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Monday, August 29, 2011

One final thought...

“And if somebody overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:12

So we went through in depth, and talked abuot the fruit and it’s individual components. We focused on the armor in the same fashion. And then I had a conversation with a friend last night, and something he said really caught my ear. He said that the armor passage has always left him wondering about the only portion of the body never mentioned to have covering, and why no one preaches on that point (paraphrased). So I’m taking that challenge.

The only piece not mentioned is one that would cover the back. And there is a clear reason for this, he and I agree, and it is that we are not supposed to run. We should never have our backs turned, retreating from the advances of the enemy. And whether that enemy is the sin within us (from Galatians, just before the fruit and opposite to it) or the enemy and his influence in the world (from Ephesians), we should face it. We should stand our ground, frimly fitted and ready, with the fruit blessed into us well-protected and secure, and face the threat.

The armor all speaks to frontal coverings, and the applications that come from them. And from an individual stand point, onewould conclude that we should never turn our back on the fight that we must see through to the finish. However, I’m going one step further, in the fashion that I began my blog and with the passion that I carry for the covenant promise of marriage.

As a couple, I mentioned in one segment that we should armor each other and guard our communal garden. And if we were to, as another friend mentioned to me, stand back-to-back and fight to protect each other, there would be no weakness found in the two that became one. There would be no point of attack that could be more vulnerable for the enemy to try.

Further, and I’m shamelessly stealing this one from the same friend who mentioned the position of how we should stand, if we are face-to-face, fighting with each other, we are both unprotected from behind. However, if we remain back-to-back and fight for each other, as opposed to with each other, we will, by the grace and blessing of God, be stronger together. Nothing can stop that kind of power. Nothing can get in the way of a marriage in that format. And, as the cord of three strands is mentioned, I tell you that a husband and wife who openly and fully involve God in their everyday matters, regardless of how seemingly easy or insignificant, have a cord that is supremely unbreakable!

Take your spouse by the hand today, and stand back-to-back together. Pray for the strength to carry forward in whatever trials and difficulties may come, and pray that you will always remember that you MUST cover each other and protect each other. I promise… no, He promises… when your focus is on the protection of each other in bringing glory to the Lord first, you will be a beacon of light to all who are lost and confused, to all who have difficulties that seem insurmountable and to all who need a return to a loving relationship with the Father, and with each other. Do these things, and bring honor to the Lord in being so!

And now may the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, which passes all understanding and comprehension, which is the only true example of what it means to love through forgiveness and acceptance and understanding, envelop and consume you like a consuming fire, and may you always and everywhere be blessed and know that you are a child of the Most High God!

Amen. And Amen.

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