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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Statement seven... part 2...

I decided to do this portion separately, and there is a purpose for that.  You see, the topic here is related to the prior section, in that we receive our life from the Vine.  However, not everyone has the blessing to be born into a deeply Christian family... some people have to find the path away from their circumstances and into a better scenario.  When that happens, they go through a wonderful experience!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me."
John 15:5, HCSB

(Let me be clear on one thing, before we go any further: all Christians who come to redemption, regardless of background, are grafted into the Body of Christ.  I am using extreme examples, and referring to some as being "naturally there," only because they were born to Christian parents who shared Christ's teachings and the values of a Christian lifestyle.  However, all human beings that are conceived are conceived into a sinful nature, and there is always a grafting process to become one with the Vine.)

It's called grafting, and it is the process by which one thing is joined permanently to another.  For instance, to use real world examples, skin and bone can be grafted into areas that need them, and this enhances the healing process.  A properly grafted bone can restore function, and even be stronger than the original.  The same is true for skin and organs, too.  It is often a very painful procedure (thankfully, anesthetic is used to keep that from being noticed) even to look at or think about, and the recovery is, I would imagine, just as painful... but the ends are totally worth the means!

Going back to the original premise, a young man grows up in a home that is not filled with the teachings of Christ, and he decides to go along with the teachings of the world, because he has that freedom to choose.  In high school and college, though successful in academics and athletics, he is always troubled by something that seems to be missing.  One day, he asks a friend in confidence about this feeling, and Jesus is shared for the first time.  This begins the grafting process, which is ended by the young man asking Christ to be Lord and Savior over him, to live in his heart and guide his paths.  At that point, this once-foreign branch is now just as natural in appearance as those that were grown directly off of the Vine, and there is no distinguishing between any of them... period. 

One key point to remember, no matter what it is you study or how you look through it, is this: the ground is ALWAYS level at the foot of the Cross.  You, me, and every other redeemed sinner are on the exact same level, and there is absolutely no distinction between us.  Never, ever forget that.

Of course, one risk that is run with grafting in medicine is rejection.  The donor and recipient have to be compatible in order for the procedure to be a success, as anyone who is familiar with transplanting or grafting has already been thinking.  It is important to note, for all you folks out there in this mindset, that Jesus' blood (in this scenario) would be O Negative... universal donor... anyone can receive it.  So, before anyone decides that they are not capable of receiving it, please note that God has once again given us a real and tangible example that there are things that anyone can have, and salvation through Christ (being grafted onto the Vine) is definitely among them!

Never doubt that if you are pruned, as discussed earlier, that your pruning is necessary and important.  It is not frivolously done for whimsy, but for the prompting of better and stronger growth.  Similarly, if you are grafted to the Vine, never forget that you are a part of the Vine from that moment forward.  There is no separation between the grafted and the natural, just as there is no separation between the saved and the saved... no, that's not a typo... if you are saved (regardless of your past) and I am saved (regardless of my past) then we are both saved, and both saved the same way.  Again, the ground is always level at the foot of the Cross.

God bless you all!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Statement seven... part 1...

Six are done, and now there remains only the last Statement that Jesus makes in this fashion in John.  The first six, all powerful and humbling, remind us clearly that we have no need to concern ourselves with food or light, our door is marked, our Shepherd awaits, we have no need to fear for our lives, and our path is true... our Truth is more true than anyone could imagine, because He is our Truth.  So now we come to the climactic Statement of this series, and we see one more concern alleviated.

"I am the vine; you are the branches.  The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me."
John 15:5, HCSB

I am always thinking about where things come from, and how things will be sustained.  It is a real concern for us in this world, as we have bills to pay and mouths to feed and advancements we would like to make.  We need to know where things will come from, and we need security in that knowledge.  Until now, and I do mean right now, I have been content to just know that it will be okay, and that God will provide.  However, right now, and I do mean right now, I am having a moment of clarity as I look at the way this is worded, and I know that I can now see where things are to come from.

Granted, Jesus speaks primarily of Spiritual things to be accomplished.  But if He is the vine off of which I grow as a branch, then He is what sustains me.  If you doubt this, do me a favor and go remove a branch from any plant or tree, and see if it can thrive on its own.  Really... try it.  You, too, will have a "DUH!" moment at the exact second the branch separates completely. 

Now, one thing that should be pointed out is that for proper growth and shaping, any bush or tree or vine must be pruned and trimmed.  Is this any different than the time we spend removing things from our lives that are counterproductive to the Christian walk?  We are trimmed, and we are pruned, because we are the branches that stick out from the Vine.  The Vine is not pruned... what comes from it is pruned.  You see, the Vine is perfect, and needs no adjustment.  His branches, however, are deserving of being removed, but instead undergo trimming and pruning in order to produce more and better fruit.  Think about it...

It should also be clearly stated that we, the branches, do not have the opportunity to be or to become the Vine.  We are the branches.  This is no different than recognizing that He is the Creator, and I am the creature.  Sure, some branches have little twigs that pop up, and some further growth is allowed, but that does not replace the original vine.  I will never be in that position, no matter how much my individual branch may carry, and there is nothing anyone on the planet can or will be able to do to change this.  

