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Monday, August 22, 2011

The sword...

"... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6:17b

So now we arrive at the final portion of this study, and we begin to look into the only piece of armor that is used as an offensive weapon.  It is the only thing meant to be made into a successful tool for our purpose, while all the rest are simply items to protect us in that conquest.  But before we get too deep into it, I have to point out one thing for you that many may miss.

I am frequently asked why there is so much defensive application and only one offensive application.  The answer is simple: we need all the defense we can get, and once we learn how to wield this sword, it is all we will ever need!  Ponder on that for a moment...

I took my won advice and walked away to ponder myself... you cannot tell, because it has no time separation for you as you read the text, but it is interesting to think on the power of the sword we carry.  However, even though I had not previously thought on it, I find that I am drawn more to how we use it than anything else right now.

The sword is the Word, which for us is the Bible.  The image of hitting sin in the face with a Bible pops into my head, and is kinda comical, in a slapstick fashion.  But think about how people (you and I included) are prone to read what they wish to read, and speak on what they wish to share.  And think about how people (you and I included again) are given to misinterpretation without guidance, and then radical opinions and actions form and take shape.  Put simply, this sword, like any other, has the capability to do good... if the master of it (the believer holding it) uses it properly.  If, however, it is wielded solely for the gain of the one who carries it, it will be terrible and frightening and not the will of God, for sure. 

Today, before you do anything else with this passage or any other, be ready to know how to use the sword.  The proper use of it is in prayer, and we must pray.  We must seek God in all things FIRST (yes, that includes before we balance the checking account or before we start the search for a new car/house/boat/job/school/etc.) and know that He is a part of them.  He wants us to involve Him in all things in our lives... so do that today!  Pray for an added understanding of how to use the sword, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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