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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

An open request...

I am in prayer about the next study I will endeavor to go through, but I would like your thoughts on it.  If there is something you would like me to cover, or something you would like me to extrapolate in the fashion I do, then please do me a favor and send me that section in an email, with "Next Study" as the subject line.

I will approach each request seriously, and I will respond to all of them.  And I thank you in advance for your thoughts in this matter as we all work towards a closer and greater walk and life with our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ!

God bless you all!!!


"I always do my best to have a clear conscience towards God and men."
Acts 24:16

As I am praying about what study I will dive into next, I feel it necessary to share my heart on the point of honesty and clear conscience.  I could cite many, many verses from a multitude of places about how words are harmful and about how we should not swear, but just let our yes mean yes, and about how we should treat (and speak to) others as we wish to be treated (spoken to).  But the best verse I can think of is above, and here's why...

If you allow your tongue to be reckless and pierce like a sword, then you will probably regret it at some point in your life.  If you swear to and by things and do not keep your word, then you will probably feel somewhat guilty about it at some point in your life.  If you treat other people horribly, yet hold yourself up as venerated and deserving of royal accolade, then eventually you will realize that you are wrong.  And when all this comes crashing down, you will have quite the unclear conscience.  You will not be ready to face the coming trials, because you will be consumed with those of the past.

Today, in short form, I would encourage you to clear your conscience of past misdeeds, recognizing that you are saved, fellow Christian!  All that is past, and nothing more remains of it in the eyes of the Father, so why would you dwell upon it?  And as for today and moving forward, simply be honest.  Say it... whatever it is.  And if it gets you in trouble, so be it, but at least you told the truth.  Your conscience will be clear before God and men, you will be known to be wisely honest and faithful to your faith, family and calling, and you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

One final thought...

“And if somebody overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:12

So we went through in depth, and talked abuot the fruit and it’s individual components. We focused on the armor in the same fashion. And then I had a conversation with a friend last night, and something he said really caught my ear. He said that the armor passage has always left him wondering about the only portion of the body never mentioned to have covering, and why no one preaches on that point (paraphrased). So I’m taking that challenge.

The only piece not mentioned is one that would cover the back. And there is a clear reason for this, he and I agree, and it is that we are not supposed to run. We should never have our backs turned, retreating from the advances of the enemy. And whether that enemy is the sin within us (from Galatians, just before the fruit and opposite to it) or the enemy and his influence in the world (from Ephesians), we should face it. We should stand our ground, frimly fitted and ready, with the fruit blessed into us well-protected and secure, and face the threat.

The armor all speaks to frontal coverings, and the applications that come from them. And from an individual stand point, onewould conclude that we should never turn our back on the fight that we must see through to the finish. However, I’m going one step further, in the fashion that I began my blog and with the passion that I carry for the covenant promise of marriage.

As a couple, I mentioned in one segment that we should armor each other and guard our communal garden. And if we were to, as another friend mentioned to me, stand back-to-back and fight to protect each other, there would be no weakness found in the two that became one. There would be no point of attack that could be more vulnerable for the enemy to try.

Further, and I’m shamelessly stealing this one from the same friend who mentioned the position of how we should stand, if we are face-to-face, fighting with each other, we are both unprotected from behind. However, if we remain back-to-back and fight for each other, as opposed to with each other, we will, by the grace and blessing of God, be stronger together. Nothing can stop that kind of power. Nothing can get in the way of a marriage in that format. And, as the cord of three strands is mentioned, I tell you that a husband and wife who openly and fully involve God in their everyday matters, regardless of how seemingly easy or insignificant, have a cord that is supremely unbreakable!

Take your spouse by the hand today, and stand back-to-back together. Pray for the strength to carry forward in whatever trials and difficulties may come, and pray that you will always remember that you MUST cover each other and protect each other. I promise… no, He promises… when your focus is on the protection of each other in bringing glory to the Lord first, you will be a beacon of light to all who are lost and confused, to all who have difficulties that seem insurmountable and to all who need a return to a loving relationship with the Father, and with each other. Do these things, and bring honor to the Lord in being so!

And now may the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, which passes all understanding and comprehension, which is the only true example of what it means to love through forgiveness and acceptance and understanding, envelop and consume you like a consuming fire, and may you always and everywhere be blessed and know that you are a child of the Most High God!

Amen. And Amen.

Invest in life...

"Remove sorrow from your heart, and put away pain from your flesh, because youth and the prime of life are fleeting."
Ecclesiastes 11:10

In keeping with my thoughts the past couple of days, I feel it necessary to share this wisdom with you from Solomon.  And while this text will not be included in the recently completed book about the fruit and armor, it does lend to certain portions of those studies.

The heart, covered by the breastplate of righteousness, should have no sorrow in it.  As Solomon wrote this, he spoke to people before Christ, and simply admonished them to remain happy and productive.  However, we who have Christ today have literally no reason to have sorrow burdening us.  And, more than that, to allow sorrow in, we would have to remove the breastplate and expose the heart... for righteousness does not know sorrow, but only knows JOY!  Righteousness and the saving grace that comes from knowing Christ as Lord should eliminate any glimmer of sorrow that could possibly be present.  For what do we have to sorrow over if we have Jesus?

And as for putting pain away, I know that this is not really possible.  However, if you were consumed with the fear that you MIGHT have pain, you would probably miss out on the greatest parts of the human existence.  You might miss the love of sports, or running, or biking, or hiking, or capming, or music, or any other such thing, and therefore slight the Lord, as you will not use the gifts He has blessed you with to honor Him.  However, it would be easier to just put on His armor, and then go on and do what it is you have in your heart to do which honors Him through the fullest and best use of the way He made you!  So think not on the potential pains and losses, but rather on the already present gain of Christ!  And move forward, honoring Him and His kingdom with the absolute very best of yourself, always! 

In the movie "Facing the Giants" a coach demonstrates this very, very well with a player who had to crawl blindfolded.  Amid pain and discomfort and added weight from another player on his back, the young man persevered as the coach reminded him through the entire excercise that he could not stop until he had given every last ounce, his very best, all of himself to the task at hand... and that young man crawled over 100 yards in a death crawl position with an additional 180 lbs on his back, because he was unable to look at anything outside and become discouraged, and he had constant reminding that he was not to stop!

And as for the prime of life being fleeting, given my "real" job in the world, I can tell you factually that there is nothing ever guaranteed.  Ever.  One moment is all we ever have, and in it, we should be always aimed at serving the Lord and His people with the very best of ourselves and what we have to offer.  Nothing should ever change that goal.

Take time today to examine what your offering is.  (My fellow musicians will love this next part...)  Are you offering God only your warm-up, bringing simple scales and patterns forward?  Are you offering Him your performance piece, well-rehearsed and flawless... and easily repeatable at any time?  Are you offering Him your encore, which, while exhasuted, may have missed notes... but it will be filled with emotion?  Or are you offering Him all that and more?  Do you do the things you must for Him AND go home, in private, and sing/play to the very best of your ability and the maximum of your limit when no one but God is there to hear you?  That is putting your best forward; to give Him all that you do and then some more, from the best parts of yourself.  I guarantee you, when you do this, you bring honor to the Lord!

God bless you all!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday's thought...

