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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday's thought...

"There is certainly no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins."

Ecclesiastes 7:20

Solomon's wisdom was so accurate in his day. It still is. No one on this earth lives a life free of sin. Not me... not you... no one.

But as we have been studying love as a fruit of the Spirit, it is necessary to point out that it is our own love that allows us to look past all this. I'll expand on that later with a verse from 1 Peter, and that you won't want to miss.

We must have love to see people not for who they are, but for who they can become. It is that extraordinary vision that Jesus used when He climbed Calvary for all of mankind. He saw us... all of us, even to this day and beyond... for what we can become. And He showed true love for us!

We must also realize that people are looking at us, too. It's neat to think about this from the standpont of how I can be a better person, but it starts to get uncomfortable when it is placed on me that other people are looking at me the same way I look at them. (Believe it or not, the uncomfortable part is a great thing! It means we're outside the comfort zone, in the world, where we can grow and minister.) And if I want them to look on me with love, how could I dare to show only contempt and judgment?

Take a moment today to ponder whether or not you are looking for the best in people. It is a truism that if you seek the negative, you'll find it. The reverse is true, as well, you know. Seek the best today, and honor the Lord in doing so.

God bless you all!!!

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