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Thursday, August 25, 2011

The sword... in closing...

"... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6:17b

I spoke yesterday on the fact that a sword is of no use if it is not present when needed.  I'm certain everyone understands that to be pretty commonplace and obvious, needing little to no expansion.  But there is an even greater danger, and we will cover that one today as we close on the sword.

There is another time when a sword is of no use, and this time is even worse than when you've left it behind.  At least when you don't have it with you, you discover that problem in the attempt to use it.  This would mean that you have reached for it, and found it not there.  And you would only have reached for it if you knew it was necessary to wield in that moment.  But what if you were confident you had it n, and yet you didn't reach at all?

The worst thing one could ever do would be to carry a sword into a battle, and then purposefully not reach for it when an attack came.  You have a defensive weapon, so why would you not use it?  Is it that you are afraid to try?  Is it that you feel that when peole see the weapon, they will just give in?  Is it that you do not know how to remove it from the sheath?  Or are you so confident that the mere presence of it will protect you that you feel no need to make use of the tool provided to you?

There are many people who have a Bible and do not use it.  There are many, many people who have little information on how to use it, how to unsheath it, how to wield it with power, whether in defense or attack.  I know about all these people, because I was, for a LONG time, happily among them.  I have always been in church of some denomination, but fervent Bible study was never taught to me until I became an adult.  If we follow the analogy above, we would obviously have to infer that the person walking into the battle without even a hand on the sword will probably not return vertically.  And if we apply that truth to the current Spiritual warfare that we face, following the reference in the Word of the sword being the Word... doesn't look pretty, does it?

Take a moent today to examine (again) your capacity to use the sword.  Be honest with yourself abouit how well you use it, and about how much practice and preparation is needed before the next time you may need to use it.  And ask in prayer, sincerely, for the right person to help you learn how to wield it as God would have you wield it, in His will, for His purpose, at every time He calls you to do so.  (Never think that I mean to ask you to go off on your own without the will of God driving you... it is ALL for His purpose, and for no other purpose, ever.)  As you grow in ability to use the Word and wield the sword, you'll find out something very interesting... as you grow in your understanding, you will begin to understand that the Word wields you!  And as you allow this to flourish in your walk, you will be a light and encouragement to others, and you will honor the Lord in being so!

God bless you all!!!

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