In another Gospel, Jesus encourages us to think not of the tomorrows, and not to worry (loosely taken from Matthew 6:34), and I would submit to you today that we can take hold of that with this seventh Statement.  He is our sustenance, and we come from Him.  Coming from the Son, what could possibly stop His nourishment of us?  We have nothing to fear in this proper placement, and we need to know that the pruning that will come is necessary, and we must accept it in order to grow.  Pruning is not death, though, and we will have a steady stream of Him as we come from Him and stay with Him... but we'll get to more on that later.

God bless you all!!! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Statement six... part 4...

Now we must look to the final segment of this Statement, and if ever there was a blatant expression of exclusivity and a single path to achieve salvation, this is it.  These words epitomize the belief that Christ is the Son, and they demand acceptance of this fact... because without accepting Him, you will go no farther than you alone are capable of going.

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
John 14:6, HCSB

Let's just look at how pointed a statement this is: "No one comes to the Father except through Me."  It occurs to me that perhaps I should point out that if you are a Christian, and if you claim to believe that the Bible is God's divinely inspired Word, and since that Word comes from God it is infallible and perfect, then it stands to reason that you have NO OPTION but to accept that Jesus Christ is the only means of access that any person can ever have to get to the Father.  There is no other Mediator.  There is no other Counselor.  There is no other Messiah.  There is no other Lamb.  There is no other Son.  There is, quite simply, no other option.

I know, I know... you're thinking to yourself that I am being so counter-cultural, and that in our enlightened state we should certainly be able to find a different way, especially in America.  After all, this is the land of the endless list of options, and there is never only a single way to do anything in America.  Right?  Well, in a worldly sense, there is some measure of truth to that.  Millions of options exist for all kinds of scenarios every day.  However, while you're thinking on the positive and "glass half-full" side of things, let me bring you back down to earth a bit.  Each and every option comes with its very own specific set of consequences, too.  For instance, you can choose to ignore your boss with your freedoms in this country, and your boss can choose to stop paying you.  You can choose to ignore the IRS, and they can choose to imprison you.  You can choose to be a philanderer, and your family can choose to disassociate with you.  Gosh-lee-gee-wilickers, all these choices are so great, and I'm so glad I am enlightened to the point that I can choose my own path!

Wrong.  There is only one way to keep your boss pleased with your performance, and that is to perform.  There is only one way to avoid IRS imprisonment, and that is to pay your taxes.  There is only one way to have a fully blossomed and successful marriage, and that is absolute fidelity.  Just like there is only one signature that is yours, and a single Social Security Number that accesses your information.  So why is it so hard to believe that there can be only one way to salvation?  If you think about it, and allow the simple truths to surface past our own complicated versions of truth, you will see that it makes perfect sense.  And I could go further, believe me, in that blood properly flows in only one direction; oxygen has only one accurate recipe; exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide only happens in one way; a day is exactly 24 hours, and there is no other measurement, just as a year and a week and a month each have their one and only specific measurements; do me a favor, and try to find a second way for any of these things that God created, and let me know how that works out for you.

Christian sibling, one powerful truth you must accept is that the Bible is irrefutable.  All of it.  And if the Word is perfect and unchanging, and unchangeable, then there is not another way to the Father.  Further, if you question that there is but a single way, then you are guilty of blasphemy.  In that scenario, no matter how knowledgeable one may be, the one who questions God is still wrong... like, flat wrong. 

NO ONE goes to the Father without Christ.  So for all those who think they figured it out on their own, or for anyone who believes in God without the Son and Spirit, or for anyone who chooses not to acknowledge the absolute Divine nature of Christ, those people cannot access the Father.  And if you cannot access the Father, then how do your prayers get answered... or even heard?  Jesus is the Way... the Truth... the Life... and He is the ONLY means by which you can access the power of Heaven to align you to the Father and His will for you on earth.  Accept this today if you haven't before, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

In Remembrance...

Today, a Memorial Service was held for a dear friend and mentor.  I was unable to attend, as I was involved in serving other families in another part of the city in which we live.  However, I wanted to take a moment and reflect upon what I am certain the service focused on: God.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13, KJV
I can promise that my friend and his wife would have told their pastor to speak ONLY of the greatness of our God the Creator of all things, and of the love that is shown by the sending and sacrifice of Christ as payment for our sins.  I can promise that there would have been specific instructions to point out that no matter how much good was done in his life, it was done to the glory of the Father, through the strength of the Son, by the leading of the Spirit.  I can promise that the people present, whether they knew these plans or not, were all blessed by being there... just as they were blessed to know him.

I had the awesome privilege to sit at a table with him during Men's Fraternity, a Tuesday morning Bible study that involved roughly six men to a table.  Five of us were in our 30's... this gentleman was not.  He was old enough to be our parent, and he showed fatherly and encouraging love to us as we looked into how to be a Biblical man.  He could've sat somewhere else, with contemporaries, but I believe that he felt it too important a topic to not take the opportunity to pour wisdom and experience into the lives of younger men.  His servant-mindedness took over, and he wanted to share with us a perspective of encouragement for what the future holds.  He represented for us "the end game," as it were, of living a godly life of Biblical manhood and character. 

