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Thursday, June 23, 2011


"In the same way faith, if it doesn't have works, is dead by itself."
James 2:17

We're moving into what will probably be one of the larger topics in this study, and I'm taking no issue with starting with this particular Scripture.  So many people confuse this and miss the point of it, and it needs to be covered up front.  With this as a backdrop for all the rest of the similar passages to follow, we should be able to have a very heightened understanding.

We are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8) and it is nothing we can ever earn.  It is grace that has done it, and our works, no matter how good or great or amazing or awesome will never get us to the place of "deserving" salvation.  No one on earth is good enough.  No group of people combined are good enough.  The whole of humanity, even if all doing one right thing at the same time, still could not possibly hope to attain this status.  We are simply not capable.  Yes, that includes you... just as it does me.

This verse does NOT advocate a works-based system for salvation.  Rather, it states that the works we do BECAUSE of our salvation will PROVE our intense faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Having faith is great... it is a central component to Christianity.  But you must DO something WITH your faith.  This could range from praying to preaching to writing to teaching to singing to leading to simply studying and staying true to yourself... but you cannot simply say "I have faith" and not prove it to the One in Whom you have it.  Please understand, I am NOT inciting that you bear proof for any person on earth... but God must know that you believe for real, and that means you must believe and then prove it for Him, and Him alone.

Take time today to think about how you are doing works that prove your faith.  How do you show your faithfulness through your actions and deeds?  Please know that it won't save you to do the works... but it will certainly feel better than you can imagine to do the works for the right reasons, knowing that your fruit will show through them!

God bless you all!!!

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