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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The feet... Part 3...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Now that we know what the fitting with the gospel means, we must look into how we apply this fitting upon our feet.  And the surest and most certain way I can explain it comes from this powerful and well known verse in Proverbs.  Because our own understanding is almost always irrelevant, as we cannot grasp the real big picture, we must learn to trust in God alone... and our path (which we "walk") will be straightened.

Most of my own problems come from when I decide to do something all on my own, with little or no concern for what the Lord may think of it.  I fail to pray about it enough; I fail to seek godly counsel and advice and wisdom from others; I fail to listen to my own heart.  I decide that I know what's best, and I acknowledge my own superior mental prowess and deductive reasoning skills.  Then I decide that the path I am walking cannot be the right one, because it is not the one that I chose.  And then I end up crawling back and begging forgiveness (at some point), because I have failed in making my own way.  My pride failed me, and now my pride hurts.  My brain failed me, and now I feel foolish.  If only I had trusted Him...

Yet when fitted with the readiness of the gospel, if we simply trust in Him and follow His will, our paths will be laid before us.  And as I wrote in the cover of a book I gave to my cousin, the path may not always look the way we expect or the way we want.  But those hopes and dreams are irrelevant.  We do all things as to the Lord, not for men, and certainly NOT for ourselves.  Therefore, the path we are on is the correct one.  To question it is blasphemy.  To argue it is blasphemy.  And for all those who would say, "a mistake must have been made," please know that this, too, is blasphemy.  Our understanding is not capable of grasping the reasons for all things... it is not even capable of grasping the reasons for a few simple things!  We're just not that good, and were not designed to be.

Give thanks today that you can be released from the need to understand.  You can simply follow Him and His will for you, and your path will be straightened.  But know that the straightening of it will never happen on your time frame.  It will happen in His time, and nothing in the universe will change that.  So rest in His presence, recognize that it is He who straightens your path (and not yourself), and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

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