movie FIREPROOF, in that we should be worshipping and serving and actively participating while we wait upon the Lord for His answer to whatever it is we seek.

I will reference another song, as well, in that our strength does rise as we wait upon the Lord.  We wait, and as we face and overcome the test to become impatient, we grow stronger.  We grow closer.  And with every passing moment, we learn to have a deeper and greater trust in His supreme wisdom!

I mentioned once to a friend that I would admonish people in varying circumstances to "fake it till they make it," and this is no different.  Paul is telling the Hebrews of the day to "imitate" the people who have already inherited the Promise!  Imitate them... so do like they do, regardless of what anyone says.  A favorite author of mine says that if you want to be rich, you have to do rich people things.  Well, if you want to know how to wait on the Lord with purpose and faith and expectancy, then you have to do Christian things, and that starts with finding someone to imitate.

Now, please do not misunderstand me on this point, because I do believe that a small beginning can come from mere imitation on a surface level.  But to fully imitate someone, you would have to ask them what it is they feel, how they pray, what they seek and what attitude they carry.  It's not just about the posture they hold, but also about the focus they maintain and the attitude they exude.  You have to find someone that you can imitate who then becomes a mentor, as I have, and then you can learn how to study; you can learn how to read; you can learn how to pray; you can learn how to teach; you can learn how to share; you can learn how to encourage; you can learn how to wait.

Take time today to focus on your level of activity, once more.  I assure you, it is repetitive for the necessary reason that it simply MUST be a practice we adopt as permanent.  We are all waiting for something to be answered from above right now, regardless of what it is.  Keep seeking Him, never stop taking time to sit quietly and listen for Him to answer, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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