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Monday, November 14, 2011

The burden...

Blessed friends, as we are pulled out into the greater ocean of service, there is one thing that must be real: we must have a burden upon us to know what we can do, and how we can do it.  And we must recognize that while we are now operating under God's power within us, we need His wisdom to show us what is right and wrong.

"I need Your true conviction; take my life in Your hands.  Would You break my heart for the things that break Your heart?"
"Break My Heart" by downhere

We sail out into the depths, and sometimes we can see things in our own light.  Something that we may view as "acceptable" or "just the way it is" might be on a totally different plane for the Lord God of Hosts.  We need His conviction about these things, friends.  Clearly, there are things in the Bible that are written down for all of us to see that God hates.  Let me say that again: there are things He hates.  As followers, should we not hate the same things?

"I seek no signs or wonders; I need on miracles.  They are just a swirling dust trail behind everywhere You go."
"Break My Heart" by downhere

So often, when in the midst of a crisis of conscience, we find ourselves seeking a miracle or a sign or some answer beyond the Bible.  If we're honest, this is probably due to our dislike of the answer in the Bible.  But what did Jesus say to those seeking a sign?  He wasn't happy about it, and promised that they would not see one at all (Mark 8:12).  We are to operate on faith, knowing that God knows what is going on. 

"Is there a better reason to do what I know is right?"
"Break My Heart" by downhere

Is there?  Honestly, if you really think about it, is there any better reason to do what we know we should?  Is there a better reason to stand for God and His purpose?  I mean, really... is there any reason that you can think of?  And regardless of any "better" reason, is there even any OTHER reason?  We have been saved from eternal hell and damnation, granted grace and peace and freedom beyond anything we can imagine, and our right response should be to follow His Word.  Because in accepting Him, we accept...

"To carry Your cross, to wear Your Name"
"Break My Heart" by downhere

This is what we've accepted.  This is the burden we've asked for.  Thankfully, we are able to carry it, because of the strength we are blessed to use (Philippians 4:13).  But the question remains, are you ready to do what is right?

Remember: Break my heart with the things that break Your heart.

God bless you all!!!

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