So, just a curious question... how many things have happened to you today that you thought were random or coincidence? Better yet, how many things have happened this way in the last week? Or the last month? Or how about your entire life???
There are those who believe that their choice of spouse (note that I said that they believe that THEIR choice of spouse) is totally random. But I would submit to you a different thought; not one thing in your life or mine has been random. Everything in life; everything in creation; is all a part of the Master's Plan!
Jer 29:11
We were created by Him, for His pleasure and purpose, and will be used by Him whether we wish to be or not. God is in control; ALL OF THE TIME! No power on Earth or in Heaven can surmount His.
Rom 8:28
For instance, if I were to recount the endless list of "random" things that have led me to this point, with this church, with my wife, with both of our upbringings, with our passion to change the legacy of our families... trust me, you would become extremely dizzy if I went any further. But then I began to look at things in a different light; His light! And now that I can see clearly, I realize that every little turn, every step, every word and interaction has led me to this exact point. God has placed me EXACTLY where I am supposed to be, to do His will and spread His Kingdom. And I will serve with gladness.
Josh 24:15
Just know, brothers and sisters, that your spouse is a gift from God. He invented marriage. He does not make mistakes. Do you honor that gift you have sitting beside you at the movies???
I ask tonight, in 4th Wall fashion, for you to pray with your spouse for the will of God to come through in your life. I promise you, there is nothing in life more fulfilling that to be living and walking inside God's will for you! I further promise that it can be discovered... you just have to be still enough and quiet enough to hear it.
God bless you all!!!
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