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Friday, June 3, 2011


"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised."
Hebrews 6:12

Patience is next in our list of the fruit of the Spirit, and it is possibly the most elusive of all.  Given our extremely mobile and well-connected society, and how much smaller the world has become for all of us, we all expect things to move at our pace.  But, much like with events in the world of recent times, we are not in control of the time clock: God is.

And in the game of life, we have no way of knowing whether this is the first or last quarter, so why stress over whether we are playing forward or point guard?  The place I am in right now is PRECISELY where I am supposed to be, just as it is for you.  So have patience (I say mostly to myself) and know that the best is still yet to come.

Side note: placing earthly, temporal deadlines on Heavenly, eternal concepts is equal to blasphemy.  It is telling God that your idea of when-where-how is better than His.  He knows; we don't; nothing further to discuss on that point.

And ponder on that thought for a moment... things do get better when we calm down and relax and stay patient and focused and faithful.  When we keep our cool, remember Who is in control of all things (ALL THINGS), and remember that we are saved, justified, blessed and covered by the blood of the Lamb, things seem to be less difficult.  Giants grow smaller.  Thunder seems quieter.  Nothing is quite so scary any more.  But it takes patience to see it through.  It takes patience to calm down.  It takes patience to be rational.

Take a moment this evening to ponder on what one thing you could be more patient in.  Whether it is your job, your relationships, your chores, your homework or whatever the case may be, decide on one thing that you will slow down and focus on.  And then DO IT!  And as you patiently approach this topic or task with a fresh perspective, remember that you do this, like everything, to bring glory to God the Father!

God bless you all!!!

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