He spoke truths into our lives and situations, and shared with us his own struggles.  His honesty and accountability to the Word are simply unmatched among the Christian men I know, and I will always be a better person for having had the chance to learn from him.

Better than that, though, as a member of the choir at that church, I watched as he faithfully prayed over our Senior Pastor every Sunday, before every service, so that the Word would come through uninhibited.  I believe that this is one of the contributing reasons to the pastor being so very powerful in his messages and preaching and prayer.  I believe that my friend was able to literally enhance the pastor through the prayers he offered... and I bet those that know him would whole-heartedly agree. 

Knowing his passion for prayer, I know that he kept a list of people to pray for.  I also know that our table group of men was on that list, both corporately and as individuals.  I don't have to ask if he prayed for me... I know he did.  And I know that the other men from our table would agree and share that sentiment.

I'm usually very careful about not using names in my writings, and I intend to continue that today.  Please don't think it ominous or vague... just know that he would rather me speak to you about the Name of Jesus than to share the name that served Jesus.  That is how he lived, and that is how he taught, and that is how he encouraged.  And so, in that spirit, I will say to my friend that I will miss him, but that I know he is in the presence of Christ, and one of the faithful saints has returned home!  Amen.  And Amen.

God bless you all!!!

Statement six... part 3...

So we see that Jesus is THE way, and that Jesus is THE truth, and we can acknowledge that without Him, we are lost and liars... mostly lying to ourselves about our own gut feeling of which way to go, which is bringing about less-than-positive results.  Now we need to go one step farther, and look at the bigger and harder picture.  He is THE life!

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
John 14:6, HCSB

To follow the previous section's example, I'll be very brief in explaining something very powerful: without Jesus, you are dead.  Let me say that again, folks.  Without Jesus, you are dead.  There can be no life without Him... at least, not a life worthy of what we were created for, which is to be in service and worship to the Father, with the Son, by the Spirit. 

Let's look at one thing, though, and be really honest about it.  Without Jesus, if you do not have THE life in you, then it would be really easy to do the things you wished to do, right?  I mean, you could probably go ahead and just do whatever felt right in the moment, and have little to no conscience about it at all, which means that you would be able to continue increasing that "good feeling" you would need in order to keep from asking the one question that plagues you.  The "rush" that you seek would need to be filled, and it would grow ever-larger, and more difficult to satiate, but at least you wouldn't be bothered with that silly little question that keeps you up at night after all the people have left the party.  Do you know what this sounds like?  To me, it sounds like deepening depression that attaches an addiction of some form to itself, which helps to keep the internal demons at bay... until it wears off.

And as for the question that is being avoided, that question is simple: you want to know if there is something more to all this.  However, asking that means that you have to either accept that there is, and then find it (which means finding Him), or you have to renounce yourself to the lie that there is nothing beyond this life, so you should just have fun however and whenever you choose.  The latter choice brings more depression when you're left to just your thoughts, and the addiction would only grow.  When you choose this, you assume that the other direction is the same, and so you decide not to look over the fence to see if the grass is greener... but then you have to take a peek.

Friends tell you that there is more, and you visit with a friend who does not share your sense of hopelessness and see what it's all about, and you begin to understand.  One day, you have a moment of prayer, and you realize that the "life" you have lived to this point has served little purpose but your own, and this is not an acceptable epitaph.  When you ask Christ into your heart and life, you become more alive than ever before, and all of a sudden there is a MUCH larger purpose to everything that happens.  Are you ready for the best part, though?  This is not like the addiction that was growing before, which sucked more and more and more life out of you.  This, instead, is growing life INTO you, and replacing those old wants for the things of the flesh.  Jesus has become LIFE inside you, and He is showing you how to truly live!

We can do the emphasis thing on this one, as well, because there is no escaping that Jesus is the Life.  He is the "light that is life" according to an earlier Statement, and His light cannot be overshadowed.  Therefore, His life cannot be reduced... and with Him as a part of you, neither can yours!  

He is the way... He is the truth... He is the life... your direction, your facts, and your very essence are of Christ, my Christian sibling, and there is nothing that can ever change that.  Period.

God bless you all!!! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Statement six... part 2...

This Statement, as a dear friend pointed out to me yesterday, is viewed as being "politically incorrect," because it is so exclusive in nature.  My first thoughts on this Statement, as you have seen, are also quite "politically incorrect."  And in my response to his sharing of that fact with me yesterday, I told him to wait and see what the next portion brings.  We're going to steer as far away from any "politically correct" thoughts as we possibly can, and stick to EXACTLY what the words of the Word are.

Yeah... I said it.

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
John 14:6, HCSB

We have looked at the truth that He is the way.  Now we must move slightly forward in the same passage to look at the truth that He is the Truth.  I'll put that down again, and then expand upon it for some understanding: Jesus is the Truth.  Can you imagine how powerful that statement is?  Think of all the implications that come from it, and then read it again: Jesus is the Truth.

