"Teach me Lord to have faith in what You're bringing me will change my life, and bring You glory."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere
The odd thing about these storms is the way they look. One the one hand, we sail out into the ocean and are tossed and turned and fear being capsized by the sea itself. It is literal, external, powerful and frightening. This would be the storm of the world that rages against us (Matthew 10:22) as we stand for God's Word and His church (something my 8 year-old son will tell you is "a people, not a steeple"). This storm is viscious and violent and vibrant with motion. But it is not the worst one.
"When I'm rolling in my bed, there's a storm in my head; I'm afraid of sinking in despair."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere
The other storm is the one that rages within us... the one that exists when the sinner inside begins to stir up trouble, or when we take our eyes off the Lord (Hebrews 12:2). This storm is more dangerous, because it is the nature inside us fighting the nurture blessed into us, and that old sin nature tells us we can't and we're not good enough. The sad part is, our nature is correct... but it is our nurture from Christ that makes us good enough and proves that we, indeed, CAN (Philippians 4:13)! We can overcome the storm inside us, but only... ONLY... through Christ's blessing and strength.
"There on the storm, I am learning to let go of the will that I so long to control. There may I be in Your arms eternally... I thank You, Lord, You are the calmer of the storm."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere
Think of the last storm you faced for a moment. Perhaps it was some time back, and perhaps it is recent and fresh in your memory. When you tried (and I know you tried) to overcome it on your own, were you successful? Were you able to navigate the choppy waters with your oars alone, working under your own power and strength? And when did you finally pray and ask the Father to stand for you, with you, around you, and move the vessel where it needed to be? When His power came over you, and the storm began to subside, did you recognize how unspeakably awesome He is (Matthew 8:23-27)?
"'Cause I'm a child of little faith. I feel the wind and forget Your grace. And You say, 'Peace, be still.'"
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere
It should be noted, to be fair, that all storms will not immediately be calmed. Some things in life we bring upon ourselves, and we must endure them. Some things are brought to us as a test of our character. But when a storm needs calming, it is God who does it. And I will say this as plainly as I possibly can: there is no substance, no person, no book, no movie, no philosophy, no science, no song, no NOTHING that can even hold a candle to the immense power of God, to the expansive love that He shows us. He is the answer... the ONLY answer.
"There on the storm, teach me, God, to understand of Your will that I just cannot control. There may I see all Your love protecting me... I thank You, Lord, You are the calmer of the storm."
"Calmer of the Storm" by downhere
Say a prayer of thanks today, as God is helping through all circumstances to make you and me into what we are supposed to be. Storms will come, and we know this... but instead of focusing on how big the storm is, how about we change our focus to how big God is?
Remember: You are the calmer of the storm.
God bless you all!!!
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