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Saturday, August 27, 2011

What to do now...

"But I tell you, don't resist an evildoer.  On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.  As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well.  And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two."
Matthew 5:39-41

Blessed ones, we have our fruit, and we know how to recognize it and cultivate it, and we know that it is a blessing from God that we must show forth to honor Him.  We have, also, our armor, and we know how to wear it.  We know that it, too, is a blessing from God, and that when we have it on at any time, we honor Him by trusting in the armor He provides for us.  We have discussed who attacks us, how it happens, what the exact target is and, most importantly, Who protects us.  But you may be left asking, as I am, "what now?" 

The answer is simple: serve.  Serve others always, in all capacities, in all locations, on all occasions.  And if you are the person that they come to for service, and they have a pleasing job for you to perform, then revel in the blessing to serve them and help them smile.  And if they come to you and need you to serve as a punching bag (verbally), then revel in the blessing to serve them and help them get to their smile.  But, either way, you serve!

Jesus never once said that things would always be peachy and easy and fun and happy... in fact, the greatest Being in the universe, the One that created the universe, stepped into flesh from His throne and took upon Himself the weight and pains and sin for all of mankind, past, present and future.  He bled for us; was whipped for us; was scarred for us; DIED for us.  That doesn't sound happy or peaceful or wealthy or healthy or fun.  And we are called to live as Christ, which brings the truth forward that we WILL go through sufferings and pains and difficult trials and crises of conscience and stumbles and falls. 

The difference, though, is that we have Christ as a part of our very being... making us holy and pure, because of His work on our behalf.  Therefore, if we are to be like Him (as best we can), then we should actually put that into practice.  And I will confess that this will be very difficult for me, but I promise to begin working openly toward it, starting right now.

The next time you are insulted, regardless of how or why or who, think about your response and reaction.  Perhaps the person needed to blow off steam; perhaps the person doesn't know that you don't like to be insulted; or, and this one is gonna sting, perhaps you really are wrong.  I would venture that nothing is so serious that it cannot be overlooked in wisdom and patience, and unless you are being flogged and scarred and torn apart by men with vicious implements of torture, on your way to be brutally crucified and innocently slain for the good of all mankind, then your response is not justifiably one of vengeance.  Rather, as the One that actually endured all of that punishment, our response should always come from prayer... for everyone, everywhere.

In that prayerful mentality, we keep the best part of the armor active, as we are praying always for everyone and everything.  Further, in remembering the prayerful approach, we show the best of our fruit, in that we remain joyous and peaceful and patient and kind and self-controlled.  Our "armored fruit" will win the day, eventually, and we will be seen as we should be: Christian.

Take time now to pray.  Pray fervently, and do not cease.  Pray openly and loudly.  Pray with tears and with joy and with shouts and with whispers and with songs and with speeches... just make them all honest and true and from your heart to God's, and I promise you, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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