"Then Jesus told him, 'Go away, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve only Him.'"
Matthew 4:10, HCSB
(The only time you'll ever see me capitalize the name of the enemy is when it is done in Scripture, which I will not alter, just in case you noticed.)
I didn't include all of the text from this amazing moment in history, but the short version goes something like this... all rolled into one, the devil decided to throw a bunch of scenarios at Jesus to try and get Christ to use the powers available to the Son of God, and Jesus shut the enemy down. He slammed the door each time, and there is no room for argument in His reasoning. Hunger, death and fatigue, and then wealth and possessions were all tossed in front of Christ by the deceiver, and each time the Word used the Word to stand upon firmly.
Looking to all of the possible stories we could about pride in the Bible, starting with the enemy and then Adam, going to Adam's children, the king Nebuchadnezzar, the long, LONG line of kings and leaders who fell to idol worship, Jeroboam, and all the way through to the Pharisees... and even today to you and me... there is only one that showed the best restraint at all times, and even when face to face with the devil, never lost sight of the true prize. He never waivered, even for an instant.
This gives us something to think about, folks, because if Cain had the power to do whatever he wanted, I don't think he would ignore the temptation. If Adam had that power, once his eyes had been opened by original sin, I think he wouldn't be able to resist it, either. And we all know that if the enemy had the power of Christ, there would be nothing to stop the evil that would flow. The truth in this, Christian siblings, is that the lack of humility in each of these examples (and on through history right up to us) shows that none are capable of wielding the power of God responsibly. More important than that, though, is that with all the power of Heaven behind Him, Christ chose to endure the things we face daily, and His humility and complete absence of pride serve as examples to us all.
If I'm really honest with myself, I know that there are tons of things I have wished for, and prayed for, that were completely meant to benefit me. Please notice, I didn't mention my family in that, because I am trying to get as close to the heart of this matter as I can, and if I'm being really and truly honest, I have wished and prayed more for good ole me than for anyone or anything else ever... it's human nature to look out for yourself, right? And oddly, no one ever taught me how to be selfish, but I sure am good at it. That's because of my pride, and that truth exists in each of the examples listed, as well as all those that are not.
Christ was not this way, though, and He is our example. He is the one we are to look to in all things, so that we might better emulate His life and responses to situations, regardless of what that may bring. After all, if He is our example, and He received the best that was possible to receive AFTER this life was done on Earth, then why should we expect anything different? Ponder that one, folks... and then let's all strive to kneel a little bit lower today, and find a deeper point of humility for each of us.
God bless you all!!!
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