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Sunday, March 11, 2012

The first Sign... part 4...

So we know where, we know what, and we know how all this happened.  All of these probably are the main points to discover in this particular Sign... but I think that there is one more exceptional item to uncover.  And it shows the truth of the Messiah for us all to see.

"When the chief servant tasted the water (after it had become wine), he did not know where it came from - though the servants who had drawn the water knew."
John 2:9a

Jesus looked at the servants and told them to draw the water, and then He thought it into wine.  The only people present for this were the servants who were performing the work, although the passage does go on to say that Jesus' glory was displayed before the disciples... so perhaps they were there watching.  But the main point of focus here is that Jesus DID what He needed to do, and He did not SAY anything about it.  To be blunt, all that was said about it was that the jars should be filled, and that some should be drawn and brought to the chief servant. 

I'm gonna stop and camp on that point again: He DID what needed to be done, but SAID next to nothing about it. 

There were a few people there who knew what had happened, and those same few knew that the glory belonged to God for the Sign performed, but the chief servant did no investigation to find out where the wine came from.  He simply praised the groom for bringing out the best wine at the end, rather than the beginning, and went on with the party.  Jesus said nothing to contradict this, and, in fact, left after the Sign was performed.  And that brings us to the final point for this sign...

Jesus displays, in these actions and words, the deepest level of humility possible.  He allows for those few who saw to understand that He performed the Sign, but makes no motion to have the guests understand that this was a Sign of His divinity.  And there are a few who probably become converts to follow after witnessing this wonderful moment. 

Imagine it: you watch a woman tell her Son the wine is gone, and then He tells you to fill the jars with water.  Then He tells you to draw some out and send it to the chief servant for tasting, and the chief servant gives the praise and glory to the groom.  Further, as the servants watch, the Man who told them about the water and the drawing out of it, He takes no credit for the act.  He just walks away.  And in not being arrogant about it, He stands apart from the religious elite of the day, and is a better Man to follow than any other on the planet.

Humility is what we should all endeavor to show - and we should show it, as best we can, in great and vast, unending abundance with reckless abandon to anyone, anywhere, at any time.  We must, must, must work diligently to do so, because Jesus did NOTHING less for us... and this first Sign that He performed for the people was nothing short of awesome. 

So give thanks today for His provision towards you.  Whether in wine or in Spirit or in any other way, the Messiah loves you... and He will show that to you.

God bless you all!!!

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