"The Lord will fight for you; you must be quiet."
Exodus 14:14

I return to a favorite verse of mine today, knowing that yesterday I promised I would work on my reactions.  And this morning, as I thought about that promise, I realized that I needed to follow that thought with this one, and that I needed the reminder of its power.  (I did actively catch myself last night and pray through a reaction... it was interesting, and I can see how amazing it would be if that were my first response all the time.)

So often, we all try to explain and justify and rationalize any and all reactions we have to any and all circumstances.  And every time we try, do you know what is constant?  We are speaking.  Our words are constant.  They never cease as we attempt to prove our own innocence to ourselves and to others, and we never take the time to just allow God's will to manifest in us for the right responses.  In short, we're too busy talking to hear what God has to say on it.

Today I would ask, humbly, that you all take an extra bit of quiet time for yourself.  I know it is difficult, but if you can find the way and the time to just sit silently and listen for God, I would encourage you to do so.  Quiet your mind of all the nonsense that pertains only to this world, and allow the presence of the Spirit to fill your mind with the things of Heaven.  As we grow in the practice of meditation, we will all bring honor and glory to the Lord... I promise!

God bless you all!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What to do now...

"But I tell you, don't resist an evildoer.  On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.  As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well.  And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two."
Matthew 5:39-41

Blessed ones, we have our fruit, and we know how to recognize it and cultivate it, and we know that it is a blessing from God that we must show forth to honor Him.  We have, also, our armor, and we know how to wear it.  We know that it, too, is a blessing from God, and that when we have it on at any time, we honor Him by trusting in the armor He provides for us.  We have discussed who attacks us, how it happens, what the exact target is and, most importantly, Who protects us.  But you may be left asking, as I am, "what now?" 

The answer is simple: serve.  Serve others always, in all capacities, in all locations, on all occasions.  And if you are the person that they come to for service, and they have a pleasing job for you to perform, then revel in the blessing to serve them and help them smile.  And if they come to you and need you to serve as a punching bag (verbally), then revel in the blessing to serve them and help them get to their smile.  But, either way, you serve!

Jesus never once said that things would always be peachy and easy and fun and happy... in fact, the greatest Being in the universe, the One that created the universe, stepped into flesh from His throne and took upon Himself the weight and pains and sin for all of mankind, past, present and future.  He bled for us; was whipped for us; was scarred for us; DIED for us.  That doesn't sound happy or peaceful or wealthy or healthy or fun.  And we are called to live as Christ, which brings the truth forward that we WILL go through sufferings and pains and difficult trials and crises of conscience and stumbles and falls. 

The difference, though, is that we have Christ as a part of our very being... making us holy and pure, because of His work on our behalf.  Therefore, if we are to be like Him (as best we can), then we should actually put that into practice.  And I will confess that this will be very difficult for me, but I promise to begin working openly toward it, starting right now.

The next time you are insulted, regardless of how or why or who, think about your response and reaction.  Perhaps the person needed to blow off steam; perhaps the person doesn't know that you don't like to be insulted; or, and this one is gonna sting, perhaps you really are wrong.  I would venture that nothing is so serious that it cannot be overlooked in wisdom and patience, and unless you are being flogged and scarred and torn apart by men with vicious implements of torture, on your way to be brutally crucified and innocently slain for the good of all mankind, then your response is not justifiably one of vengeance.  Rather, as the One that actually endured all of that punishment, our response should always come from prayer... for everyone, everywhere.

In that prayerful mentality, we keep the best part of the armor active, as we are praying always for everyone and everything.  Further, in remembering the prayerful approach, we show the best of our fruit, in that we remain joyous and peaceful and patient and kind and self-controlled.  Our "armored fruit" will win the day, eventually, and we will be seen as we should be: Christian.

Take time now to pray.  Pray fervently, and do not cease.  Pray openly and loudly.  Pray with tears and with joy and with shouts and with whispers and with songs and with speeches... just make them all honest and true and from your heart to God's, and I promise you, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Applying it together...

"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts."
Ecclesiastes 4:9

This will speak to the married couples, specifically, about the entire study of the fruit and the armor, from the perspective of 4th Wall Ministries.  But if you are not yet married, whether a part of a couple or still single, there are truths here for you to look forward to, so please do not shy away from this.

The study itself was written from a point of self-knowlegde and introspection, because it is necessary to understand that I can only work on me.  There is no one else on the planet that I can ever change, no matter how hard I may try.  But if you have been reading along with me for a while, you probably knew that I would tie it up eventually into the original concept of the blog... so here it is.

We all have the blessing of fruit within us individually, and the blessing of armor onto us individually... but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help each other.  Wives, you are the greatest source of aid and encouragement your husbands will ever know.  You assistance in all things is paramount to any other person on earth.  Husbands, the love and care and sacrificial demeanor you show to your wives is more valuable than anything in the universe to them.  And if they know you are there to protect, they will be more able to advise.  Further, if God placed the two of you together, knowing that the armor was on each of you, would it not follow that since the "two have become one" the shield and breastplate and helmet, etc. would now also be capable of covering both of you?  And would it not also follow that the cultivation of fruit would become a task to work on together, so that the home that is built from this marriage is one of faith and peace and joy and patience and kindness, etc.?

Take time today to tell your spouse you are with them in this quest.  Remind them, whether husband or wife, of how much you love and cherish them today.  Realize that God has placed you together for a reason and a purpose, and the wielding of His armor to protect yourselves and your family is a part of that, just as cultivating the fruit He has blessed you with is.  Pray together today for the will of God to envelop you and surround you and consume you.  It will be an encouragement to your children (if you have them), to your married friends, to your single friends and to all you encounter, and I guarantee you will both honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

The way it works...

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."
Ephesians 6:18

Some people will say that the armor is what needs the prayer, as mentioned in the verse above.  However, if you read the entire passage again, the armor is a blessing from God, placed directly upon us for use.  It is called "the armor of God" for a reason, and it should never be mistaken that this armor needs no prayer at all... but the one wearing it does!

Please don't take this the wrong way, friends, but no matter how close to good we get in life, covered in Spiritual armor, bearing and cultivating Spiritual fruit, there is still an ever-present possibility that we will fail.  There is still a chance we will fall.  The armor cannot fail, but we can remove it.  The fruit cannot fail, but we can choose not to cultivate it.  We need prayer.  We need it to be from someone who is in the Spirit.  We need it all the time.  We need it for everything.

My pastor, a wise and blessed man, told us once (and I believe I mentioned this earlier in the Fruit portion of this study) that we are not "good people who occasionally do bad things."  We are, absolutely, "bad people who occasionally do good things."  To put a finer point on it, from my perspective, we are lost, wretched, blinded, wandering, nonsensical fools who very, very rarely stumble close enough to the semblance of a good thing to call it kind of our own.  I know that sounds bleak, but if God is good, and we certainly do not equal Him, then how far away from good are we really?  Beloved ones, we NEED prayer.

And being "in the Spirit" simply means that we are praying for the will of God first!  The song says aptly that we should seek FIRST the will of God, and then all things will be added unto us.  And when we pray, there is nothing wrong with praying for healing or rest or reprieve or blessing... but we must begin with the admonition, "if it be Your will."  And then we pray in the proper heart and mind, placing us in the Spirit as we seek the will of God for others, as well as for ourselves.  Please note, also, that it says to pray for ALL the Lord's people.  That includes the ones you don't like, just as it includes the ones I don't like.  It doesn't matter if we like them or not: our duty is to pray for them, and for the will of God to flourish in their lives.