When asked, most folks would say that they recognize and appreciate the character trait of honesty.  Those same people would then describe themselves as being "pretty honest people."  Do you know who I'm speaking of in your life?  For myself, I'll have to speak of myself, because that makes this all a little more clear for me.  I like to think that I am pretty honest.  However, I know for a fact that I have told a lie before.  To be honest, I've told more than one.  To be really honest, I can't think of a single year in my life when I didn't tell many more than one.  To be totally honest, I'd have to start writing them down for you and own each one (which would take far longer than any human has time for).  To be "the truth," I would have to admit to, own, and constantly be fully cognizant of all of them, regardless of size or subject... and be able to see through them all to the best possible version of the person who is lying.  Can you do that?  I cannot.

A popular evangelist (who happens to be a famous actor) is well-known for walking into the street and asking people if they've ever told a lie.  The response is always that the person has, and that means that they have violated one of the Ten Commandments.  That violation brings about damnation, because any sin separates us from the Father.  Without reconciliation, we cannot come back to the Father.  Further, to reconcile a relationship, the truth must be uncovered.  Therefore, if the Old Testament is what we cling to, then we have no hope at all, because we cannot possibly be or see the truth clearly enough to reconcile with the Father on our own. 

So what is Jesus?  He is the Truth!  He came and brought the reconciliation by showing that He was the only acceptable sacrifice to repay our sins.  He is perfect (please note that I did not say "was," as He is and ever shall be perfect... because He's ALIVE!), and we are as far from perfect as all of us combined could possibly imagine.  As we'll examine later, this distance is only traversed by having Jesus, because He is the Truth that brings us to the Father.  He IS the Truth!

Going back to the previous example of honesty as a trait, there are people who would claim this trait, and I am among them.  However, it would be best if we accepted the fact that we are all liars, and announced ourselves as such, so that we cannot deceive ourselves into thinking we are free from that particular sin, because to deceive ourselves in such a fashion shows that the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8, HCSB).  Let me put it a little more bluntly: if you don't have Christ, you are incapable of being honest.  He is the Truth, and without Him, you have no truth.  You must speak Christ in order to speak truth, because He is the Truth!

Certainly, having Him does not mean that we will always tell the truth, all the time, without fail.  However, it does allow us the chance to do the right thing, as the Truth is in us, and we can share it to the glory of the Father in every situation.  This does speak to witnessing, but it also speaks to the simplest of little white lies that we tell, whether to ourselves for comfort or to others to avoid consequence.  Letting His Truth shine through will honor the Father, no matter what the situation. 

And, to put the finest point on this that I possibly can, the real difference is what happens when I lie.  You see, having the Truth in me doesn't keep me from lying... what it does is bring about deep conviction when I do lie.  Anyone without the Truth in them will not have this same conviction, and therefore the distance between slightly altering the facts and giving perjured testimony is very short.  It is in that way that I say that honesty isn't possible, because that person without the Truth cannot even be honest with him/herself.

Once more, I will state that Jesus Christ IS the truth.  With Him, I can be an honest man.  I can own mistakes when I make them, be accountable to what the Word says (and not just what I like to take from it), and I can teach my children and share with fellow believers in an open and heart-filled manner.  Without Him, I am incapable of being honest at all, because every word and thought are fully engulfed by my sin nature, and even when I answer honestly to a question I am asked, I am still a fallen sinner without redemption or hope.  Without Christ, there is no Truth in me... I'm so thankful that I have Him, and that is the truth.

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Statement six... part 1...

We're almost to the end of this, the second portion of this long and fruitful study, and we are coming to quite the ending, indeed!  We have been blessed to be free of the fears of hunger, darkness, being lost, being unprotected, and death, and now we are going to learn a fundamental and profound Truth about our lives... and that Truth is another layer of Who Jesus really IS!

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
John 14:6, HCSB

Wow... you know there are few passages in literature that make men tremble in awe, but this one has to be among them.  What a Statement!  At this moment, reading through the Gospel of John, it is appropriate to seek the truth behind whether Jesus is crazy or correct.  Clearly, you know that I believe and know Him to be correct in all things, this Statement definitely among them.  However, can you try and picture what reply or response you would have if anyone else in the history of history were to utter these words about themselves?  Think about it...

We learned in a prior Statement that Jesus is the door or the gate, and here He clarifies that He is "the way."  You know, in my studies I have found that any time something is repeated in Scripture, it is something that should be paid great attention to.  Therefore, since He has already said that He is the door, and now He is the way, then is there any other path or doorway or threshold or gate or passage or any other such pass-through that will suffice? 


Later in the New Testament, we will see echoes of this repeated again in Acts 4:12 which reads, "There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved (HCSB)."  Jesus IS the way, and there is nothing that can stand against that.  His path is the one to follow, because He walked it.  And His example is the one to follow, because it is His.  To put it another way, His way is the only way to consider, because He is right and righteous, and if He went through a certain way, then we should, as well.

