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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday's thought...

Father's Day has come upon us all, once again, and the memories of those we have lost are fresh in the minds of all who no longer have a man to call "dad."  Those men, throughout time, have helped to shape us into the people we are, even from across great distances of time and space, and their memories are worth preserving and honoring.  It is for those fathers who have passed away that I ask that we all take a moment today to thank God for placing these men in our lives, regardless of the capacity they fulfilled or how long they were around.  Something was learned, and we need to ensure it is not forgotten.

And for the fathers still here, like myself, I would ask that we remember that this day is intended to honor us... but already have the greatest honor we could ever have asked for, in that we have the ability to be called "dad."  There is no sound sweeter than to hear my children speak to me and call me whatever form of the name they choose in that moment, be it dad or daddy or dada.  I know that every father who reads this will agree with me on that point, and we need to never lose sight of just how awesome a responsibility it is to have these children that God has blessed us with.  I admonish the fathers today, myself included, to pray for a better walk and ability to be an amazing dad to our children.

And for us all, I ask that we all take a moment to realize that without The Father, none of us would be here.  So amid the celebration of your own dad today, please take time to give thanks for the Father of all creation, God the Father.  He began everything, including all of our families... and He deserves our respect, admiration, love, reverential awe and worship.

God bless you all!!!

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