Most importantly, and I can never stress this enough, is what the verse says about how often to pray.  "On all occasions," and "always" are trhe words used here.  Our prayers for the people of the Lord should NEVER EVER STOP!!!  They should never stop, ever.  They should be constant as the northern star.  And some would ask why this is necessary... because we NEED prayer!  The power of prayer is too great to ignore, and we are not capable of survival without it, not if we are to live as Christ (or as close to it as we can) would have us live.  Prayer is a must, and it is not a request here; it is a command.

Take time today to focus on the amount of time you spend in prayer.  Whether it is general prayer for all the believers in the world, for all the sick and lonely and destitute, or if it is specific prayers from a list and a schedule like some dear friends of mine are faithful to follow each day, look at it and ask youself if it is enough.  And be honest with yourself, because God already knows the answer.  Be certain that your prayers never cease, and that they are for the will of God first, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The sword... in closing...

"... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6:17b

I spoke yesterday on the fact that a sword is of no use if it is not present when needed.  I'm certain everyone understands that to be pretty commonplace and obvious, needing little to no expansion.  But there is an even greater danger, and we will cover that one today as we close on the sword.

There is another time when a sword is of no use, and this time is even worse than when you've left it behind.  At least when you don't have it with you, you discover that problem in the attempt to use it.  This would mean that you have reached for it, and found it not there.  And you would only have reached for it if you knew it was necessary to wield in that moment.  But what if you were confident you had it n, and yet you didn't reach at all?

The worst thing one could ever do would be to carry a sword into a battle, and then purposefully not reach for it when an attack came.  You have a defensive weapon, so why would you not use it?  Is it that you are afraid to try?  Is it that you feel that when peole see the weapon, they will just give in?  Is it that you do not know how to remove it from the sheath?  Or are you so confident that the mere presence of it will protect you that you feel no need to make use of the tool provided to you?

There are many people who have a Bible and do not use it.  There are many, many people who have little information on how to use it, how to unsheath it, how to wield it with power, whether in defense or attack.  I know about all these people, because I was, for a LONG time, happily among them.  I have always been in church of some denomination, but fervent Bible study was never taught to me until I became an adult.  If we follow the analogy above, we would obviously have to infer that the person walking into the battle without even a hand on the sword will probably not return vertically.  And if we apply that truth to the current Spiritual warfare that we face, following the reference in the Word of the sword being the Word... doesn't look pretty, does it?

Take a moent today to examine (again) your capacity to use the sword.  Be honest with yourself abouit how well you use it, and about how much practice and preparation is needed before the next time you may need to use it.  And ask in prayer, sincerely, for the right person to help you learn how to wield it as God would have you wield it, in His will, for His purpose, at every time He calls you to do so.  (Never think that I mean to ask you to go off on your own without the will of God driving you... it is ALL for His purpose, and for no other purpose, ever.)  As you grow in ability to use the Word and wield the sword, you'll find out something very interesting... as you grow in your understanding, you will begin to understand that the Word wields you!  And as you allow this to flourish in your walk, you will be a light and encouragement to others, and you will honor the Lord in being so!

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The sword... Part 3...

"... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6:17b

So I said it would wait for another time, but I just have to get this out.  It is so important to make note of this, and yet so simple... as Jim Cymbala once said, "I believe that this (the simplicity of it all) is the danger." 

Do you know when a sword is never effective?  Do you know when it doesn't matter at all what kind it is or what it is made of?  Do you know when it will never help you?  I do.  It is ineffective and of no use, regardless of how it is forged or the material used to make it, if you don't have it with you.  I know that seems to be a simple leap, but please read it again in simpler terms.  Your sword serves no purpose when you leave it at home.

Picture yourself a visigoth, headed out for a glorious conquest, ready to change the whole world at once with your pagan values.  You storm the beach, not even needing your armor or shield, due to the lack of preparation on the part of those you have arrived to conquer.  Then, seemingly from nowhere, a squad of soldiers runs toward you.  You reach for the faithful sword on your belt... and it's not there.  Umm... I'm just saying here... you probably lose in that match.  And in those days, losing meant death in vicious forms.

Now, fast forward to today, right now, wherever you are sitting as you read this.  Where is your sword right now?  Mine is right in front of me.  Further, it is within me.  Our sword is not effective if we do not carry it, because no one will know it is there.  But if we do as the Word says, and hide it in our hearts, then we never have to fear leaving the sword behind.  We will be prepared at all times for battle, whether defending ourselves or others, or attacking the enemy head-on. 

Take a look around you today, and try to notice who carries their sword, whether literally or in their heart.  Who do you know that always looks to the sword (the Word) when trouble arises?  Who do you know that is always prepared to speak to the faith which is proclaimed by all Christians?  And do you count yourself among that group that is ready, willing and able?  You should... for it will honor the Lord when you do!

God bless you all!!!

The sword... Part 2...

"... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6:17b

I mentioned that the sword is the only offensive item in the armor listing, but I did run right past something in that description that needs further clarification.  While an offensive weapon, it is also a defensive one.  These concepts both work the same way, and I will illustrate.

Defensively, we would literally hold a sword to stop an oncoming attack.  This would manifest itself, generally, in the sword being at an opposing angle from the one coming toward us.  But in this context, we must understand that the sword (which is the Word) is to be used defensively by us when we are in need of clarity.  When the world says something is a certain way, we go to the Word and check the validity of the claim.  We read and research God's written will on this and all subjects, and therefore "cut through" to the truth of the matter from His perspective... because His is the only one that matters.  In study, we defend ourselves, just as we would with the shield of faith.

Offensively, to continue from the previous post, we use it the same way.  But we must make certain our attack is necessary and warranted, and we must do so according (again) to the written will of God, found in the Bible.  When we chase something to attack it with truth, we must be certain it is a just cause.  I say this because fighting to fight and fighting to win are not the same as fighting to be free... and the Truth is the only thing that sets us free for all eternity. 

But another important point about the sword... I will reserve for another time.  Today, take the time to focus on how you defend with your sword, as well as how you attack.  Be certain that your attacks are necessary, and that your defense is sound.  Pray for guidance in this area to be an example to all who see you, and you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The sword...

"... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Ephesians 6:17b

So now we arrive at the final portion of this study, and we begin to look into the only piece of armor that is used as an offensive weapon.  It is the only thing meant to be made into a successful tool for our purpose, while all the rest are simply items to protect us in that conquest.  But before we get too deep into it, I have to point out one thing for you that many may miss.

I am frequently asked why there is so much defensive application and only one offensive application.  The answer is simple: we need all the defense we can get, and once we learn how to wield this sword, it is all we will ever need!  Ponder on that for a moment...

I took my won advice and walked away to ponder myself... you cannot tell, because it has no time separation for you as you read the text, but it is interesting to think on the power of the sword we carry.  However, even though I had not previously thought on it, I find that I am drawn more to how we use it than anything else right now.

The sword is the Word, which for us is the Bible.  The image of hitting sin in the face with a Bible pops into my head, and is kinda comical, in a slapstick fashion.  But think about how people (you and I included) are prone to read what they wish to read, and speak on what they wish to share.  And think about how people (you and I included again) are given to misinterpretation without guidance, and then radical opinions and actions form and take shape.  Put simply, this sword, like any other, has the capability to do good... if the master of it (the believer holding it) uses it properly.  If, however, it is wielded solely for the gain of the one who carries it, it will be terrible and frightening and not the will of God, for sure. 