No other way matters... no other way is right... no other way yields fruit of any kind... it's like those silly puzzles on the back of the children's menu at your favorite restaurant (whatever it may be), in that there is only a single route that is successful from beginning to end.  You could also compare it to any puzzle you have ever put together, from two pieces to ten thousand, in that they only fit together one specific way.  Trying all the others is pointless, because they will fail.  Believing in any other is pointless, because it is foolish.  There is ONE WAY, folks, and all of the "enlightened" people who subscribe to anything different are carrying ever-dimming torches as they exhaust one possibility after another. 

It's like a dear friend of mine said one day: we are discovering facts and truths that fit our beliefs, supporting the Truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father... those opposed to this view are constantly rearranging their beliefs to fit the falsehood they claim to be the truth, whatever the case may be.  Think about that for a while, and when you recognize that there is only ONE WAY, and that the way IS Jesus Christ, He will be waiting for you.

God bless you all!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Statement five... part 3...

To close out this fifth Statement, there are two major points that I must bring forth.  We'll cover them both now, and I know you'll be as excited as I am to look through this one again from these perspectives.  Trust me, it will be worth it.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die - ever. Do you believe this?'"
John 11:25-26, HCSB

I have made mention that Jesus spoke only to Martha, and I would like to make it clear that the Word supports this fact specifically.  It states clearly that "Jesus spoke to her," and does not say that Jesus spoke to the crowd, or to the masses, or even to a pluralized "them."  It designates her, Martha, personally and specifically. 

You might ask yourself, "Self, why is this minute portion of the verse so very important?"  Well, I'm glad you are curious, because the importance lies in the facts that follow.  Imagine once more the town, all gathered together and stricken with grief over their collective loss, a loss which reminds them that they are not certain what happens after death (and this probably happens every time someone dies).  Picture the masses of people who are in need of comfort, all crying and destitute.  Now look again at who Jesus spoke to... just Martha.  In the midst of all the pain, all the suffering, on that large scale, He took the time to personally speak to her.  He loved her enough to get right in the middle of it, One-with-one, and offer her comfort directly.  Do you know what that means?  It means He does that for you, too.

Of course, as referenced before, He also asks a very pointed and difficult question in that moment, looking for the clear statement of belief.  I asked before, and I'll ask again, do you believe it?  This makes the moment tough, even though it is comforting, because there isn't a gray area listed as an option.  Do you believe it or not?  That's the question that Martha had to answer, and it is the question that we have to answer.  The better part, though, is that along with the personal comforting, He also makes this moment personal for only Martha.  It doesn't say that He was shouting about whether the crowd believed it, but it says that He asked her directly, in the same sentence, whether she believed.  Guess what, folks... He's asking you, too.

The second point that we must look to is that He IS the resurrection.  I played with emphasis earlier, and I find that exercise to be impactful in looking through passages of the Gospel.  However, we need to look into the semantics and see that the defining part of it is that Jesus Christ IS the resurrection.  It's important, because He is the One who is "resurrected," but that is not how He worded it.  He is also the One "to be resurrected," but that is not how He said it.  To finish out the emphasis exercise, and to do it properly, the only thing to do is to place proper emphasis everywhere it belongs; JESUS CHRIST IS THE RESURRECTION.  Yep... that's how it should be said.

To follow this train of thought, to accept Him is to accept resurrection.  Conversely, one could not hope for resurrection without accepting Him.  Therefore, since the Word of God, Jesus Christ, through Whom all things were created, is saying that He IS the resurrection, the only way to have resurrection is to have Him.  It paints quite the picture, right?  Accept Him, and you receive all that He has to offer.  Deny Him, and you receive nothing but what you deserve, which is hell and death and damnation for all eternity.  He IS the resurrection.

On a final note, as Jesus calls Lazarus forth from the tomb, He shows that He IS, indeed, the resurrection.  His words revived a four-days-dead Lazarus, who by Martha's own admission was already stinking from decomposition (John 11:39, HCSB).  And the Word points out that Jesus "shouted with a loud voice (John 11:43, HSCB)," when He called Lazarus forth.  Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of the possibility of Jesus shouting loudly, all I can picture is the whole power of Heaven behind the roaring and deafening sound of words that are so loud they cannot be discerned by human ears... but the heart knows them anyway.

He IS the resurrection, and He is calling to you and revealing Himself to you through His Gospel.  Be as Lazarus, raised from your condemnation to death, and walk as you can to seek Him and Him alone.  He will send others to help unravel your bondage, and to free your movement (John 11:44, HCSB).  By this, you will be able to be free from the power of death.

God bless you all!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Statement five... part 2...

The scene is laid, the people are present, and the corpse is... well... a corpse.  The sisters are upset, the Messiah has arrived, and the moment of revelation is at hand. These people, standing around in tears, with no idea of the extent of Christ's power, are about to be witnesses to a moment that they cannot possibly envision.  But Martha hears the Statement, AND gets to see the Sign, and so it is doubly impactful for her.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die - ever. Do you believe this?'"
John 11:25-26, HCSB

I have to take a moment and ask the same question of you that Jesus asked of Martha: do you believe this?  I mean, honestly, do you believe and know in your heart that there is nothing that can stop the Son of God, and do you believe that He can call forth a person from any condition, from any tomb, even from complete nothingness?  I believe it.  I completely believe it. 

