"Thank You God for the open sky; mysterious depths of her ocean eyes; thank You for my dreams; my dreams; a poetry both tragic and beautiful; thank You for life."
"For Life" by downhere
There are so very many things that we so very often take for granted, and we fail to remember just how powerful those moments are. Can you remember the last time you heard a bird sing outside? Or can you remember the last time you felt a refreshing breeze blow across your face? What about that morning that you awoke to find the warm sun bathing down over you? Such simple things... but they are the things that make memories, and they are blessings from God. Think about the last time someone told you a story that was a great memory. There are always details to add to the color of the experience, and each and every one should be a reason to give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
"For everything revealed to see; for what's kept in mystery"
"For Life" by downhere
And then there are things that are revealed to us for which we should be thankful, just as there are things that are not revealed to us for which we should be thankful. Have you ever thought about the possibility (really a fact, but we'll just work with "possibility" for now) that certain things have not yet been revealed to us as a human race, to you, to me, simply because we are not yet ready to understand them? Or how about because we are not capable of understanding them? You see, there was this Guy, and He had a way of teaching in parables...
"For this reason I speak to them in parables, because looking they do not see, and hearing they do not listen or understand."
Matthew 13:13
Hold on for this one, because it's gonna smart a little... we are not ready to understand it all, and that's why some things are not yet revealed. That's it.
"Behind every wonder I find a clue; beginning to believe that it's coming true. I look unto a new rose dawn debut, because with every breath You make me new. Before I turn it in tonight; thank You, God"
"For Life" by downhere
Friends, don't make the mistake of not being thankful for all the things in your life right now, both good and not so good. And never forget that God blesses us with all things (James 1:17), and He is always present with us. Don't become so used to the small beauties of perfect harmony and breezy afternoons in the park and refreshing rain that you fail to thank the Father for His provision.
Remember: Thank You, God, for life.
God bless you all!!!
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