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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spouse's love...

"Husbands, love your wives, just as also Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her, to make her holy, cleansing her in the washing of water by the word."

Ephesians 5:26-27

To continue a study of the first part of the fruit of the Spirit, love, I must dive straight into one of the chief reasons this blog was born, and that lies specifically in the love that one shows to their spouse. I can only speak to this from a male perspective, and discuss how husbands should love.

The referenced passage is a common one, and almost all couples classes know it. But the key here, if we are only examining love, is to see what was done BECAUSE of the love. From the actions taken, we can derive the depth and breadth of the love that existed. And that love is the model for us, gentlemen.

Christ is the Bridegroom, and He gave His life to cleanse and save the church (His bride). To put it another way, He accepted blame for all things past, present and future, took it all upon Himself and died to save those who were present, the prophets and faithful remnant before and all of us and our descendants who call upon Him as Savior. He stood in front of the gun for us. He jumped onto the train tracks for us. He ran into the fire, drug us all out, and then went back in. He died for us... for you... for me.

This is the type of love that we, as husbands, are COMMANDED to show our wives. We are to follow His example, the ultimate example possible, and be ready and willing to accept all responsibility and consequence. This love we are to show is unconditional, requiring nothing at all. Let me repeat that last part, it requires nothing at all. It is an unfailing love that only grows over time, and never, ever diminishes. To put it another way, from a far more famous set of hands than mine:

"Marriage is a solemn agreement before God; hence those who divorce their wives are guilty not merely of covenant breaking but of blasphemy."
~ C.M. Laymon

Please notice that Laymon doesn't hold the wives responsible for the divorce... neither will God. It is shown clearly in the garden, as God walks through and is not looking Eve who took the first bite, but for Adam who did not protect her from the temptation of the serpent. He is looking for Adam who abdicated his role and failed to guard his wife. He will look for the husband who divorces his wife, gentlemen... not the other way around.

Take a moment today to examine where you can improve in this regard. Let go of whatever it is you are holding onto, and be as unconditional as Jesus is to you.

God bless you all!!!

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