Today, before you do anything else with this passage or any other, be ready to know how to use the sword.  The proper use of it is in prayer, and we must pray.  We must seek God in all things FIRST (yes, that includes before we balance the checking account or before we start the search for a new car/house/boat/job/school/etc.) and know that He is a part of them.  He wants us to involve Him in all things in our lives... so do that today!  Pray for an added understanding of how to use the sword, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday's thought...

"Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!'  And He said to him, 'I assure you: Today you will be with Me in paradise.'"
Luke 23:42-43

So... we go into church today, and our pastor throws this message at us.  He tells us that we will be looking at the differences between forgiveness and consequences.  He points out that many Christians (he included himself, and I must do the same) like to believe that because we are forgiven, we should be freed of consequences.  Nice thought; not reality.

Another pastor friend of mine told me once that he always found this same concept to be interesting, seeing the motivation some people need to be saved.  They pray for their salvation in the hope that Jesus will keep them from going to jail to serve time for crimes committed.  Or they hope that somehow Jesus will show up and just impress upon them all the knowledge they should have been studying for the exam or task or job that is before them, so they won't fail from a lack of preparation.  No dice, kids... not gonna happen like that.

However, both of these men point out, as I know and I'm certain you do, too, that Jesus DOES save you from the ultimate penalty, that of course being hell and death and damnation and being lost for all eternity.  That He paid for, and He did so in magnificence and abundance!  But He did not say we would never suffer consequences... laws on earth exist for a reason, and the respective punitive arrangements for them have similar reasoning, as well.  But, even though you may pay for your crimes here on earth, you are freed from the grip of the enemy.  That's why the man hanging beside Christ got the answer stated above.

Moreover, we must look into what this means to us today, right now, in our own lives.  It is a great story, and to hear it is somewhat inspiring, for sure... but that guy still died from crucifixion, and I'm not sure I want to go out like that, you know?  He still died a gruesome death.  It is certainly comforting to know we'll meet that man one day and share with him in the glory of Heaven, but he did still die awfully. 

So I pose a rhetorical question to each and every one of you: what wrongs have you committed, and what consequences are facing you?  Are you saved in the eternal sense, and freed from the righteous judgments against those wrongs?  Are you expecting Jesus to manifest His glory to save you from something you have brought upon yourself?  Are you waiting for Him to take your earthly consequences away, just as He did your eternal ones? 

I will not compose answers to these questions, because I know I have been guilty of all of the above at times... but if you are really honest with yourself about it, I think you'll find a new level of prayerful obedience to Him!

God bless you all!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The helmet... a caveat to close...

"Take the helmet of salvation..."
Ephesians 6:17a

One thing was brought to my attention last night, by a dear friend of mine, and that is that we must remain faithful to the calling that is placed within our hearts, regardless of opposing forces.  And, oddly, the most constant oppositional force is not a person, per se, or anything that really could be seen or touched... it is fear.

Fear begins in the smallest form, as a lingering thought, and then gets taken to higher and higher ground as an ever-growing gargantuan monster, ripping to shreds the peace and hope that once existed over a single decision to do {insert whatever it is here} for the Lord.  And when you think about it from an honest and objective standpoint, that fear begins in the mind.  That's why it always starts as a "thought," you see... and then falls faster and faster, snowballing until it is unstoppable.

But we have a helmet that is literally around our minds, and that helmet is OF salvation, meaning that it represents the protection of salvation and is placed directly in contact with our head; where our mind resides.  And as I told my young friend last night, we must not allow those fears to stop us.  We must always seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all things will be added unto us.  And if we fight for a cause so powerful and just, would we not have the fervor that Don Quixote showed in his quest?  (Granted, he was crazy, but you get the point.)

Rest today in the confidence that you have protection from the fear that creeps into your mind.  Know that as long as you are seeking Him first, in all things, there is nothing that can stop you.  Believe that He will not only deliver for you, but that He will deliver in abundance and bring all the necessary confidence to overcome fears with power and blessing, and recognize that you can be an encouragement to others in this.  Move forward from your fears,wearing your helmet proudly, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The helmet... Part 2...

"Take the helmet of salvation..."
Ephesians 6:17a

Still speaking literally, what does a helmet do again?  It covers the head... or wraps it, if you will.  But can you wrap your mind around the idea of salvation?  Can you fully and completely grasp what it means to be freed from yourself? 

The only advice I can offer you in this regard is that in order to have any hope of understanding what it truly means to have salvation, in so complete a sense as only the Lord can offer it, you must willingly let go of your human ability to understand in an earthly sense. 

You see, as I once stated in a discipleship class while reading an intense work by AW Tozer, "Knowledge of the Holy," finite minds will always attempt but never attain understanding of infinite concepts.  We simply cannot handle it.  We are not able to grasp it.  And we can never, ever hope to actually, fully and completely understand it.  But the beauty if it all is that we don't have to!

You see, our minds can't wrap around the concept... and that is why the concept surrounds US as a helmet!  It is there for us, whether we can "get it" or not.  So accept it, with or without a full understanding (kind of sounds like faith, don't you think?), and honor the Lord as you move forward in confidence of the salvation that guards you!

God bless you all!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The helmet...

"Take the helmet of salvation..."
Ephesians 6:17a

I have been so looking forward to this particlar piece of this study.  It has been an arduous task to not simply leap ahead to this portion, because it is so vital that we grasp everything about this helmet and what it is meant to do.  In my opinion, this ranks as one of the most important pieces of the armor to have on at all times.

So let's be literal for a moment.  What does a helmet do?  It protects the head and the brain.  They are required for motorcycle riders in most states, preferred for bicycle riders everywhere, worn in combat situations, used in many major sporting events... you get the idea.  Helmets are important.  They are important, because without the brain, our body does not function.  And if we receive what doctors call "blunt force trauma" in a severe enough amount, we could have serious concerns for the rest of our lives!

Still being literal, with respect to protection of the brain, there is an internally placed helmet: the skull.  This set of bones (commonly thought to originate as a single piece) fuses together during early childhood, and is almost impenetrable.  It is designed to shelter and house the brain, encasing it and protecting it.  The design is genius... simply genius.

But this helmet today is not just any helmet.  It is the "helmet of salvation."  So I pose to you a question: where is the one place that attacks against the Christian are the most common?  If you answered "the mind," you are quite correct.  Our mind is where all things are dreamed up and all things begin to take shape.  We conceive an idea, then we ponder its capacity, then we think about it more and make it into a plan.  From there, we begin to enact certain steps to see that plan come into being.  But it always begins with a thought.

And now I pose to you another question: if the common place to assault us is in the mind, then what helps the most?  A helmet.  A spiritually enhanced helmet.  A helmet empowered with the very Truth of eternal, inescapable, unloseable salvation!  We are saved, and therefore freed from the enemy... so his attacks upon our minds are always failures.  It is when we decide to entertain the "random thoughts" that we (in reality) remove our helmet for a moment and slip backwards.  But it does not cost us our salvation, friends.  It costs us pride, and reminds us that we are human and that we NEED Jesus.

The mind needs protection, and there is no better protection than that of eternal salvation.  No matter what we think, as Christians we are saved.  That brings about the peace that passes all understanding, and gives us "peace of mind," as it were, from a heavenly place!

