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Sunday, March 25, 2012

The third Sign... part 2...

Now that we have the backdrop of the scene, I have a question to pose to you for thought.  What if the entire idea of this "healing pool" was allowed by the Father for whatever time it was allowed for the sole purpose of Jesus being able to perform this next sign?  (Of course, since we know that God knows all and sees all at once, we know that this is true, but it is an interesting point to ponder.)  We also know that the people near it are ill, regardless of malady, and that when the water stirs visibly before them, they race to get in... first one in wins (healing, that is).  But there is a guy near there...

"One man was there who had been sick for 38 years."
John 5:5, HCSB

... and this guy, another unnamed man in the Gospel, has been waiting and waiting and waiting.  Can you imagine sitting beside a place of healing, watching for a sign, praying for healing, for 38 years?  Being that I am slightly less young than the amount of time this man waited, I have no frame of reference, but I cannot fathom the patience that would be needed.

Further, it says he has been waiting that long, but I doubt he was born at the pool and never left it.  We can therefore infer that he is older than 38, and is aware fo the passage of all the time he has waited.  Again, I cannot conceive of this time frame at all... but I have trouble being patient for like 2 hours, let alone any number of days, to say nothing of anything longer than that. 

Most importantly, though, is that this man is unnamed, as I mentioned before.  That matters, because it wasn't the king or the queen or the chief priest that received the grace and mercy of Christ in this moment.  It was just a man... just a man in need of healing... just a man in need of healing that waited patiently and faithfully in the area he was supposed to wait in.  This guy isn't a celebrity who gets an ushered space to the front row of the temple.  He's not someone with bodyguards and personal security who is present to be a guest speaker.  No, friend, he's nothing like that.  Instead, he is the representation of something much more powerful... he is YOU, and he is ME, and he is ANYONE that Christ has ever touched!

Our culture, more than any other on the planet, has a severe issue with placement based upon material status and/or title.  Those folks that have the money or the power or the access or the friends in high places are the ones that everyone "wishes they could be."  But today, I would like to ask that we shift our focus for a moment, and just ask to be the nameless sick fellow that received far more than all the wealth or power or prestige the world has to offer.  He received salvation.  He received peace.  He received healing.  He received CHRIST!  Give thanks today that Christ has touched you in this same way, with healing and salvation and love.  Show appreciation today and everyday that He accepted you, even in your transgressions or infirmities, and made you new. 

Next we'll move into exactly what was done, to show the immense power of this Sign in particular.  However, just for now, simply remain thankful that Christ once touched you, and is now a central focus of your life.

God bless you all!!!

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