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Friday, August 12, 2011

The shield... Part 2...

"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
Ephesians 6:16

Yesterday we covered the shield in pretty decent detail, as to what it looks like (if such a thing were possible) and how it works.  Today, however, I would like to take a moment and look at what it is we're shielding against.  Be advised, I will not pull punches in this.

"The flaming arrows of the evil one" is what the shield protects us against.  The Word tells us this, and explains that the enemy is on the attack at all times.  We know that he is watching for any reason, any weakness, any faulty step that gives him all he needs, which is a foothold.  And if we're going to be completely honest about it, we all know where our own weaknesses are, and we know how well or poorly we guard them. 

But it does not specify the size of the arrows.  Therefore, as the enemy is crafty, we must safely assume that he is capable of knowing that sometimes a larger arrow is needed, and sometimes a smaller one that might fit through a crack is more appropriate for his negative purposes.  Even those small ones, the simple and "random" thoughts that pop up when we least expect it... if we give utterance or attention to them, they can grow and spiral out of control very, very quickly.  And that downward spiral starts slowly, seemingly as nothing to be concerned with.  It is only when you realize that you are in a full-out freefall that you recognize the danger, as well as where and when it started.  And when this has happened to me, I have never felt more foolish; never more ridiculous; never more stupid.  To take such great forward strides, and then slide back further than I started seems like it would be an error in judgment.  Here's the truth: it is.  And the error began when the guard was let down, even for a moment, over one "random thought."

Further, this shield is capable of handling every attack, regardless of scope.  Note that it does not say that the shield will protect you from a few of the arrows, or some of the arrows, or all of the arrows EXCEPT those of a specific type... it says ALL of the arrows, period.  And if God says "all," how many does it cover?  Every single one, without fail.  The trick, though, is that we have to allow this to be the guard for us.  And as we get into the next piece of armor, I'll explain more about what that means.  But for now, please know that we have to accept the shield and then use it properly.  And then it will be capable, because He is more than able to do any and all things.

Now, before this gets to be too much like an inspirational speech that tells you nothing bad will ever happen, let me bring it back down to earth a bit.  Sometimes things are going to be allowed to happen.  Sometimes terrible things are going to be allowed to happen.  A phenomenal Pastor I met recently said, "God has no problem breaking your leg, if it puts you next to someone who needs a witness (paraphrasing, not an exact quote)."  He is correct.  Sometimes we need to have our pride broken, our hearts and minds hurt a little... and it is all for the glory of God, in the end.  The greatest way that people receive our witness is by seeing us IN trials and difficulties, and seeing how well we handle them.  So please know, the shield is there and it does work.  But sometimes, things are going to happen anyway so that God's Name and His glory can be spread.  And sometimes the places and people you reach would not be reachable by you unless this seemingly "bad" thing happened.  But, as I said before, the path you are on is the one you are supposed to be on.  And, even though you may never see resolution this side of Heaven, you must take comfort in the truth that you will get to Heaven to see the resolution!

Take time today to think about how the arrows assail you.  Realize that they range from wooden ones to metal ones (depending on the type of assault), and that they are lit on fire in the hope that they will penetrate the shield you carry (and to make them look more scary).  Know, aslo, that when things do go wrong or badly, your actions and reactions are being watched by everyone who knows you are a Christian... so pick your shield back up, face the problem with prayer and non-situational, unchangeable joy, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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