Take a moment today to ensure your helmet is secured about you.  Know that it is impenetrable; know that it is blessed; know that the helmet can be removed by you, exposing the head to attack... but the salvation associated with it can never be taken from you!  Keep it on as often as you are able, encourage others to do the same, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The shield... in closing...

"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him."
Proverbs 30:5

I skipped the Friday Proverb yesterday, so I guess this will serve both purposes... because this is the most poignant point of all for the shield.  And it will have some accountability built in here, just like my normal Friday posts from Proverbs.  So get ready.

QBQ - Do I take refuge in the Word of God in times of distress?

There are so many ways I can describe a shield, but there aren't too many ways I can explain how to use it properly.  I can tell you to strap it on your arm, if it has that capability.  I can tell you to carry it, which would be correct for most shields.  I can tell you ta make sure it protects you, which is hopefully the truth for all shields.  But one way I can definitely explain to you how to use this shield, this specific one from Ephesians, is to read it.  Yes... I said to read it.

The verse above tells us that God, Himself, is a shield.  We have Him through His Son, Jesus, and therefore we have that shield.  But it also says that His words (EVERY SINGLE ONE) are perfect.  Therefore, if He is a shield, then the Word is, as well.  And, to follow that thought, we must see that when we are under attack, we can dive right into the Word and envelop ourselves in Scripture for protection.  My family has a set of Bible Promise books that we keep around the house, and my Bible has a list of His promises in the back.  When I am in distress, this is where I turn first.

You can do the same!  You can open your Bible and find words from all books in the Bible to support that God is unstoppable, and His reign will come, and our belief in Christ has freed us from an eternity in hell.  You can look to Revelation 19:6 for that, specifically, as a matter of fact.  And when you are assaulted over and over, you can turn to James 1:2-4, knowing that endurance MUST last.  And when the evil in the world seems to be too much, you can turn to Romans 8:28, and take solace in the truth that no power can surmount His power.  These are only three small examples of how you can use God's Word as a shield... but I encourage you to search out that one verse that drives you to remain faithful and diligent, and then keep it with you at all times, in all situations.  For me that verse is Psalm 23:1, "The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing that I want."

Never forget that the enemy is terrified of a praying Christian.  And as a new friend of mine teaches to his groups of students, a praying Christian who prays the Scriptures back to God, claiming their promises and KNOWING they will come... that Christian causes the enemy to cower in terror like a child in a corner.  So grab your shield today, and whatever you are going through, find the appropriate verse and wrap yourself in it like a cocoon.  Pray it constantly, and never, ever underestimate the power of God to come through in, around, for and through you!  I promise, as you encourage others with this action, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!  

Friday, August 12, 2011

The shield... Part 2...

"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
Ephesians 6:16

Yesterday we covered the shield in pretty decent detail, as to what it looks like (if such a thing were possible) and how it works.  Today, however, I would like to take a moment and look at what it is we're shielding against.  Be advised, I will not pull punches in this.

"The flaming arrows of the evil one" is what the shield protects us against.  The Word tells us this, and explains that the enemy is on the attack at all times.  We know that he is watching for any reason, any weakness, any faulty step that gives him all he needs, which is a foothold.  And if we're going to be completely honest about it, we all know where our own weaknesses are, and we know how well or poorly we guard them. 

But it does not specify the size of the arrows.  Therefore, as the enemy is crafty, we must safely assume that he is capable of knowing that sometimes a larger arrow is needed, and sometimes a smaller one that might fit through a crack is more appropriate for his negative purposes.  Even those small ones, the simple and "random" thoughts that pop up when we least expect it... if we give utterance or attention to them, they can grow and spiral out of control very, very quickly.  And that downward spiral starts slowly, seemingly as nothing to be concerned with.  It is only when you realize that you are in a full-out freefall that you recognize the danger, as well as where and when it started.  And when this has happened to me, I have never felt more foolish; never more ridiculous; never more stupid.  To take such great forward strides, and then slide back further than I started seems like it would be an error in judgment.  Here's the truth: it is.  And the error began when the guard was let down, even for a moment, over one "random thought."

Further, this shield is capable of handling every attack, regardless of scope.  Note that it does not say that the shield will protect you from a few of the arrows, or some of the arrows, or all of the arrows EXCEPT those of a specific type... it says ALL of the arrows, period.  And if God says "all," how many does it cover?  Every single one, without fail.  The trick, though, is that we have to allow this to be the guard for us.  And as we get into the next piece of armor, I'll explain more about what that means.  But for now, please know that we have to accept the shield and then use it properly.  And then it will be capable, because He is more than able to do any and all things.

Now, before this gets to be too much like an inspirational speech that tells you nothing bad will ever happen, let me bring it back down to earth a bit.  Sometimes things are going to be allowed to happen.  Sometimes terrible things are going to be allowed to happen.  A phenomenal Pastor I met recently said, "God has no problem breaking your leg, if it puts you next to someone who needs a witness (paraphrasing, not an exact quote)."  He is correct.  Sometimes we need to have our pride broken, our hearts and minds hurt a little... and it is all for the glory of God, in the end.  The greatest way that people receive our witness is by seeing us IN trials and difficulties, and seeing how well we handle them.  So please know, the shield is there and it does work.  But sometimes, things are going to happen anyway so that God's Name and His glory can be spread.  And sometimes the places and people you reach would not be reachable by you unless this seemingly "bad" thing happened.  But, as I said before, the path you are on is the one you are supposed to be on.  And, even though you may never see resolution this side of Heaven, you must take comfort in the truth that you will get to Heaven to see the resolution!

Take time today to think about how the arrows assail you.  Realize that they range from wooden ones to metal ones (depending on the type of assault), and that they are lit on fire in the hope that they will penetrate the shield you carry (and to make them look more scary).  Know, aslo, that when things do go wrong or badly, your actions and reactions are being watched by everyone who knows you are a Christian... so pick your shield back up, face the problem with prayer and non-situational, unchangeable joy, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The shield...

"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
Ephesians 6:16

We have been going through the armor in great detail, and now we arrive at the largest piece (in a literal, physical sense).  It is the one thing that people always think of when going into combat.  It is the one dream we all have for protection.  It is something that all warriors throughout time have attempted to perfect: our shield.

Many people will think back to the days of knights, remembering long, full-body shields.  Others will think more to the times of the Trojans, with warriors who carried small and agile, yet solid shields, so that there movements would not be hindered.  But me... I think of starship shields.  Any of you who share my love of space-based TV have heard the call for "Shields up!"  And this, I believe, would be a more accurate description, given the fact that this shield is not of this world.  This shield comes from our faith, and it is empowered directly by the Spirit, and therefore is not merely a frontal covering.  It is all-encompassing!

There are two levels of it, though, and those must be explained briefly.  First, there is the ever-present navigational shield, which (in a spacial sense) would keep random debris from tearing through the ship as it moves about.  This shield is always on, and never, ever goes away.  If it did, the ship would be ripped to shreds by space dust and small fragments of rock.  The second type is defensive or battle shielding, which is called up during an attack or percieved danger.  This is far stronger, but not always on. 

The main reason I think of it this way, and people will identify with this statement and then forget it, is that the enemy recognizes those times when he cannot prevail from a frontal assault.  He knows, at those times, that the shield is firmly in place, and he sees his arrows failing.  It is in those times that a small, seemingly insignificant and supposedly random thought creeps in through our subconscious.  That thought then turns into an idea.  That idea aids in formulating a plan.  And all the while, the brain rationalizes it as "random" or "excuseable," because nothing has actually been done about it... yet.  (For some reason, the song "Slow Fade" comes to mind... hmm.)

