"Thou shalt not commit adultery."
Exodus 20:14
Adultery is defined today as it was when this was written, and it is any person in a marriage who violates that marriage covenant by engaging in a relationship with a person other than their spouse. So for all of you super faithful folks out there, raise your hands and be glad you've never had this problem, right? Wrong. Like I said, this one is going to sting a little for everyone.
Jesus spoke on this Commandment specifically in Matthew 5:27-28 and said (paraphrasing) that while we know we're not supposed to commit the physical act, if you've looked at someone and THOUGHT IT, you're already guilty. In case you missed that, let me say it again so that there is no misconception: if you have ever had a lustful thought about someone, you are an adulterer.
Please notice, it does not say that any married man who looks upon a married woman, or vice versa, and neither of this duo is mentioned as being either married or single. It says:
"Ye have heard that it was said of them by old time, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery': But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
Matthew 5:27-28
So then... any single person (individual, not relationship status) who looks upon any other person with lustful thoughts, even for an instant, is guilty of adultery. And that, my friends, comes straight from the mouth of the Son of God, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. You as humbled as I am yet?
One thing you should know, though, is that on the most basic level of our very nature, we cannot help it. Men joke around a lot about that "first glance" being automatic, and sometimes it is... sometimes. Sometimes, probably more often than anyone would admit openly, it is more likely that the person looking is contemplating the thought of, "I would go through with this, if given the opportunity." But the decision to take the second glance is the more important factor. That second glance communicates clearly that the decision has been made to either agree with forward motion, or to seek opportunity for forward motion. A dear friend told me once that he believes that each of us is born with a cross to bear, and that this cross is representative of the thing we must strive to overcome every second of every day, to the glory of God. For some people, that cross has the word "lust" written across its beam.
The main point here is that we should be very, very careful when we point fingers and attach titles to people for overt acts... because the covert acts that simply have not yet been discovered by PEOPLE are not hidden from the Father, and we, each and every one of us, like it or not, are absolutely guilty. But take heart, because Jesus saved us anyway, forgave us all for all things for all time, and loves us unconditionally!
God bless you all!!!
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