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Friday, August 26, 2011

Applying it together...

"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts."
Ecclesiastes 4:9

This will speak to the married couples, specifically, about the entire study of the fruit and the armor, from the perspective of 4th Wall Ministries.  But if you are not yet married, whether a part of a couple or still single, there are truths here for you to look forward to, so please do not shy away from this.

The study itself was written from a point of self-knowlegde and introspection, because it is necessary to understand that I can only work on me.  There is no one else on the planet that I can ever change, no matter how hard I may try.  But if you have been reading along with me for a while, you probably knew that I would tie it up eventually into the original concept of the blog... so here it is.

We all have the blessing of fruit within us individually, and the blessing of armor onto us individually... but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help each other.  Wives, you are the greatest source of aid and encouragement your husbands will ever know.  You assistance in all things is paramount to any other person on earth.  Husbands, the love and care and sacrificial demeanor you show to your wives is more valuable than anything in the universe to them.  And if they know you are there to protect, they will be more able to advise.  Further, if God placed the two of you together, knowing that the armor was on each of you, would it not follow that since the "two have become one" the shield and breastplate and helmet, etc. would now also be capable of covering both of you?  And would it not also follow that the cultivation of fruit would become a task to work on together, so that the home that is built from this marriage is one of faith and peace and joy and patience and kindness, etc.?

Take time today to tell your spouse you are with them in this quest.  Remind them, whether husband or wife, of how much you love and cherish them today.  Realize that God has placed you together for a reason and a purpose, and the wielding of His armor to protect yourselves and your family is a part of that, just as cultivating the fruit He has blessed you with is.  Pray together today for the will of God to envelop you and surround you and consume you.  It will be an encouragement to your children (if you have them), to your married friends, to your single friends and to all you encounter, and I guarantee you will both honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

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