Again referring to my profession, death is so personal a thing for so many families.  Burial versus cremation and other alternates is a real struggle in the hearts of those left behind, and there are many people who are opposed to the idea of cremation, because of many varying reasons.  Others are opposed to burial for a similarly long list of reasons.  Some want to be shot into space, frozen for keeping, made into diamonds, buried at sea, cremated and molded into a reef formation to be sunk at sea... the list goes on and on and on.  The one thing I want you to take away from this added (and admittedly useless) knowledge, though, is that from whatever condition you are in after you have passed away, Jesus Christ has NO LIMITATION on bringing you back to Himself.  He is able to reform cremated remains, able to bring back those shot into space, able to raise those buried at sea, and able to rebuild entirely those obliterated completely.  He IS able, and MORE than able, to do this and all other things that we can think or imagine... as well as those things that we cannot imagine!

Having explained that power a little more, now let's take a look at the moment.  One key verse that must be referenced in this passage and in this Statement is John 11:35, "Jesus wept."  This, the shortest verse in Scripture, carries a powerful punch.  I referenced this in the Signs, and I will teach it again and again and again, because there is no end to the power of this moment.  Jesus Christ, looking at the fear that had spread through this town from one death (because they didn't understand death, and had no knowledge of the Resurrection as you and I do); looking at the rampant sadness that was flowing from everyone, due to the same lack of knowledge and understanding; looking at the confusion of the entire moment, and seeing that when sin entered the world through Adam, and death came with it, the created beings of the Word now live in terror.  Jesus Christ saw all of this and wept for the people... all of them.  As added encouragement, I have to tell you that since He sees all of time in a single frame, He was also looking right at you when He shed these tears.  He knows your fear, and He knows your pain, and He knows your anguish over this frightening topic, and it moves Him, the Son of God, the Creator of all things, the Word, the Messiah, to weep for YOU!!!

There are those who say that crying is a sign of weakness, and that men should not cry in public.  I disagree, and I do so based upon John 11:35.  Christ's immense love for us and for our need to be freed from the power that sin held over us moved Him to tears, and that is not a sign of weakness... it's a determination of overcoming a massive obstacle!  He already knew that He was going to overcome it, and He already had the ministry laid out to do so, but I like to believe that His humanity fully surfaced in this moment, and the emotions with which we are blessed became an added strength to Him for this purpose.  (Yes, folks, I am keenly aware that nothing was a surprise to Christ, and that He has all knowledge, and that He probably knew that He would be overwhelmed by the sight that day to the point of tears... please don't think anything different.)

HE is the resurrection.  He IS the resurrection.  He is THE resurrection.  He is the RESURRECTION.  Like with the others, no matter where you put the emphasis, the Truth remains the same... and what happens next proves this Truth, in grand abundance!

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Statement five... part 1...

I mentioned one day when I shared this with some folks that the alleviation of fear is important to all people.  This is an absolute truth, for every single person on the planet.  So by this point, we should be pretty fired up that four major fears have been dealt with for all eternity: we won't be searching for that which fills our souls, because Jesus is the Bread; we won't stumble in the darkness of sin, because Jesus is the Light; we know where to go, because Jesus is the Door; we are protected from hell and damnation, as well as from the devil's assaults on our souls, because Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  Four serious concerns, all gone, forever and ever, amen.  And then we come to this moment in Bethany...

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.  Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die - ever.  Do you believe this?'"
John 11:25-26, HCSB

Let's lay the scene a bit.  Mary and Martha had sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was ill, and then further word that he had died.  It has been four days since Lazarus passed, and the sisters of the man are wrought with grief.  They are questioning why Jesus didn't come sooner, because He could've prevented this death.  This Statement is made to assure one of the sisters, Martha, that Jesus has dominion and authority over all things... including death.

Knowing all of that, we need to dig a little deeper.  In my profession, I have the privilege to watch many rituals at funerals, and I have the backing of studying all of the cultural and historical aspects of funeral service.  We loving refer to what we do as "the world's second-oldest profession," because the funeral practices of mankind go back a lot farther than the average person might think.  For example, the term "wake," while highly antiquated in today's society, was actually brought on by the three day ritual of washing a person with warm water to ensure they were actually dead.  If ill or in a deep sleep, the water and the washing would awaken them.  Further, in most societies during the time of Christ, a three day waiting period was pretty standard.  Therefore, the people in Bethany have clearly established that Lazarus is, by their definition and understanding, truly dead.

Also, it is important to note that the audience gathered here has no knowledge of the Resurrection as we do, so their understanding of death is EXTREMELY limited.  They have no hope, because they operate under a system based entirely upon works, one which has been twisted and turned to work for the benefit of the corrupt leadership in place.  If they don't do/serve/give enough, they won't make it, and they'll spend eternity in Sheol.  And really, who wants to do that?  Therefore, they live in total, paralyzing fear of what death is and what it brings.  Just so you are aware, there are many people today who also live in that same fear... I pray that you are not among them.

