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Saturday, August 13, 2011

The shield... in closing...

"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him."
Proverbs 30:5

I skipped the Friday Proverb yesterday, so I guess this will serve both purposes... because this is the most poignant point of all for the shield.  And it will have some accountability built in here, just like my normal Friday posts from Proverbs.  So get ready.

QBQ - Do I take refuge in the Word of God in times of distress?

There are so many ways I can describe a shield, but there aren't too many ways I can explain how to use it properly.  I can tell you to strap it on your arm, if it has that capability.  I can tell you to carry it, which would be correct for most shields.  I can tell you ta make sure it protects you, which is hopefully the truth for all shields.  But one way I can definitely explain to you how to use this shield, this specific one from Ephesians, is to read it.  Yes... I said to read it.

The verse above tells us that God, Himself, is a shield.  We have Him through His Son, Jesus, and therefore we have that shield.  But it also says that His words (EVERY SINGLE ONE) are perfect.  Therefore, if He is a shield, then the Word is, as well.  And, to follow that thought, we must see that when we are under attack, we can dive right into the Word and envelop ourselves in Scripture for protection.  My family has a set of Bible Promise books that we keep around the house, and my Bible has a list of His promises in the back.  When I am in distress, this is where I turn first.

You can do the same!  You can open your Bible and find words from all books in the Bible to support that God is unstoppable, and His reign will come, and our belief in Christ has freed us from an eternity in hell.  You can look to Revelation 19:6 for that, specifically, as a matter of fact.  And when you are assaulted over and over, you can turn to James 1:2-4, knowing that endurance MUST last.  And when the evil in the world seems to be too much, you can turn to Romans 8:28, and take solace in the truth that no power can surmount His power.  These are only three small examples of how you can use God's Word as a shield... but I encourage you to search out that one verse that drives you to remain faithful and diligent, and then keep it with you at all times, in all situations.  For me that verse is Psalm 23:1, "The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing that I want."

Never forget that the enemy is terrified of a praying Christian.  And as a new friend of mine teaches to his groups of students, a praying Christian who prays the Scriptures back to God, claiming their promises and KNOWING they will come... that Christian causes the enemy to cower in terror like a child in a corner.  So grab your shield today, and whatever you are going through, find the appropriate verse and wrap yourself in it like a cocoon.  Pray it constantly, and never, ever underestimate the power of God to come through in, around, for and through you!  I promise, as you encourage others with this action, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!  

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