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Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday...

I'm going to take a moment of rest from the Signs today, and mention the most obvious Sign that ever has existed to all mankind that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the King of kings, the Lord of all... and that begins today, roughly 2,000 years ago... but Sunday's coming!

Picture it: darkness falls at an odd time, because the only truly innocent Man on earth is receiving the worst possible punishment at the time, and the people that believe Him and believe in Him are following behind as Christ is ascending to Golgotha.  He is forced to carry His own cross, and already beaten and whipped and scarred beyond recognition.  He has been insulted and mocked, jeered at and scorned by the religious elite... the ones who "know the law of Moses," and are doing the "right thing."  Most important, though, He has not complained once... because Sunday's coming!

Atop the hill, with nails being driven into His hands and feet, agony and pain like nothing imaginable is flowing all through the body of our Savior.  The weight of sin... ALL OF IT... for all time, from all people, in all categories, all at once... that is the weight of the punishment upon the only innocent Man ever to walk the earth.  That weight, by the way, includes the weight of all that I have done and will still do, as it contains the weight of all that you have done and will still do.  And He serves as an inspiration, carrying it without a sound... because Sunday's coming!

There is a video clip below, one that I cannot take credit for, but I borrowed it from YouTube©, because it is powerful to see.  Please watch, and as you take the time today to recognize just how much Jesus Christ loved you (personally, specifically you), please recognize that He bore this burden so that you could be free from its awful weight.  That is how highly you are valued, Christian sibling... He would rather go through hell for you than go to Heaven without you!

God bless you all!!!

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