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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This one will visit multiple aspects, as well, and will span at least two sessions.  It came to me after a conversation yesterday with a colleague who asked a fair question: "Why should I 'fear' a God who loves me?"  No one had ever taken the time to explain what "fear" means in this context, so we went through it... and I'm going to go through it today.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Proverbs 1:7

When you think of fear, what is it that comes to mind?  For some, it will be scary movies... haunted houses for others... frightening costumes at Halloween... dangerous circumstances, like war... accidents that claim or harm lives... but God doesn't usually fit in that expanse for most.  He doesn't fit their in our perception, because we have grown up knowing that God loves us, that He is love (1 John 4:8) and that nothing can ever separate us from that love (Romans 8:38-39).  These are all truths about the Father, and they are all worth learning and knowing and believing with all our heart, soul, mind and body, and they are all things that we should never, ever doubt or question.  Period.

However, we should have a certain amount of fear, as described in the Old and New Testaments.  It refers to "reverential awe," as in guarding one's approach out of respect.  And let me be clear on something here, in that Christ's Atonement has given us access to the Father directly (Ephesians 3:12), and we are made co-heirs with Him in glory (Romans 8:17), and there is nothing we have to fear about approaching the Throne.  But just as I pointed out yesterday, our steps must be guarded (Ecclesiastes 5:1) as we enter, lest we make fools of ourselves before the One who grants us our access into the presence of the Father.  

But let's look at it another way for a moment.  Imagine you are on a camping trip with your family, and you awake in the middle of the night to find a black bear sleeping in your campsite.  This bear is massive, and we all know that outrunning is a bad plan, especially over rough terrain in the dark.  The bear seems undisturbed for the moment, and is not aware of you or your movements... yet.  Now, if the bear awakens and is hungry, and if you are the reason the bear wakes up, there may be a small point of concern, right?  Wrong: a HUGE point!  That bear could rip you to pieces with little to no effort, and has no qualms about doing so at all.  Therefore, you are (somewhat) in awe and will maintain an attitude of respect for the bear and the power it wields, right?  But you would say to others that you were "afraid" in that moment.  That's just a bear... imagine the power of God!

I will never advise someone to cower in terror before the Lord, and I will never assume that everyone can carry the same type or level of reverentially-based, awe-inspired "fear" of Him.  Yet I will advise and admonish and encourage that His power be thought upon and prayed over.  People have been quick to dismiss the tragedies of the Old Testament while saying, "My Jesus wouldn't do that to us... He loves us!"  Great thought... except that Jesus is a part of the Trinity, and was present at each and every event, and is described in Revelation as quite the frightening figure (Revelation 19:11-16).  But it must be noted and realized that God, Christ and the Spirit are holy and perfect, unchanging and constant, and their love is just the same.  That is why we know that His love comes sometimes in the form of discipline (Hebrews 12:6) just as it did/does sometimes from our parents on earth.

Pray with me today, friends, about the level of respectful fear that you carry before the Lord in all things.  It should always be present in prayer, worship, study... in life!  He owes us nothing, yet gave us more than we could ever understand this side of Heaven!  Pray to increase your reverential awe in His presence, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!  

1 comment:

  1. This one hit home right away....Very early in my recovery from the poison of alcohol, I was once reminded by someone who today still has a very special place in my heart that we should dress appropriately in church on Sundays. At that time and a time after that I faithfully wore my jeans to church every sunday, and I still do every now and then. Needless to say, I was somewaht offended then and to... this day remember my response......I have never read anywhere in the Bible where it said how a person was to dress......Come as you are. Even today, when I decide to wear my jeans....I think way back when, but only for a momment, just to remember where I've been, and where I'm at today. 9-Years sober, and today I don't worry so much about my dress as I do about my heart and where I'm at spritually, preparing everyday to praise the precious son of the living God for his Amazing Grace. I'm not going to a beauty contest.....I'm going to give praise and worship the Lord and Savior of my life........