However, if we think of the shield as it should be, then we know that our flanks and back are covered.  We know that the power of the Spirit envelopes us, and that those small arrows which are shot at us from behind will be guarded against, as well.  And please note, the enemy is without honor, and he will shoot you straight in the back when you are not paying attention.  This, above any other reason, is why you should take this shield with you at all times, without fail.  Remember that the enemy knows your weakest point... and so does the Lord!  If you give that over and carry the shield, your weakness will make His strength perfect!

Take a moment today to ponder over where we are in this study, and reflect upon your belt... your breastplate... your feet... and your shield.  Take the necessary time to really dig in and pray over each of these Spiritual Armaments.  And recognize that your shield must be on against the attack at all times, everywhere, in front of everyone.  Remember back tot he beginning of this section: it is not the people we fight, but the negative influences that overcome them.  Keep your shield up, pray for all you encounter, continually encourage others to do the same and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The feet... in closing...

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong."
Ecclesiastes 5:1

As we close this section of the armor, I have been led to this verse from the Old Testament.  Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite books, and I have done extensive study in it, but not until this morning did I see the relation to Ephesians, with respect to this specific passage and portion of Paul's epistle.

We have covered how we are to walk along the path that is laid before us, and we have discussed how we are to accept that path and move forward in faith.  We have talked about how important our feet are in getting us to the places where we can "walk" as living a witness and testament to the grace bestowed upon us.  But to close this segment, I feel it necessary to point out that when we approach the Throne, we should remember that we are walking into the presence of God, and act accordingly.

Granted, this is from the Old Testament, and we live in times of the New Testament, covered by grace and blessed to not have to worry with entry to a specific tent on only one day of the year.  However, just because we can directly approach the Throne does not give us permission to do so without reverance.  And if we walk fitted with the gospel of Christ, we will walk with guarded steps and approach in awe, ready to commune and pray and worship and give thanks and offer supplication with the proper heart attitude.  Further, if fitted properly, we would be ready to hear what God has to say, rather than always going in to speak.

Otherwise, as Solomon points out to us, we would go in only seeking favors and favor from the Lord, and not realize the burdens we must confess before we ask.  We would miss the greatest part of our communion with God, which is hearing Him speak to our hearts... and all because we were too haughty to recognize that just because we are not required to go through the purification and sacrifice rituals any longer does not give us license to walk in and demand things and then leave.  We MUST carry a sense of reverential awe about us as we approach the Lord God Most High, the Creator of all things, the One Who is insurmountable in every way, and no power was created that He did not allow.  Never forget that!

And, to bring about a modern-day example, how we walk generally describes our mood and intentions, to some degree.  Think about it for a second: the last time you stomped around somewhere, it probably wasn't because you were just thrilled to be there.  You were probably mad, and over-exaggerating your steps to show it.  And the last time you rushed through something, almost at a full sprint, it probably wasn't due to your intense focus and patience.  And, if we're being honest, I'd bet you missed a step or a turn and forgot some key part of something that day, too.  But when you approach in silence, with a healthy amount of reverential awe (fear of the Lord) and a heart willing to listen, you probably retain and gain much, much more!

Take time today to pray about your own approach.  Be certain to monitor your gait and how it is seen, both my others and by yourself.  Focus on controlling that speed and timbre, and be certain that your steps are guarded in all things you do.  Then take a moment to encourage someone you know... just one person today... to do the exact same thing, and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The feet... Part 3...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Now that we know what the fitting with the gospel means, we must look into how we apply this fitting upon our feet.  And the surest and most certain way I can explain it comes from this powerful and well known verse in Proverbs.  Because our own understanding is almost always irrelevant, as we cannot grasp the real big picture, we must learn to trust in God alone... and our path (which we "walk") will be straightened.

Most of my own problems come from when I decide to do something all on my own, with little or no concern for what the Lord may think of it.  I fail to pray about it enough; I fail to seek godly counsel and advice and wisdom from others; I fail to listen to my own heart.  I decide that I know what's best, and I acknowledge my own superior mental prowess and deductive reasoning skills.  Then I decide that the path I am walking cannot be the right one, because it is not the one that I chose.  And then I end up crawling back and begging forgiveness (at some point), because I have failed in making my own way.  My pride failed me, and now my pride hurts.  My brain failed me, and now I feel foolish.  If only I had trusted Him...

Yet when fitted with the readiness of the gospel, if we simply trust in Him and follow His will, our paths will be laid before us.  And as I wrote in the cover of a book I gave to my cousin, the path may not always look the way we expect or the way we want.  But those hopes and dreams are irrelevant.  We do all things as to the Lord, not for men, and certainly NOT for ourselves.  Therefore, the path we are on is the correct one.  To question it is blasphemy.  To argue it is blasphemy.  And for all those who would say, "a mistake must have been made," please know that this, too, is blasphemy.  Our understanding is not capable of grasping the reasons for all things... it is not even capable of grasping the reasons for a few simple things!  We're just not that good, and were not designed to be.

Give thanks today that you can be released from the need to understand.  You can simply follow Him and His will for you, and your path will be straightened.  But know that the straightening of it will never happen on your time frame.  It will happen in His time, and nothing in the universe will change that.  So rest in His presence, recognize that it is He who straightens your path (and not yourself), and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

The feet... Part 2...

"... and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace."
Ephesians 6:15

So we're fitted, and that's a great thing!  We now have the readiness about us, and we are prepared to witness wherever we go.  It is quite the exciting prospect to be ready and willing and able to jump and run, and share and spread.  But we should look into what this readiness really is, don't you think?

This readiness, according to the passage, comes from the "gospel of peace."  This reference, of course, is to the Truth that Jesus saves us.  Once we have this salvation, we are commanded to share it with others we encounter.  But let's go a tad deeper into it, to see what it actually covers for us.  Let's look simply at how this peace makes us ready to witness.  Let's look at how this peace guards our feet and our path.

To have Christ, therefore having salvation and grace, means that we are holy.  We have been made so by the Father, Son and Spirit, at the moment we accepted the Christian walk.  Therefore, our feet are readied with peace and have no concerns for whether or not they will make the journey before us.  I know this, because if you have the Gospel and Christ, nothing can stop you... it can only slow you down a little.  But most folks would worry over whether their feet would hold up for the journey, and whether they would be capable of going into such and such a place or this area or that.  I tell you truly, with Christ in your heart and your feet fitted with the peace He brings, you have no such concerns.

That said, and acknowledging that we are capable and ready to walk into any given situation, thanks to the grace that Christ extends to us and the peace we have about our purpose and mission there, we must that it does make us ready to witness to others.  I'll say that again: the peace Jesus gives us does make us ready to witness.  And we can know this is "gospel truth" due to the fact that where we are brought is where we are supposed to be.  I am supposed to be living where I am, just as you are, and I am supposed to have the circle of people I have, just as you do.  There is nothing shocking about this to God, as He knows everything.  Therefore, no mistake was made, and we should be free to witness! 

Further, since He has blessed us in this specific regard, we must recognize that we bless (through His blessing on us) the path that we walk.  He knows where we will go, also, and that means that there is an even greater blessing upon that path... even in the trials... ESPECIALLY in the trials!  But we have blessed feet to carry us, in some form, and a blessed path to walk, and therefore we have the freedom to witness openly and without reservation to all we encounter!  Sharing the Name and the Way should be our only concern, no matter where our feet carry us.

