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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


"Be joyful, always"
1 Thessalonians 5:16

The first thing, as mentioned before, is to realize that joy is not specific to your individual situation. Rather, as I said before, it is permanent.

Paul exhorts to the the church at Thessolonica just as I exclaim to you, thousands of years later, that we NEED to remember that our joy cannot be removed by a simple bad day or negative turn of events. There is nothing on this earth, and nothing else in the entire universe that can get in between us and our joy. Nothing. Ever. Period.

So when you walk around this week, or even just for the next day or two, remember that some people you see do not have this joy. (And if you are surrounded only by Christians, then I suggest you get outside your comfort zone and show the love of Christ to those who may not know it.) Some people have it, but don't know how to show it. They need an example.

Keep your head high, no matter what. Joy is not situational, and how you handle the circumstance is FAR more important than the issue that brings the circumstance forth. Make no mistake; that joy inside you cannot go away. Access it, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

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