So to close this portion, we need to look at the truths of the moment, in that there was a dead man, there was a serious fear, and there were people (a whole town of them) all present to see what was about to happen.  However, before they could see the Sign that was coming, Martha had the blessed privilege to hear Jesus speak a truth about Himself that would alleviate one more serious fear: He IS the resurrection!

God bless you all!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Statement four... part 2...

This Statement has one more point that must be clarified, and then we get to move into the fifth one.  However, I find I am a tad lost as to how I should say what I need to say about this final point here.  You see, it's so simple that I could just tell you and be done with it.  Yet, at the same time, it carries so much weight that it almost deserves many, many points of thought. 

Let me see how the simple approach fits: He is our Shepherd, and He died for us all.

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
John 10:11, HCSB

Perhaps I should reword the simple approach: He laid down His life for us all.

You see what I mean?  So simple!  If anyone can say that they have laid their life down, willingly, and without blemish, to cover the sins of all mankind throughout time, then I guess that person could lay claim to the title of "Good Shepherd."  It says right there in the Word that this is a requirement of a good shepherd with respect to the flock of animals he guards and serves, does it not?  Therefore, Jesus as our Shepherd laid His life aside for all mankind... and no one else can make that statement.  So here, I will point out clearly that Jesus Christ is the way to salvation, the way to grace, the way to Heaven.  He made it possible for us.

Further, please note that it doesn't just say that the shepherd dies for the sheep.  This is why I corrected my phrasing above, and why I show the correction to you now.  Jesus did die, and He certainly was murdered, and He certainly was violently beaten and mocked and reviled in front of a huge crowd.  But think with me for a moment about the amount of torture endured.  Anyone else probably would have died before the crucifixion.  Jesus didn't.  He carried the cross, was nailed to it, and hung there on display.  The other two died from that, with no mention of similar prior torture.  Jesus didn't.  Don't miss this one, folks, because in it lies the key to this Statement: He laid His life down of His own accord.  He chose to begin the next phase (moving to the Resurrection and conquering death), which had to start with physical death.  John 19:30 clearly states, "When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished!'  Then bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."  He laid His life down for His sheep... that's us.

The deeper point to recognize there is that Jesus could've (looking to His Divinity as fully God and fully Man) endured more punishment and beating in His physical form than any man, because He is not just a man.  He endured more than the rest present, and more than most had ever seen or thought possible, and then DECIDED to pass through the doorway of physical death, so that the Lord's will for humanity could be spelled out clearly for us today. 

So the next time you think of who you follow, please think about the One that is Bread for you... the One that is Light for you... the One that is the Door for you... and the One that willingly laid His life down for you.  He is all these, and so much more!

God bless you all!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Statement four... part 1...

He is the Bread... the Light... the Door... and now, as we enter through this Door, being fed and illuminated, we also learn the sound of His voice.  I mentioned this already, and I won't harp on it too much, but the truth here is that in knowing His voice, knowing the sound of Him, we also know to return to Him when He calls. 

"I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
John 10:11, HCSB

Shepherds spend their entire lives in service of animals less intelligent, and they have to take years (literally) to gain the unfailing trust of the flock they watch over.  The shepherd, when properly attentive, is mother, father, leader, provider, sustainer, and protector.  Each sheep has a specific temperament, and the shepherd knows them all.  Likewise, each sheep knows the voice of the shepherd that they follow. 

Going to a familiar verse from Psalm 23, we know that the Lord is our Shepherd, just as David put it.  And as I once taught to a group of young men, if the sheep in this analogy could sing praises and shout their gratitude, there would be a magnificent musical presentation with true Broadway flourish and style.  A single sheep (probably female, because the girls always get the best solos) would step forward to give an account of how she wandered away, but was brought back to the fold by the love of the Shepherd, and a chorus would then augment her sound and move the listener to tears in seconds.  The lights and the sounds and the passion in it all would be breathtaking!  Can you see it yet?

However, sheep cannot do all that crazy stuff.  They can do only one thing, and that is respond to their instinct.  If things are good, they feel it, and they stay there.  When things are less than good, they feel that, too, and they'll run.  Therefore, their only form of "worship," as it were, is to follow the one that protects them.  This is their right and reasonable response.  They know that he will bring them through dangers, provide them with green pastures and slow-moving waters for drinking.  The sheep know that he will protect them from wolves and bears and lions and wild cats.  And do you want to know the best part?  They know all of this because they can FEEL it.

You see, we can sing and shout and put on a production, and there are some that do a wonderful job of it, to be honest.  However, what happens when we come off stage?  Do we maintain that same level of intensity?  Are we as powerful without an earthly audience?  Further, are we aware that our only audience is an audience of One, and that His glory is all that matters?  I feel that I must tell you that I do fail in this, and I would bet that you do, as well, if you'll be open and honest about it.  We all do... we're human.  We can only do one thing, when left to our own devices, and that is fail.

Now, are you ready for the real kick in the complacency?  We consider ourselves enlightened and intelligent, especially compared to sheep.  However, to put this into proper perspective, we must acknowledge Christ as our Shepherd, and recognize that we are merely sheep (and probably lower, honestly, because we have and use the power to rationalize almost any behavior, good or bad), and we are just as we see them: instinctual, foolish, strong in numbers, but prone to wandering away for no apparent reason at all.  Grasp this, loved ones... we are not so smart as we think, and we are not now, and will never, ever be, smarter or even smart enough to navigate these dangerous roads without our Shepherd.