Lasty, having that peace that only He brings means that when we are called, we will be ready to go.  We will not hesitate.  We will not squabble and argue.  We will throw up our hands and say, "Here I am; Lord send me!"  Most people reading this, like me, have earthly constraints that keep them from being able to just jump and run, but we need to come to the understanding that God is not of this earth, and He doesn't operate under the pretense of the stock market or the real estate projections or the futures predictions or any other such thing.  He is over ALL things, and He can make a way... don't doubt it.

Take time to pray today, specifically, over where your feet have brought you.  Don't focus too much on where they brought you in the past, but think more about where they have brought you right now.  This moment, this one right here and now, is the only one you can be certain of having.  (Trust me, in my profession, I am certain of this fact.)  Give thanks today for where you are, accept that you are where you are supposed to be and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday's thought...

"For the grace of God has appeared, with salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age..."
Titus 2:11-12

You know, folks, I was thinking all kinds of lofty thoughts about this verse... all kinds of points and truths and facts and examples of how to be and how not to be.  I had a message built and a plan for what to say.  But then I read the verse again as I typed it out.  It humbled me.

All He asks is that we believe Him, believe in Him (those are not the same thing, by the way... think about it) and that we live as He showed us to live in His Son, Jesus.  But He asks this AFTER He has granted us salvation and freedom that can never be taken away.  Never, ever. 

Say an intense prayer of thanks tonight.  Remember Who it is you're talking to.  And as you say thanks for what you have been blessed with, recognize that you DO NOT deserve what you received.  You, like me, deserve hell and death and damnation and condemnation for all eternity, without a chance for reprieve.  But that it not what we have been given... we have been given exactly what we do not deserve, and that comes only from the grace and mercy of God.

Grace = God giving us what we do not deserve
Mercy = God not giving us what we do deserve

God bless you all!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The feet...

"... and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace."
Ephesians 6:15

The chorus begins to play in my head, even as I type, "These boots were made for walkin..." Well, these feet were made for witnessing with readiness.  And, surprise, yours were, too!

So what does it mean, exactly, to have your feet readied by the Gospel itself?  You know, regardless of generation or modern acoutrement, our feet are what literally take us upon our path.  Whether walking, cycling, or driving, there is no way to get anywhere without your feet.  And they do carry you upon the path you decide to walk/ride/drive.  Therefore, would it be conceivable that if you desired and prayed to walk a path of righteousness, then fitted your feet as instructed above, you might have a better chance of success?

Conversely, what would happen if you simply started walking, with no plan and no fitting?  I'll tell you... your feet would hurt and bleed, and you would certainly give in to the first place you could find that allowed respite, regardless of what that place was or its values or any other major consideration.  You would be easily taken over by the first offer of assistance, no matter who offerred or what the price.  You would be in turmoil, have no peace, and you would certainly not be able to stand on your own... not for long, anyway.

And recognize that fitting your feet with readiness of the Gospel means that you are ready to be a walking witness.  That means your path has to be directed by the Lord, and not by the ridiculous whims of man.  Our ever-growing sense of our own ability to become more and more enlightened and lofty, thereby convincing us that we have to put truth of our own into the Word (which is STARK BLASPHEMY, by the way) keeps us from being an effective witness.  His truth is already written down... it is perfect... and when we try to expand it to make it fit our own needs, we distort it.  But if we are fitted with the readiness that comes from Him, we can be effective for Him, as we should be.

Take time today to pray over your shoes and your feet.  I know that sounds silly, but think about it: Jesus didn't wash the hands of the disciples, did He?  No.  He washed their feet, and we need to make certain ours are clean and ready to move forward into the world, as well.  Wash your feet, pray over your walk and your path, share these truths as encouragement and honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

The breastplate... Part 3... a minor caveat...

" ... with the breastplate of righteousness in place..."
Ephesians 6:14b

I feel it necessary, given our brief mention of the weight of the breastplate, to point out one thing more.  It is necessary to realize that the weight of the breastplate is not possible to carry by human standards.  And, therefore, some people may feel that by becoming a Christian, learning about this concept, a weight would be pressed down upon them and keep them pinned down.

This is wrong.  The armor is a blessing, and as such, it is allowed for us and placed upon us by the Hand of God.  It is He who carries the weight of it all, because we are not capable.  It is in this truth (which is a truth, make no mistake) that we realize that this armor does not weigh us down... but because it is deflecting the mess from the world, it actually frees us from the weight of it all.  This incredibly heavy armor is actually lightening us, by the grace of God!

This will be true of the armor, both individually and collectively, as we move on.  I will probably refer back to this post frequently, but please try to understand and remember, if you gain nothing else from this study, that the armor does NOT slow us down.  It allows us greater speed and strength, as we are protected from the enemy and con just do the right thing the first time.

But never forget that you must continue to pray.  You must, you must, you must continue, always and everywhere, to pray.  And, I promise, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The breastplate... Part 3...

" ... with the breastplate of righteousness in place..."
Ephesians 6:14b

After reading through the post from last night, I was faced with an overpowering feeling that we must discuss the magnificent weight of this piece of armor.  Given its placement on the body, it would be evenly distributed and easily carried, if it were a human-designed element.  But this is of God.

To carry the power necessary to block attacks against the heart from the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms, it would almost need to be several tons of metal and rock and everything else we know of to be "impenetrable."  And even though a historical plate would have simple straps to mount it, this heavenly one would have to be almost entirely encompassing as a single piece, from a single material.  It would be insanely heavy, frighteningly large and excessively bulky... and there is no way possible that any person could carry it, no matter how strong.  To remind you alll of something very true, we simply are incapable of handling it on our own.

Thankfully, once we put this armor on, it is God through the Spirit that allows us to have the plate on our chest.  And because it is not of this world, not of our own laws of physics, our very finite minds cannot grasp how it infinitely protects us.  Yet, due to our free will, we are capable of removing it when we choose to.  This happens, as mentioned in the beginning of this segment, due to arrogance and complacency.  We fall back on our human understanding of grace and decide that we are blessed enough to not need to fight and remain vigilant... and, as a new friend of mine says, we then sit back on our blessed butts and let the world become whatever it will.  But we should be in the fight, which is the spiritual warfare that is all around us, at all times.

Pray today a prayer of thanks for the Spirit which lifts and holds your breastplate for you.  Thank God for the ability to participate on the field of battle in this spiritual war... and for the blessing of being on the winning side of it, through Christ!  Knowing the battle is already won does not give us an excuse not to participate, blessed friends.  It is through our actions which prove our words and our faith that we are the greatest witness... so get up off your blessed butt and make your stand.  I promise, you will honor the Lord in doing so!

God bless you all!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The breastplate... Part 2...

