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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More... and more...

In the process of rediscovery, we sometimes have to step backwards in order to move forward.  This falls perfectly in line with the principle of the "great reversal" that is mentioned in a previous day's song, "All At War."  But do you know what happens in that process?  Each time we discover more... about Him!

"And the more You show me, the more You grow me, the more Your glory becomes all there is."
"The More" by downhere

His glory is what we are here to seek, just as He is who we are here to seek (Matthew 6:33).  And the greatest thing about Him is that, as we rediscovered yesterday, He is faithful when we fall.  His character is nothing less than perfect, and He cannot ever fail us... EVER!  And each time we see that, each time our faith is enhanced through an experience like that, we begin to know and retain a little more... about Him!

"And the more I know You, the more I need You, the more I love You, the more You become to me."
"The More" by downhere

And in this growth process, He literally becomes more, just as He should (John 3:30).  To be honest, He cannot become more, really, because He is already everything... but He becomes more to us as we allow ourselves to become less!  We step out of the way and allow just one more fold of His garment to fill the void that exists, and He grows in our perception.  And each time we allow this to happen, we show glory and honor to Him, and we recognize the truth that in order to lead, we must serve and follow (Luke 14:11).  And I know, I know... this is contrary to what celebrities and "worldly" people will tell you.  But keep in mind that God is God, and there is no other, and if I had to lay odds on who was going to be right in any situation, I'm going with God every time.

"I wanna give You every moment, every minute.  It takes a lifetime to know You."
"The More" by downhere

Please know, also, that this is a process of learning for us all.  Yes, I said for us all, excluding no person on the entire planet, in the past, present, or future.  No one has attained the full knowledge of all things about God.  No one on earth ever will.  We were made to seek, made to worship, made to serve the Creator and His purpose, for His pleasure... and know what He shows us (Ephesians 1:9).  And this process is a lifelong one, for each one of us.  We are always learning, every day in every way.

Remember: I wanna give You every moment, every minute.

God bless you all!!!

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