To sum up, I'll tell you that our response to Christ's Atonement for our sins should be two-fold.  First, we should follow the Shepherd that calls us.  Second, we should admit that we are mere sheep, and do our best to learn and grow and enable others to do the same.

Baa... baa... baa.

God bless you all!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Statement three... a final thought...

I mentioned in Part 1 that we would return to the thought of security that the people entering the cave found after speaking the word "Friend" in a foreign language.  I would like to return to that point, as promised, to bring the real truth out in this (and any) move from one place of perceived danger into another place of perceived safety, so that I can be certain to share what is on my heart to share.

"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture."
John 10:9, HCSB

These characters from this movie entered into the enclosed space, only one of them knowing that terrible danger awaited them.  But really, even when we walk through the Door and enter into our personal pasture for service, the only guaranteed place of perfect peace is in Heaven.  That means, Christian sibling, that while we are on this earth, we will always need to be wary of the possibility of impending danger.  There will never be a time in this corporeal form that we can let our guard down or assume that we are no longer in the sights of the enemy.

Granted, the film which I very loosely reference is a work of fiction, but it is written by a Christian scholar, and it is a very, very safe bet that the imagery was not lost on him... and it should not be lost on you.  The Apostle Peter points out clearly that the enemy is ever-prowling, always ready for you or me or that guy or the lady over there to slip, even for just a moment, even for only a micrometer, so that he can grab hold of any one of us.  The description of a lion, which I almost always associate with either my wife's sorority or St. Mark, should be one of terrifying reality... because I would imagine that a hungry lion, seeing you limping and bleeding, has little concern for you at all, or anything you have, anyone you know, anything you represent.  That lion sees one thing, and that's dinner.

Again, from the film, the characters were at peace and calm for a bit, but they found themselves in an enclosed space, unable to escape without a difficult battle, and that battle came to them.  Are we so different?  We wander around, growing and growing, and then we have a peak moment, and forget that valleys exist, as well.  Then in an instant, we think ourselves better than those who are tempted, we figure we are walking into a safe space, we allow our guard to slip, and we end up either an appetizer, a main course, or a dessert.  And why?  I'll tell you: complacency was allowed to surface, and humility was pushed aside.

Be mad or offended if you choose, but the only truth that can remain has to be what actually happened.  And since "the devil made me do it" isn't going to carry water for any saved Christian (because to be saved, you must believe that Jesus resides in you, and the devil cannot make you do anything), and "I figured it wouldn't be that bad" is ridiculous (because we know, as saved Christians, that sin is sin, and all of it is bad), then all we're left with is that we got arrogant, assumed we could handle the temptation on our own, and we did the only thing we are capable of when left to our own devices: WE FAILED!!!

However, as pointed out in all the points on this Statement, Christ is the Door to return to, cross through once again in our own personal sheep gate, and be cleansed and/or renewed to move forward.  Regurgitation of the failure serves no purpose, because that is similar to a dog returning to its own vomit (ref. Proverbs 26:11), and who wants that?  Christ Himself, just two chapters earlier in this same Gospel, exhorts that we should "Go, and sin no more (John 8:11)," so why would we do anything less? 

Speak CHRIST, and enter through the Door!

God bless you all!!!

Statement three.. part 3...

There is one last thing about this Statement that we must cover, and it is one that is not specifically mentioned here, but it is a reality that all will realize as soon as it is spoken.  Something happens inside us as we pass through the Door, receiving both Bread and Light, and acknowledging Christ's ability to overcome and outshine any and all things in this world and beyond: we can hear Him.

"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture."
John 10:9, HCSB

We enter through Him, and in that moment, we become His sheep.  (Little bit of foreshadowing here, but you get the picture.)  Being His sheep means that we hear His voice, and we know it when we are called back.  I remember as a child hearing my mother's voice over all the noise as she called for my brother and I to return home, sometimes from over a block away.  I could always tell when she was calling us, and when we needed to return to the door of our home. 

This is no different, as we enter through once to become a member of the blessed and saved flock, and then we go out to find pasture that we are supposed to graze in.  When we stray outside our pasture, He calls us home to the proper Gate or Door, which would be a return to Him.  And, like the memory of my mother calling for us for dinner, the voice of Christ is heard above all things, and cannot be ignored or muted or tuned out or silenced or deafened by anything or anyone... because He is FIRST, in all things, and His voice cuts through all the noise and all the distraction to remind us not only of who we are, but also of Whose we are.

Some people today are in need of a return to the Doorstep of grace and mercy, and they can hear Him calling them.  Trust me, it is not difficult to return to that place. Other people today are hearing this call for the first time, seeing this Door as open and inviting.  I pray that those people would boldly cross the threshold into a new and everlasting life of blessed and irreplaceable joy that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, Emmanuel, the Angel of the LORD, the Word, the Bread, the Light... the Door.

God bless you all!!!