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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Between 1 and 2...

So, a few things transpire between Signs 1 and 2, and they are worth taking note of for our purpose. First of all, Jesus ends up having a deeply Theological discussion with Nicodemus, and the Jewish leader refers to multiple "signs" that are being performed, most of which are not recorded in this particular Gospel. Nicodemus also acknowledges that Jesus is "from" God, but does not accept that Jesus IS God in the flesh. And in this discussion, physical birth and Spiritual birth are compared and contrasted greatly by the Savior.

Then we see John the Baptist, proclaiming Jesus' greatness and divinity to his own followers. John is adamant that he is the best man, and Jesus is the Groom... and the best man must decrease so that the Groom can increase. This is true of us all - He must increase within us, and we must willfully decrease our own desires and thoughts (which are of the flesh) so that He can replace them with thoughts of Heavenly purpose. We also see that Jesus "gives the Spirit without measure (3:34b)," and from that one statement, we can know that He is more than gracious to us, and more than loving... He is perfect!

(On a side note from that same point, it should be mentioned here that the next time anyone around points out that something isn't "fair," it should be recognized that fairness is NOT a Biblical concept. We do not receive what is "fair," given our fallen and sinful nature through which we are all conceived and into which we are all born, because if we did receive what was "fair," we would never have had the opportunity to receive Christ. His forgiveness is boundless and immeasurable... so it stands to reason that His judgment is the same... so asking for "fair" is a bad idea.)

Then we continue the Gospel by looking into the discussion at the well with the Samaritan woman. The same concept of water is used to describe the salvation Christ offers, though this time it relates to thirst being quenched. The odd part of this, for the Jews looking on, was that Jesus was not just talking to a woman... she was a Samaritan woman... and Jewish men didn't talk to Samaritan men at all, to say nothing of their women. But, as is true of the entire Gospel of John, Christ SHOWS His love for all of humanity as He speaks to this woman, and chooses to reveal Himself to her as Messiah. To date, that statement had not yet been made by Christ in this Gospel, and He chose to tell her first... a Samaritan woman!

Naturally, she goes into the village, and draws the men out to see Christ, and they all proclaim Him to be the Savior of the world. The Savior of the WORLD, friends, not just a certain sect of people or a specific color or man-made creed, written and rewritten to perfection (as best we can define it), but the WORLD. They see it... so why don't people today see it?

Of course, there is also the discussion of the harvest, and the information given is in the form of a parable, even though it is not called such. The people are ripe and ready to be harvested back to the Farmer, and it is time to go and work the fields. Christian brothers and sisters, this is a directive to us, as well, to go and work the fields before us! There are people in our lives right now, yours and mine, that NEED to hear about Christ and what He has done for them. He deems it time to harvest this crop, and we are not capable of posing argument against that directive.

Next we will begin the second Sign, and I pray that you are keeping with us in all aspects, and reading diligently through the Gospel of John (and the rest of the Bible) for added insight and direction from the Spirit each and every day.

God bless you all!!!

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