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Friday, September 2, 2011

Discovery... or leading...

"As He spoke to me, the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and I listened to the One who was speaking to me."
Ezekiel 2:2

I have received many thoughts on what to study next on the blog, and I have been in prayer over the choice of topic.  But just this morning, as I prayed, I had a similar experience to this one from Ezekiel.  I had a moment where it felt as though I was being told specifically to move forward with a specific direction... so I shall!

But before we get to the announcement of that, I must tell you all that I have studied Ezekiel deeply, and there is a common recurring theme with him being lifted to his feet again and again by the Spirit.  But do you know what they never mention about that moment?  They never mention where he starts... at least, not in specific description.  We know he is not asleep, because each time he is wide awake when a vision takes him.  And he cannot be lifted to his feet if he is already standing.  Plus, this never seems to happen in the middle of dinner, so I doubt he is sitting.

To be lifted to your feet in this manner, you have to start somewhere amazing... knelt down in prayer, perhaps even prostrate with your face on the ground.  Ezekiel, when met by God in whatever form or vision, fell IMMEDIATELY to his knees to worship in reverence, and the Spirit brought him back up.  The Spirit lifted Ezekiel up to hear and listen.

Take a moment today, whenever you have time, to pray fervently.  There is something in your life, just as there is in everyone's life, that needs this focused attention on prayer.  Take hold of it, and go for the gusto in a powerful moment.  Follow the pattern of prayer that acknowledges Who you are speaking to, confesses what needs to be confessed, gives thanks for all that has come to pass and THEN makes supplication requests.  It doesn't have to take hours and hours, but it can be a few minutes of focus completely on God, and not on any other thing.  I promise, your experience will be wonderful, and you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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