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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A thought on "waiting on the Lord"...

I have no specific Scriptural reference for this, but a mentor of mine pointed out yesterday that he ponders on the concept from a different perspective than I had thought of.  He mentioned a "lady in waiting," and asked that I think upon what that lady does.  I'll ask you to join me in the same.

Her title would lend to an obvious answer, in that she "waits," but that does not mean what you may think.  She doesn't sit still and "await" something to be done... she is "waiting on" her mistress, taking care of whatever is needed, always preparing for the next task while enduring the current one.  She is a servant.  She is in the service of her mistress.  She "waits on" the lady.  It is an active role, not a passive one.

So then I thought about a job I once had, as many did, as a waiter.  And I didn't "wait" much, unless the night was slow and my section was empty.  But I "waited on" people constantly.  And, oddly enough, I checked very carefully over what was prepared and brought to those I "waited on," making sure it would meet their approval.  And then, something neat happened in the restaurant business: we were no longer called "waiters," but were now called "servers."  Are you drawing any parallels yet?

As Christians, we serve the Lord.  We are in His service, and we are to "await" His arrival... but we should also actively "wait on" Him.  And what we bring to Him should be carefully examined, being prepared for the Creator of all things.  We should serve in whatever capacity we are able, and be active in that service.  And yes, at times that means we will sit and simply "wait."  But there are more times, I promise you, when we will have the privilege and blessing to "wait on" both the Lord and His people.  And you know what?  I just found my Scripture for this section, thanks to the Lord's leading... and I will end in that way today, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"
Matthew 25:40 

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