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Monday, September 5, 2011

Seek ye first...

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33

As we begin our new adventure, I am going to have to ask all of you to be a little more patient with me.  And I ask this, because I will be actively and daily seeking the will of God for this study.  This one may move more slowly, and may not have the usual one post per day flow... but I know that He will be present in it, and that He will bless us through it.

I have chosen this first verse as a reminder of the study itself.  It will be the banner verse for the overall pattern of topic, and it will be revisited many times, I'm sure.  But for today, for right now, I have very simple thoughts on it.

As it speaks to worry, I must tell you that if you are always in the mode of seeking His will in all things you do, there will never be anything to worry about.  I know this, because God would not attempt to humanly justify ridiculous actions as being "okay just this once."  He is holy and pure and righteous, and He would do the rightest right thing in any given scenario.  Therefore, if we do the same, and seek that path, why would we worry about the outcome?

From childhood, I can recall hearing the hymn that is written from this verse.  My mom used to sing it as we would drive, and I recall it being a calming and soothing sound.  Perhaps I'll sing it for my kids tonight.  The concept of "seek ye first" has been constant in my life, but I am actually going to apply it now, and I am bringing you along for the ride.

And as this topic has approached, I had the "random" thought to ask a friend to translate it into Latin: Quaerite primum regnum Dei.  A plaque of those words is in my office right now, less than 10 feet from me as I type.  A similar one is in my home, right where I can see it from the kitchen each day.  And a few young friends have taken my advice to put it into their rooms, to remind them always to be in search of God's best direction in any circumstance.  Is this reminder necessary for you?

Take time with me today to pray for God to reveal just a bit more of His will for you.  Take a moment to quiet your mind and sit in absolute silence, waiting on Him to answer you.  I will be doing so shortly, and I cannot wait to find out what new truths it may bring.  And then share this experience with the one person in your mind that could benefit the most from hearing about it, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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