"... with the breastplate of righteousness in place..."
Ephesians 6:14b
We need to dig a little deeper into the breastplate tonight, and we need to look at it for its placement with greater scrutiny.  The placement on the chest, as discussed last night, does allow for coverage of the heart.  And the heart is where we "see" with eyes of faith and Truth, as well as where we hide the Word.
I also made mention yesterday that we never really know where an attack will be aimed.  However, I can be certain of a few things in life, and one of them is that if I were to try and take someone or something down, I would certainly go for the place that I knew would have the greatest impact... and for the Christian, that place is the heart.  In our hearts, if we were to be attacked successfully, so many things would come crashing down.  So it is safe to assume that the enemy would have a similar plan then.
Given the fair assumption above, if we also look at the placement of the plate the same way we looked at the placement of the belt, we have to understand that it is not a slingback-able, easily carried piece of attire.  It is needed exactly where it is supposed to be, and it should be firmly secured, not loose, not easily removed... not ever removed in our case.  I will point out here that it is no coincidence that God chose to have Paul describe these pieces of armor in the way he described them: ponder on that.  Our hearts need the righteousness of God to cover them.  Our hearts need that armor that is blessed by that righteousness, as well.
Take a moment to pray tonight for your heart and its covering.  Recognize the VAST importance of this particular piece of armor, and openly admit to yourself that you need it on.  Admit it to yourself out loud, and do not be afraid to confess to yourself openly that you are in need of the armor at every moment of ever day, just as the Israelites in the days of Nehemiah were in need of theirs at all times.  And make no mistake, God is aware of anything you can confess out loud.  But the act of confessing it will not only raise your own awareness, but it will demonstrate your faith, and you will honor the Lord in doing so!
God bless you all!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The breastplate...

"... with the breastplate of righteousness in place..."
Ephesians 6:14b

We have discussed the belt at some length.  Now we move into the breastplate, the chest piece, which guards our hearts.  The Word says that this piece of armor must be "in place," and I believe you will agree that this, like the belt, is quite important.

But it's not just any piece of armor, is it?  This is the breastplate of "righteousness," after all.  This piece is what keeps us safe from frontal assault.  And it is, from a literal definition, such armor that is free from sin.  Armor that is free from sin, hmm??? 

We discussed in the need to put it on that we never know where an attack will come from or which part it will aim for.  Given these two truisms about spiritual warfare, we must conclude that if we apply the definition of the breastplate above, we would have an impregnable piece of armor, without flaw, to guard the heart.  And since the heart is the one place in which we hide the Word, and the heart is from whence we should endeavor to see, such a classification on a piece of vital armor would excite me in a BIG way!

And we have it at our disposal... but we still have to make the choice to put it on and use it.  Otherwise, we leave ourselves open, basking in arroagnce and pride, complacent with our walk and our life on earth to be the best we will ever have. 

Take time tonight to think about how well your heart is guarded.  We'll get more specific on it tomorrow, so be prepared to do it again (hint).  Hide a new Word in your heart tonight before bed, remember to pray before sleeping, and honor the Lord in all that you do!

God bless you all!!!

Conference - Night Three

"You Yourself have recorded my wanderings.  Put my tears in Your bottle.  Are they not in Your records?"
Psalm 56:8

We were blessed on the final evening of the 4th Annual Conference by the Senior Pastor from Central Baptist Church in Bryan... or College Station, depending on what part of the building you're in.  And this pastor had a message for us all tonight.  A message that I wish I could have recorded to just play for you here.

Pastor Chris Osborne spoke to us tonight about the theme of David's discipleship.  His following of God is what allowed for the deepest truths to come to the surface.  David, the "man after God's own heart," was simply an amazing example of early discipleship.  In the field, as the sheep were present, if a predator came, David protected the flock.  When Goliath came, David slew him with a single stone.  David was a natural protector, and he was good at it.

But in this Psalm, David is fighting a war between faith and fear, and the truth doesn't come out until the 8th verse, cited above.  And David has a deep knowledge of how he loves God... but it si the deeper still knowledge that David has of how God loves David that brought forth the reduction and elimination of fear in this Psalm.  After all, if God were to keep your tears and hurts on record and in a bottle, knowing that you would be rewarded for each of them in God's time, would you be frightened of anything ever again that man can do to you?

But the key thing that Pastor Osborne brought up was how we get that deeper still knowledge... it comes through PRAYER!  (I bet that was just as much a shock to you as it was to me, right?)  But it is not the time we spend in any of the stations of adoration, confession, thanksgiving or supplication.  It is the time we spend aside from those moments, the time we spend listening for God.  And when those moments come that we are still enough, quiet enough and focused enough to fully let go enough, we can then finally have the opportunity to hear God in our prayer time.  But we actually have to shut up and listen... that's the tough part.

Pray tonight, blessed friend.  Pray hard and then pray harder.  And focus on how your prayer life should be and how it needs to grow.  And then, after your prayer is done tonight, plan on it tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day... and forever from then on.

God bless you all!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Conference - Night Two

"God's grace is what makes disciples... nothing else!"
Kieran Banks

From Hartlepool England came the resounding wisdom of a man touched and annointed by God this evening.  His name is Kieran Banks, and his grasp of the Gospel of Luke is amazing.  He brought forth a message about discipleship from the pen of Luke that was humbling and encouraging, all at once.

He pointed out to us all that disciples are not just "born that way."  It is a conscious decision to radically alter your life to follow Christ.  It is also true that disciples are called specifically to obedience: total and complete abandonment of all things in order to be fully compliant to the will of God and Christ.  Banks passionately pointed out that the challenge to follow Christ is not to decorate our studies with books and awards, but rather to decorate our lives with Him!  Such powerful and simple truths!  Kieran went on to tell us that disciples are called to model Christ, especially in that they are to be in and of prayer, at all times.  Prayer is what they are to be about, always.

And then he brought out the big guns... he pointed out that we, as disciples, are to bear PUBLIC WITNESS to the Name of Christ.  It is not something that you are built up to over time, but somethign you are called to do from the moment you put on salvation and the Blood of the Lamb.  You must go where you're needed; you must preach God's word; you must be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

"The life of the disciple is the outflow of the heart that has been filled with God's grace."  That is a powerful and profound truth.

And then there were two...

Dr. Mark Estep, Senior Pastor at Spring Baptist (and a personal mentor of mine), got up and took the podium.  And he asked a powerful question: how did the church, the Christian church, kill God in our lives?  And he answered it...

Some are busy attempting to shape Christ into our image of Him, rather than allowing Him to shape us into what He intends for us to be.  He stated, "the Bible doesn't teach us to elevate ourselves, but rather to abandon ourselves completely to God."  His wisdom on this is pointed and powerful.  We cannot continue in the hopes of "Living Our best Life Now" or "fixing Ourselves Completely In ___ Steps."  We must, rather, count ourselves as blessed to suffer for the cause of Christ, as the Word teaches.

Second, there are some who are attempting to be secret or invisible followers of Christ, not willing to stand up and point out that they are Christians.  They get nervous and scared and intimidated.  This is folly, as we are strengthened by Christ. 

Third, some are denying Christ by not confessing Him as Savior.  Please note, friends, that this will only have one point: anything less than daily witness in the Name of Christ is not discipleship.  Ever.

Last, some are not living a life worthy of Christ.  They fail to honor Jesus first.  They don't see the need to take up their own cross.  They fail to give themselves away to God completely. 

The worst part of all of this, though, is that while I use the monicker "some" in the points above, it is true of all of us at times.  We all have the moment when our own insecurities take over and shame us into a corner.  It is a truth that we must reconcile and become aware of, otherwise we will never overcome it.

These men both brought forth the Gospel truth tonight.  One from Luke, one from Matthew, but both from God.  Blessed truths and bold statements came out from the pulpit tonight, and it was powerful to watch as God used these men to spread forward His message.  It was, in short... AWESOME!

God bless you all!!!