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Saturday, August 6, 2011

The feet...

"... and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace."
Ephesians 6:15

The chorus begins to play in my head, even as I type, "These boots were made for walkin..." Well, these feet were made for witnessing with readiness.  And, surprise, yours were, too!

So what does it mean, exactly, to have your feet readied by the Gospel itself?  You know, regardless of generation or modern acoutrement, our feet are what literally take us upon our path.  Whether walking, cycling, or driving, there is no way to get anywhere without your feet.  And they do carry you upon the path you decide to walk/ride/drive.  Therefore, would it be conceivable that if you desired and prayed to walk a path of righteousness, then fitted your feet as instructed above, you might have a better chance of success?

Conversely, what would happen if you simply started walking, with no plan and no fitting?  I'll tell you... your feet would hurt and bleed, and you would certainly give in to the first place you could find that allowed respite, regardless of what that place was or its values or any other major consideration.  You would be easily taken over by the first offer of assistance, no matter who offerred or what the price.  You would be in turmoil, have no peace, and you would certainly not be able to stand on your own... not for long, anyway.

And recognize that fitting your feet with readiness of the Gospel means that you are ready to be a walking witness.  That means your path has to be directed by the Lord, and not by the ridiculous whims of man.  Our ever-growing sense of our own ability to become more and more enlightened and lofty, thereby convincing us that we have to put truth of our own into the Word (which is STARK BLASPHEMY, by the way) keeps us from being an effective witness.  His truth is already written down... it is perfect... and when we try to expand it to make it fit our own needs, we distort it.  But if we are fitted with the readiness that comes from Him, we can be effective for Him, as we should be.

Take time today to pray over your shoes and your feet.  I know that sounds silly, but think about it: Jesus didn't wash the hands of the disciples, did He?  No.  He washed their feet, and we need to make certain ours are clean and ready to move forward into the world, as well.  Wash your feet, pray over your walk and your path, share these truths as encouragement and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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